Comments 2,591

Re: Interest in Destiny 2 Reportedly at an All-Time Low


@Kevw2006 I read the other day that they are supposedly scaling back those plans, but who knows. We can only hope they are.

I'm sure you're right that some will release, but the two they announce look bad from there announcement trailers. Fairgame$ looks like a cringy Ubisoft live service game and Concord showed absolutely nothing. Not a particular strong showing out the gate for this initiative.

Re: Interest in Destiny 2 Reportedly at an All-Time Low


@Kevw2006 let me clarify. Besides the top dogs, entry into the genre seems to be paper thin. Then you have outliners like Destiny that's also losing there audience. It may not be dying, but the genre is stagnant. Everyone that wants to play those type of games are on one of the ones you mention and any new GaaS that releases generally dies within 6 months to a year.

Re: PS5, PS4 Players Will 'Remain Welcome' As Xbox Closes $69 Billion Activision Blizzard Buyout


@Deadsea93 I agree the launch was good. I just don't like what Sony as a company has become. They barely communicate and when they have over the last two years it's not for the better. I miss the PS4 days. It was fun and engaging. I feel like that's how Sony needs to be right now with the massive amount of games MS is going to put out in the next 10 years. Ryan "retiring" is hopefully a sign of a changing of the tides. Because not only will there be a lull in games, but the ones put out will be nothing but live service trash that very few Playstation fans want.

Re: PS5, PS4 Players Will 'Remain Welcome' As Xbox Closes $69 Billion Activision Blizzard Buyout


@UltimateOtaku91 I don't expect Sony to match there output. What I do expect is fantastic SP games and atleast some communication from this mute company. Sony has announced almost nothing but live service games (that will fail) over the last two years, and doesnt say a word apart from a lackluster SOP here and there. Maybe its the shifting in management, or maybe there terrified to say a word because the competition output is about to triple what they can produce...idk. What I do know is since Shawn Layden stepped down this company has seemed more inhuman than ever. With MS growing and Sonys GaaS push and lack of communication. It feels like they are doing nothing but trying to help MS by pushing away there hardcore audience for a chance to catch lightning in a bottle.

Re: PS5, PS4 Players Will 'Remain Welcome' As Xbox Closes $69 Billion Activision Blizzard Buyout


Can't wait to hear Sony do nothing. They must be ran by idiots now. There dissociation with its audience in a time when it needs to be communicating the most is alarming.

MS had alot of games to show with just owning ZeniMax at its summer showcase this year. I can't imagine what next year's will look like. Because just the one from this past summer dwarfed Sonys meager showcase already. It feels like in about 10 to 15 years will all either have to accept the lack of games Playstation has compared to Xbox, jump ship, or quit gaming. Scary times ahead indeed.