Comments 920

Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain


@MrMagic I don't think anyone said it was useless but not necessary for most people. I'm not interested as I prefer a big TV. Barely play my Switch handheld and will be getting a dock for my Steamdeck so I can play it more.
What's the point in having a super powerful console and then playing it on a screen half the size of my dad's old TV I used to play F-Zero on?
That's just me though.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Release Marred By Physical Installation Issues


That's one way to push people to digital but if I take my tin foil hat off it is probably just a production issue. Disappointing for those that bought it physical and can't play as at this point it is just a very expensive coaster. Hopefully those affected will get sorted in one way shape or form but it's a shame they couldn't play on release after coughing up the cash.