Comments 2,591

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


You'll wrote this this article as if MS was pulling day one releases all together and applauding Sony for not doing so. MS is still releasing games day one and Sony is not, so the jury is still out whether this is sustainable or not. It will be interesting starting this fall and going into next year when all these games MS has to release. Whether or not they stay on this path.

Re: PS Stars Is Back Online in Europe, Asia, Australia So Far


It's pathetic it's taking them this long to get this back up and running for everyone. Sonys back end engineers have got to be some of the worst. I work in IT and for any applications to be down this long for any of the companies I've worked for mission critical or not is unacceptable.

Re: PS Stars Program Still Offline as Sony Engineers Investigate


@KilloWertz I completely agree. There's so many things that seem so lazy on the PS5s UI. I've wanted them to overhaul the trophy UI since launch. It looks so bad since they switched the tiles that I thought it was a placeholder when the PS5 launched, lol. I was wrong...they obviously thought that was suitable.