Comments 2,773

Re: The Last of Us' Cancelled PS5 Multiplayer Was 'More Fun' Than Any Other Online Game


@ItsBritneyB_tch Once? TLOU:P2 came out 3 1/2 years ago.
Most AAA games come take 5-6 years to come out. Your comment reads like they haven’t put out a new game in a decade & just been remastering/remaking.

I love Insomniac & they’re output is insane, but they’re really still just a step behind ND (or a half step). Spider-Man 2 just about cracked 90mc & their first game to ever do that.

Re: Sea of Stars Replaces 'The Completionist' NPC Following Fraud Allegations


@Marquez I only listen to them maybe once a month if something interesting happened. Did they address it at all?
I tuned in a couple of weeks after the allegations happened & there was no mention. Makes sense as they’re genuine friends.

@NotSoCryptic While all the money has been accounted for, it has just been sitting there for years & years (I think 10?), while he has been continuously drumming up donations.
So hasn’t technically broken the law, but something shady definitely went down.
Just based on interest accrued & inflation the 600k from then is not the same today.

Speculation Over the years he’s had some very expensive projects which helped grow his YouTube personality & ‘fandom’. I’ve wondered before where the money comes from especially before he blew up & grew his patreon & channel. I would not be surprised if the charity money helped ‘float’ him over & once he ‘made it’ returned that money. Again pure speculation, but that’s the cynic in me.

Re: PlayStation Wrap-Up 2023 Available Now, Check Out Your Gaming Stats


1483 hours played across 33 games.
Top games:
efootball24- 404hours
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist- 139hours
Dragon Quest XI S- 128hours
Skyrim- 126hours
AC Odyssey- 114hours

Playing style: The GOAT😂.
8 platinums earned- personal best despite playing the least number of games in probably a decade.

Also I’m sure the playtime tracking is off. I started efootball in February & have players with over 600appearances (Valverde & Tchouameni). Average game-time is 10mins which would put it at well over 1000hours (which seems about right lol).

Re: E3 Is Officially Dead


Never made sense for all theses games battling it out for attention in the space of a few days & fuelling the fanboy wars.

They should consider scaling it back to what it was. Invite indies & AA studios to promote their games/concept to big publishers & investors. Could even invite some journalists to spotlight some of these games.
Just don’t call it E3 & keep fans out of it. That way the ESA could actually ‘serve’ the industry.

Re: Could Marvel's Blade Come to PS5? Bethesda Declines to Comment


The games is probably late 2027? That’s a whole lot of time from now & the gaming landscape could be very different.

Sony might have allowed for a version game pass by then, MS could be on the verge of dropping out of the hardware space or going 3rd party- especially if the sales continue to fall or Marvel could’ve mandated a multiplat release like MLB did.
A lot of ‘could’- so who knows?

I’m just going to assume it’s exclusive.

Re: The Game Awards Is Getting Ripped for Urging Award Winners to Wrap It Up


I didn’t watch it, but was there any mention of the Israel/Palestine conflict?
There was an open letter sent out by the Future Class members demanding acknowledgment.

Lose-lose situation.

What can he do though? No one tunes in for the awards & the ads make the show happen. Also can’t have the show running for too long either.
Maybe the publishers/voting committee could fund part of the show to allow for less ads & more time for speeches.

The best wrap up will always be Mr T at the WWE HOF. He spent 30mins+ thanking his mother at which point the WWE just hit Kane’s music & got him to wrap it up😂.

Re: Media Molecule Confirms Report of Layoffs, Has Begun Consultation Process


@Octane oh hey 👋! Mm was hiring from the community- think there was an article about it here. So some of the people were specifically hired, because of their expertise in dreams.
I’m sure budget cuts was part of it, but I reckon a good chunk of people were let go due to the elimination of their job role.

@Art_Vandelay Absolutely. Love VR. I wouldn’t want a larger experience in that anyways. Resi7 for 10 hours or so was a perfect experience. Skyrim I switched back to flatscreen after a while😅.

Re: Media Molecule Reportedly the Latest Studio Hit with Layoffs


@Optimus Unfortunately gaming & players expectations have changed. Gamers want as much as possible for as little as possible.
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is a 8-10 hour game. People would not be there for that at launch for full price like in 2007.

I’d love to go back to that time, but it’s not happening. It’s worse than ever with subscription models & F2P games devaluing premier games.

Re: Media Molecule Reportedly the Latest Studio Hit with Layoffs


Mm is more of a prestige studio (bafta winner) so them getting shut down is unlikely.

They probably scaled up with how long Dreams has been supported/developed for & unfortunately that didn’t work out.
Sucks for those getting let go, but Mm should get back to basics & start putting out actual games again- rather than a platform.

In a perfect world Mm start putting out ‘smaller’ more experimental games every 2-3 years, while the others work on the massive blockbuster’s that take 6-7 years.