Comments 65

Re: Apologies PS3 Anime Fans! Crunchyroll Is Closing Down


@Gh05tm4ch1n3 I doubt that’s the motive but yes it will be a financial decision. I’d say it more about saving money. You can just use the app on your phone or any smart tv can download the app… so yeah I very much doubt anyone would suddenly upgrade a console because of this one sole app. Lol

Re: Uncharted Creator Amy Hennig Working On a New Star Wars Game


@RubyCarbuncle @MightyDemon82 @Northern_munkey @Boucho11

Well I agree with you guys it was a great game played it a couple of times. I can understand if someone doesn’t agree but it’s the way in which they deliver their opinions which I think is meant to stir an argument. Best to move on but again clearly there’s a fair bit of love for Fallen Order.

Re: Poll: Will You Buy Hogwarts Legacy?


@Northern_munkey yes we’ll said I too am happy to see PushSquare take a stance against this blatant trolling.
Like yourself I too am not a fan of the franchise but watching this game with a lot of interest looks great so far. Will very strongly consider picking this up.

Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Horizon Forbidden West Plays Second Fiddle to Elden Ring


@bimboliquido I am really stumped by this whole idea that Elden Ring is ONLY getting all this attention because of hype and GRR Martin connection not on it own merits or the good will which From has steadily cultivated with each release. Cyberpunk received the same due to the good will garnered from Witcher 3 but unfortunately they screwed the pooch there. Now From on the other hand has (imo) lived up to the hype. Instead of gamers being happy about that a certain section wanna complain about how it doesn’t deserve this praise???!?? People be crazy…

Good to see a game like this up there in the sales charts well done to the whole team at FromSoft have a well deserved sake on me. To the fools!

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Elden Ring?


@WallyWest yeah I know it’s meant to worse on PC but that was expected really wasn’t it? This happens with all FromSoft games on PC have to wait until it’s patched. I feel like that with most games on console too I wait until they have patched it a couple of times. Not ideal I know but that’s the reality of gaming these days. I actually thought there would be issues buying Elden Ring day one but have been pleasantly surprised.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Elden Ring?


Oh definitely a 10/10 for me. Playing on PS5 no major bugs as yet in my 37 hours only had it crash to menu once. I have slowed the camera speed down and that seems to help with frame drops during running around.

The “technical issues” that non-souls fans seem to keep going on and on about are really not that bad especially when compared to other games which are released in near broken states.

This game is technically impressive and just roots itself into one’s brain much like Bloodborne did and I sit most of the day waiting till I can get home and boot it up again!

Re: Elden Ring PS5 Patch Planned to Resolve Save Data Issues


@rjejr sounds like when you go into rest mode leave the game running and don’t save quit out of game.

Personally always save quit all From games as I had a loss of progress in Bloodborne once.

To those worried about frame rate it’s not great tbh but I slowed down camera speed and that seemed to negate some dipping. It’s an impressive feat the size of the world they have managed but traverse too quickly and you’ll notice a couple of issues… lol

Still fantastic game so far and no major glitches experienced yet.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Makes Ubisoft More Than $1 Billion


So was it game sales or additional content that made this so successful? Also could have been helped that it was one of the first titles on new generation of consoles?

I have not played it and from all the reviews and comments I wouldn’t have guessed this was the most successful Assassins Creed. Guess it means there will be a whole lot of RPG AC games with additional content to buy endlessly…

Re: Sifu Updates to Include Difficulty Settings and Accessibility Options


@naruball I think Bayonetta 1 is a good example of what I think ‘could’ happen. The easy mode is sooo ridiculously easy it’s one boring and two broken. Even high skill players who can pure platinum all levels on the most ridiculously hard mode “pure infinite climax” which has no witch time slow down can’t pure platinum some levels on easy. This is because it hasn’t been balanced and enemies die too quickly for a combo score and if you take time to kill the enemies you lose score on time.

So I think you could easily play this so that you can see all the cut scenes, enjoy the story (which isn’t that great tbh) and finish the game in a prompt manner so that you can move onto the next. The real point here is did you enjoy it or will you walk away from (IMO) the greatest action games and just think it was sub par. It does a disservice to the game devs and the player.

Im not mad about an easy mode being added I just think in some cases it isn’t the intent of the game and people might miss out on why a game is well regarded. Yes game sales will go up but what about reputation that may well go down.

Look you don’t have to agree but that is where my head is at when seeing news like this or the “social media backlash” for a game like this. Anyway it’s always nice to have a real discussion instead of a slagging off match.

Re: Sifu Updates to Include Difficulty Settings and Accessibility Options


Just wanna reiterate not angry or upset about this issue. Just feel the need to say that not every game needs this option in this case the devs added this feature as an after thought.
What I am trying discuss is why the need for something like this as let’s just take Souls series as an example if the devs felt compelled to add difficulty settings it would take time away from other things or just overall more time between games as they ensuring each difficulty felt both fair and rewarding. In such a scenario there may be no Sekiro or Bloodborne as too much time was spent from each Dark Souls game.
What if you play Sifu now and because it’s easy you finish it quickly and just as quick forget it as the story isn’t exactly ground breaking. Then later your telling someone who would love the challenge of the combat and the mastering of its skills and your saying “ah it’s alright I guess I forgotten it already”. Then the game gets bad reviews because it wasn’t intended be played in such a way. This is all just hypothetical and maybe extreme examples too.
I just don’t think necessary to bemoan the lack of difficulty options.

Re: Sifu Updates to Include Difficulty Settings and Accessibility Options


@naruball @Gunnerzaurus @Korgon
Seems like a few people are missing the point of the argument you are making.

I agree making a hard game which is hard through sheer mechanics and gameplay, not just this enemy has endless amounts of HP (despise MMO and RPG rubbish that does that) suddenly a lot easier means one might miss out on the sheer joy you get out of finally learning how to overcome that obstacle.

There may very well be people who are physically unable to achieve such things as pattern recognition, muscle memory and certain tactics which are more effective on this enemy. Things that the game doesn’t hold your hand and tell you about. These are things that time, patience and experimentation will reward your efforts with.

Git Gud has become vilified for a toxic mentality now but at it’s essence it was a way of saying to someone put the time and effort in and this game will reward for that effort and no strategy or tips will give you this same feeling. And that reward or discovery is what makes that game so good (realising that an enemy is super weak to poison because you read a description which made you wonder and try something, finding a tough enemy staggers to a certain move set which results in a unique animation) sometimes these things happen and it feels like you the first to discover it. Watching a YouTube tips clip and then redoing what you just saw doesn’t recreate this feeling, neither does a button prompt or pop up message in game. Getting an easy mode and being able to breeze through without having to dedicate that time and effort means that you are devaluing yourself.

I’m not bemoaning that there is an easy mode but if it’s not the devs intention then just let it go it may not need it. There may be a lot of people who now play this and think not much about it because they are missing the entire point of the game the driving force behind it is the combat.

Again I repeat I think by adding these options sometimes it is devaluing your own experience of the game if your choosing it just because you can’t spare the time and patience it takes to overcome the obstacles put in your way. But hey it’s your life and if just finishing the game so you can “experience” the story or say you’ve finished it go ahead but you might not look back at that time as fondly as those which put a lot more time into it to get the whole “experience” out of it.

Hope you have the time to read this long rant and I’m not trying to be smart when I say this I’m genuinely surprised how long this post ended up being

Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant


@vapidwolf1 I haven’t played so can’t really say with any authority on that. But I don’t think from what I’ve seen and read that’s the devs intention. For me it seems the game is hyper focused on combat and the story is pretty ordinary. At a time when some games have a lot of filler this looks like they took the right approach. You are maybe being a little harsh in them there…

Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant


@vapidwolf1 DMC5 is very short but increases replay value. I’m not sure on the rogue like/lite elements in this game which was briefly mentioned in the review video. I’m not the biggest fan of those kind of features but I’m still interested in trying this game at some point. I know I won’t play this now as I will soon be too engrossed in Elden Ring.

Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant


@jrt87 yeah it’s a little weird that everything has to be enjoyed by everyone because they have a ‘right to’ or it’s just ‘fair’ or some such guise. Ever played Bayonetta on easy (automatic) mode? It’s boring, I just can’t understand how anyone actually enjoyed it that way especially as the point of the game is to try and come up with mix ups and combos to get better and better style points. It’s the whole gimmick of the game. Playing it just for the story… come on now it ain’t Shakespeare.

Agree with you that these are luxury items for enjoyment and this type of game is clearly set up to enjoy the difficulty and mastering its combat system. Like @riceNpea said this has an audience which will seek out a game like this we don’t have to feel sorry for the devs because they are not getting as wide an audience as possible. My mum in her sixties who doesn’t like action or sci go blockbusters loves Marvel movies… this doesn’t necessarily mean they are good films though does it just cause it has managed to capture a huge audience doesn’t make it better.

Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant


@vapidwolf1 might not just fit this game is all. I don’t think a blanket approach of all games need an easy mode is something all games need. I’m not against an easy mode but I don’t hear the news of x game has no difficulty options and think that’s a bad thing. If that were the approach then games which are too easy must have a higher difficulty because I may not enjoy them…

Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant


@SystemAddict makes me think of some of the comments around Stranger of Paradise. A lot of negatives about the story when I’m sitting there thinking I didn’t care about Ryu’s story in NInja Gaiden it was the combat that drew me in and all I needed. The story was just dressing around the great gameplay…. You know the stuff that is 💯 % unique to the format of video games.

I am a little tired of the whole difficulty argument. If you want it on easy mode so you breeze through the story you could alway just watch a let’s play whilst holding a controller if you like, cause that’s honestly what it feels like sometimes. 😜

Re: Demon's Souls' Old Monk Boss Fight Is Hidetaka Miyazaki's Favourite


I’m finding it hard to narrow down a favourite boss. Hardest boss for me is still the Blood Starved Beast. I’ve played many different playthroughs but still struggle with it. Pappa Guacamole is a lot of fun but for me it has to be Sekiro which provides the MOST fun I get out of FormSoft games. Special mention must go to Bloodborne Castle Cainhurst and Martyr Logarius that whole level is just great ending with wearing the crown… so good!

Maybe my favourite is waiting in Elden Ring? 😜

Re: Eye-Popping Elden Ring Gameplay Explores Castle Mourne and Liurnia of the Lakes


@Northern_munkey yep have to admit I was one who thought there was no difference but I’ve gone from base PS4 never upgraded to Pro up to PS5 and now I see the light I am converted. Clearly I just didn’t play very many 60fps before now…
Funny thing is when I bought my PS5 and started playing exclusively in performance mode I didn’t suddenly say wow 60fps is great I can’t say I even picked up on it. It was going back to Bloodborne where my eyes were now used to 60fps the drop back down to 30fps was horrid. I spent a few moment showing my wife astonished that I finally noticed the difference lol

Re: Eye-Popping Elden Ring Gameplay Explores Castle Mourne


@SystemAddict hmm I got a basic LG OLED and smooth motion or whatever LGs version is called doesn’t seem to make a difference but like I say it’s one of the base OLEDs.

So far I have been happy with the visuals I’ve seen on the trailers and beta. I’m a simple man to please it’s a new FromSoft game and wouldn’t have thought it a few years ago but it’s my jam!

Re: Eye-Popping Elden Ring Gameplay Explores Castle Mourne


@JJ2 yeah that’s what I’m saying the frame rate drop made my eyes hurt a little something I really hadn’t noticed or experienced really up until that point. Before the PS5 30fps didn’t bother me at all. When I went back to Bloodborne after some time of playing just 60fps suddenly 30fps was horrible. I used to bemoan all these YouTubers moaning about frame rates but now I see lol

Re: Eye-Popping Elden Ring Gameplay Explores Castle Mourne


@Northern_munkey gotta agree with ya there. I really hope they manage 60fps I’m not a graphics junkie but finished up platinuming Bloodborne just recently and I’m so used to playing at performance mode on newer titles on PS5 I really noticed the frame rate drop.

This has never been an issue for me before but going back to Bloodborne was a real shock.

I don’t need the graphics in Elden Ring to be the greatest but really hope they get a consistent 60fps 🤞
The recent interview in Edge specifically addressed FromSofts attitudes to graphics. Gameplay, art direction and lore take precedence.

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