Comments 2,591

Re: 19 Amazing Games Join PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week


There's two or three good titles, but my question is why did yall put "Amazing" in the title? Like this lineup was going to blow our minds. It's average at best.

I will say this though. If Thrillville Off the Rails is the PS2 version. It looks like that PS2 emulator is up and running. Because that was not part of the PS2 to PS4 program games that ran off the old emulator.

Re: The Game Awards Is Getting Ripped for Urging Award Winners to Wrap It Up


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. People are never happy I swear. They complain about the length of the Game Awards. So Keighley gets the award winners to wrap up there speeches quicker to cut down on the time. Then people bit#$ about that. Smh 🤦‍♂️

I think the show was one of the best I've watched, and hope Geoff keeps this format going forward.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


It was a billion dollar mistake by Sony. I guarantee that TLOU mp game was probably going to be in line with The Day Before, but way better. But Bungie came in and said it didn't have enough microtransactions to try and trap people in. So Sony being a Bungie lap dog said scale it back because they think Bungie is the king of live service. Even though they are supporting a dying live service game as we speak.

@KundaliniRising333 I 100% agree. It's the first time since before the PS3 that I'm looking over the fence to see what the competitor is offering, and it all stems from the decisions Sony has made this generation.

Re: PS5 Fans Think They've Found Marvel's Wolverine's Release Year


It's crazy how trash Sonys 1st party output has been outside of Insomniac. Its really bad when compared to last gen. With MS owning half the industry now its going to be rough in the next 5 to 10 years for Sony to hold onto the market with a measly 1 to 2 releases a year. Especially when the majority will be live service games.

Re: Sony Delays Six Live Service PS5 Games, But Company Remains Committed to Model


I wish I could peak into the future to see if Sony is losing in the gaming space again once all these live service games release. Because it sure feels like they will be. I'm already starting to lose interest in PS as a brand seeing what is on offer over the next 5 plus years.

I'm really a one console guy, and with this change in Sony it's given me the first itch in along time to sell my PS5 and get an Xbox.

@get2sammyb You're right if just one catches on they are set, but in the span of time they release all these titles you can feel they are slowly losing there core audience. People aren't idiots. They dont buy Playstation consoles for these types of games. If one of these 12 titles don't catch on yalls staff might be working on the Pure Xbox or Nintendo Life sites, lol.