Comments 14,714

Re: Helldivers 2's Killzone Crossover Has Been Officially Confirmed for PS5, PC


@Nepp67 For me personally if they make it a COD clone then i rather have them kill the IP.

Killzone 3 had that heavy feeling shooting, those awsome melee kills, interactive maps, classes, Operations as mode was my absolute favorite mode and it was fun to play aswell as a beginner as a seasoned player.

Killzone 2 was fantastic aswell but terrible insane unachiveble trophies, as a rookie fighting against the more skilled players was a nightmare. I would take a multiplayer only version of KZ3. 😆

Re: Naughty Dog Turns Off Intergalactic PS5 Trailer's Comments As Discourse Turns Nasty


@ChimpMasta I guess you are new here the actress got death threats, a doctor made a whole study to say that a woman could not be that buff and that were only two things.

If you say that wasn't a toxic crowd then something is clearly wrong with upstairs.

People here were spoiling the plot on day one in articles that had nothing to do with the Last of Us 2. With the current situation with rightwing snowflakes wow.

I think they are more easily offend then the biggest snowflake left winged activists at the moment.

Maybe im wrong and it was always this way but in the past that crew would stay in the basement and be more of adult.

Re: Naughty Dog Turns Off Intergalactic PS5 Trailer's Comments As Discourse Turns Nasty


@Savage_Joe I really have a problem with people being this weird now does a woman has to look a certain way now to please the antiwoke crew? I saw some disgusting remarks about the girl in SH2 not being fuc*ble and then i knew the gaming race is a bunch of losers its getting sad.

The same here when a certain user on this site spoiled the whole story of the Last of Us 2 in a unrelated article because he didnt like what happened.

Lets be real here the antiwoke crew is the saddest lowest form of human life here and there are the biggest snowflakes around.

Re: Sorry Tifa Fans, Final Fantasy 16's Clive Joins Tekken 8 on 17th December


@J2theEzzo Ah thanks for the information i still gonna play it even with the fetch quests. My favourite things about the older games was the mixed roster of characters male and female im not the biggest dudebro gamer. My favorite games weren7/8/9 in that order I loved the stories and characters of these games. I'm going to play the pixel remakes soon so who know maybe that will change after that.