

I like Atlus and Nintendo.

Comments 565

Re: Nintendo Switch Has Now Outsold PS4 in USA


@Col_McCafferty Because they're not fanboys they're gamers.
You're acting all elitest because your special black box is less special all of a sudden, its kinda pathetic.
@The__Goomba He couldn't have picked a worse frachise to call out lol.

Re: Best PS5 Exclusive Games


I can play most on my PS4 including the entire top 4.
Guys save an article like this when the PS5 gets more than a handful of actual exclusives because its kinda pointless.

Re: Deal: Get Great Discounts on Top PS5 Games at Amazon UK


@Medic_Alert They'll never get what Nintendo have at that price point.
You'll get them doing well week one when the fanboys lap their £70 game but then sales will slow till massive discounts.
We've been seeing this with all PS5 games, while Elden Ring and Legends Arceus are still in the top 5 Horizon is dropping week by week.

Re: Deal: Get Great Discounts on Top PS5 Games at Amazon UK


Some of these are just discounted to the price they were already in the US and should be here all along.
PlayStation UK are having us all like fools with that direct £70/$70 exchange, it's like if Nintendo charged £60 here rather than the £50.
Plus heads up you can get Immortals cheaper at The Game Collection.