@naruball I was thinking the same. That's about 15% of game time picking a character. I haven't played it but I would be a default character all day long. Character creation is just frustrating for me so I avoid it as much as I can in games other than picking a bright hair colour. Takes the edge of in serious scenes.
The expansion of Fortnite this week is impressive. Skins will never be impressive to me if they don't actually grant any perks. I don't care too much what I look like in real life (as long as me and my clothes are clean) so care even less in games.
@NinjaNicky Hopefully this game taught everyone a lesson to not pre-order games and maybe wait for a good few patches and hopefully a discount by the time you buy games to make sure they are a more complete package.
@MrMagic I don't think anyone said it was useless but not necessary for most people. I'm not interested as I prefer a big TV. Barely play my Switch handheld and will be getting a dock for my Steamdeck so I can play it more. What's the point in having a super powerful console and then playing it on a screen half the size of my dad's old TV I used to play F-Zero on? That's just me though.
Started Ghost of Tsushima this week so continuing with that. Almost at the end of Act 2. Took me a while to get into it but loving it now. Taking my time with it and doing a lot of the side quests.
@bindiana The name of that game is so great it is too much for us to handle in the UK apparently. It definitely gets my vote as one of the greatest game names.
Xbox owners waiting out on it hitting Gamepass. 8% on PS4 surely means this is the last entry on the system especially if it is 2 years until the next one.
It is quite interesting that the past few weeks the Series X has sold 2500 in Japan. It was barely over 500 the weeks before. If Xbox was at its normal levels the PS5 would have still been on top with this week's numbers.
@get2sammyb Remind us when they shut the servers down as I will forget in 20 years. Hopefully it won't be a problem as long as the PS8 is backwards compatible.
Surely this is only a concern if you try and add one after the servers have closed which would likely only occur at that point if the drive failed which would be no worse than if the drive failed on the current model. By that point I am sure some enterprising soul or souls will have worked out how to get around it.
Sounds like a fairly solid collection. I'll pick this up at some point. Still only ever played the original with special missions and the special missions of the sequel. I have the collection on PS3 but this seems the most convenient way to play in 2023.
That's one way to push people to digital but if I take my tin foil hat off it is probably just a production issue. Disappointing for those that bought it physical and can't play as at this point it is just a very expensive coaster. Hopefully those affected will get sorted in one way shape or form but it's a shame they couldn't play on release after coughing up the cash.
Super Mario Wonder as it was just over half the price of Spiderman 2 and I know it will end up on PS plus eventually. Getting old means budgetary constraints.
They'd have to pay me to wear them if they want me to advertise the game. I'd rather spend that money on the game plus other games and some reasonably priced non-garish footwear.
@Nekomichu I really enjoyed it after a bit of a slow start. Playing it through again to see some of the other outcomes before it departs in a couple of weeks. Never played any of their games before so will be giving Until Dawn or Man of Medan a spin next.
@get2sammyb Probably because it was in Japan where the charts are 99% Switch due to the 30 million plus of them in the wild versus sub 5 million PS5s. Everyone knows the PS5 graphics are better but as long as the gameplay is the same it doesn't really bother me and I assume many others as well.
A little harsh on the Switch. I don't think I will be getting this though. The original was OK but got old quickly no matter how shiny the cars looked.
@dustinprewitt You can be interested in games on consoles you don't own. At some point in the next couple of years the PS4 will be abandoned completely bar the odd indie title. Luckily there are so many quality titles on the PS4 it would take you a lifetime to finish them all. As long as your console lasts long enough of course.
Comments 920
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Player Stats Show Crazy Completion Rate, Most Popular Romance, Class, and More
@naruball I was thinking the same. That's about 15% of game time picking a character. I haven't played it but I would be a default character all day long. Character creation is just frustrating for me so I avoid it as much as I can in games other than picking a bright hair colour. Takes the edge of in serious scenes.
Re: Amazingly, 1,200 Skins Will Get Free LEGO Makeovers in Fortnite
@TheMightyImp2 The kids have moved on. Fortnite skins are the 21st century equivalent of Nike trainers.
Re: Amazingly, 1,200 Skins Will Get Free LEGO Makeovers in Fortnite
The expansion of Fortnite this week is impressive. Skins will never be impressive to me if they don't actually grant any perks. I don't care too much what I look like in real life (as long as me and my clothes are clean) so care even less in games.
Re: GTA 6 Leaks Allegedly Go Viral on Social Media Days Prior to Full Reveal
I'll wait a couple more days for the official reveal.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Adds Metro System, On-Person Radio, Car Races, and Much More
@NinjaNicky Hopefully this game taught everyone a lesson to not pre-order games and maybe wait for a good few patches and hopefully a discount by the time you buy games to make sure they are a more complete package.
Re: US Children Want Subscriptions and Currencies for Christmas, Not Games
We are evolving. Rather than socks for Christmas they are getting virtual socks.
Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards
Nintendo needs to get into the horsepower race before Xbox kicks the bucket.
Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain
@MrMagic I don't think anyone said it was useless but not necessary for most people. I'm not interested as I prefer a big TV. Barely play my Switch handheld and will be getting a dock for my Steamdeck so I can play it more.
What's the point in having a super powerful console and then playing it on a screen half the size of my dad's old TV I used to play F-Zero on?
That's just me though.
Re: 'Development Is Progressing' on Ubisoft's Troubled Prince of Persia Remake
A re-release of the PS3 collection with a nice coat of paint would be good enough for me to dive in again.
Re: Does Busting Make You Feel Good? Playful PSVR2 Post Goes Mega Viral
That image certainly doesn't.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 503
Started Ghost of Tsushima this week so continuing with that. Almost at the end of Act 2. Took me a while to get into it but loving it now. Taking my time with it and doing a lot of the side quests.
Re: 14 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Coming Next Week
@bindiana The name of that game is so great it is too much for us to handle in the UK apparently.
It definitely gets my vote as one of the greatest game names.
Re: Like All Modern Games, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Has a PS5 Season Pass
I'll wait for the sale on the ultimate edition when it is complete.
Re: A Whopping 80% of Modern Warfare 3's Physical UK Sales Were on PS5, PS4
Xbox owners waiting out on it hitting Gamepass. 8% on PS4 surely means this is the last entry on the system especially if it is 2 years until the next one.
Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share
1% Atari? Or maybe Evercade?
Re: Stop the Presses: Xbox Actually Outsold PlayStation in Japan Last Week, But There's a Big Catch
It is quite interesting that the past few weeks the Series X has sold 2500 in Japan. It was barely over 500 the weeks before. If Xbox was at its normal levels the PS5 would have still been on top with this week's numbers.
Re: Physical Games Represented Just 4% of Sales for PlayStation Last Quarter
They won't be planning on making many of those disc drive separates for the new PS5 model then.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Alan Wake 2?
@Loamy The only game they would give 10/10 for is the one where you browse the internet giving the lowest possible score in polls.
Re: Are There More Silent Hill Remakes Coming to PS5?
A remake of the original would be appreciated. I preferred that to the sequel as I enjoyed 2 but the bit with the boat really annoyed me at the time.
Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Really Is Just DLC, Says Its Trophy List
Do many people have room for a load of CODs to be installed at once? Wouldn't all those games listed swallow up the whole of a base PS5 SSD?
Re: The First Photos of the PS5 Slim Are Circulating Online
Not as small as I pictured in my head compared to the original. Looks about an inch shorter in width and depth and a touch thinner.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Spider-Man and Mario Trade Places in Battle for Top Spot
I am guessing Spiderman made more money though.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Marvel's Spider-Man 2?
I assume the 1s are from.people playing the Xbox version of the game.
Re: Delayed for an Impressive Sixth Time, Skull and Bones Now Expected in Early 2024
If you drew a line representing this game and when it will release you will get an asymptote never reaching the release date axis.
Re: You'll Need an Internet Connection to Pair PS5 Slim's Optional Blu-ray Drive
@get2sammyb Remind us when they shut the servers down as I will forget in 20 years. Hopefully it won't be a problem as long as the PS8 is backwards compatible.
Re: You'll Need an Internet Connection to Pair PS5 Slim's Optional Blu-ray Drive
Surely this is only a concern if you try and add one after the servers have closed which would likely only occur at that point if the drive failed which would be no worse than if the drive failed on the current model.
By that point I am sure some enterprising soul or souls will have worked out how to get around it.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Comes Out Swinging for Number One Debut
Spiderman wins the sprint but Mario will win the long distance event. Mario will sell better once Santa starts filling his sack.
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection (PS5) - Three Classics in One Messy Bundle
Sounds like a fairly solid collection.
I'll pick this up at some point. Still only ever played the original with special missions and the special missions of the sequel. I have the collection on PS3 but this seems the most convenient way to play in 2023.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Release Marred By Physical Installation Issues
That's one way to push people to digital but if I take my tin foil hat off it is probably just a production issue. Disappointing for those that bought it physical and can't play as at this point it is just a very expensive coaster. Hopefully those affected will get sorted in one way shape or form but it's a shame they couldn't play on release after coughing up the cash.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Director: This Game Is Worth the Money
A director of a game saying don't buy this full price and wait for a discount would be more newsworthy.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 499
Super Mario Wonder as it was just over half the price of Spiderman 2 and I know it will end up on PS plus eventually. Getting old means budgetary constraints.
Re: PS Plus Subscribers Can Get $30/£30 Off Two PS5 Products from Sony's Official Store
@MrHabushi That's disappointing as the slim probably means the black ones will never be back in stock.
Re: Like a Dragon: Gaiden Won't Have an English Dub on PS5, PS4 At Launch
No dub or physical release is going to hit the early sales on this one.
Re: PS5, PS4 Players Will 'Remain Welcome' As Xbox Closes $69 Billion Activision Blizzard Buyout
Can't wait for Candy Crush exclusively on Xbox.
Re: Ubisoft Shooter XDefiant Delayed Once Again to Address 'Inconsistencies'
A lot of work for a game that will be offline within a year of coming out.
Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Remaster Seems to Be Real
If Naughty Dog are just doing remakes now then how about the Jak and Daxter trilogy? That would be more worthwhile than this.
Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer's Microtransactions Man Has Left Naughty Dog
The person in charge of microtransactions is basically the modern day bully who steals lunch money from kids.
Re: Assassin's Creed: Mirage PS5, PS4 Global Unlock Times Revealed
Seems a long winded way of saying Oct 5, 12am (your local time).
Re: Sony Partners with Adidas for an Awesome Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Collection
They'd have to pay me to wear them if they want me to advertise the game. I'd rather spend that money on the game plus other games and some reasonably priced non-garish footwear.
Re: Your PS Plus Essential Monthly Games for October 2023 Are Available Now
@djlard @MagisterMagi It was the same for me but if you change edition you can see the PS Plus version.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 496
@Nekomichu I really enjoyed it after a bit of a slow start. Playing it through again to see some of the other outcomes before it departs in a couple of weeks. Never played any of their games before so will be giving Until Dawn or Man of Medan a spin next.
Re: Preview: Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Really Does Feel Like a Turbocharged Sequel
@get2sammyb Probably because it was in Japan where the charts are 99% Switch due to the 30 million plus of them in the wild versus sub 5 million PS5s. Everyone knows the PS5 graphics are better but as long as the gameplay is the same it doesn't really bother me and I assume many others as well.
Re: Preview: Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Really Does Feel Like a Turbocharged Sequel
A little harsh on the Switch. I don't think I will be getting this though. The original was OK but got old quickly no matter how shiny the cars looked.
Re: Random: Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 Fixes the Game's Most Infamously Bad Moment
The original has a certain charm that the new one doesn't.
Re: PlayStation's 2024 Release Schedule Is Already a Joke
It's not a very funny joke. I am sure a lot of people are crying for their impending empty wallets and destruction of their social life.
Re: Secret PS5 Firmware Update Feature Spotlights Your Wall of Shame
@WizzNL Wow. Nearly 2 real-time years playing FFXIV. If you work a 35 hour week it would take you 9 years to work that long.
Re: Unity Closes Multiple Offices, Cancels Town Hall Following Death Threat
@Dalejrfanfreak Is that you Keith Vaz?
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Incredible PS5 Gameplay Trailer Gives 29th February Release Date
@dustinprewitt You can be interested in games on consoles you don't own.
At some point in the next couple of years the PS4 will be abandoned completely bar the odd indie title. Luckily there are so many quality titles on the PS4 it would take you a lifetime to finish them all. As long as your console lasts long enough of course.
Re: Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader Embarks on PS5 Journey from 7th December
Matt Alwright will be on the case with this game.
Apologies to anyone outside of the UK who doesn't get this tenuous reference.
Re: Roblox Finally Comes to PS5, PS4 This October
Sony couldn't resist those Robux dollars any more.