Comments 204

Re: Naughty Dog's Four Jak & Daxter Titles Are Coming to PS4


@get2sammyb Oh I'm with you 100% Sammy. The first is amongst the best platformers ever made and still is. The sequel was a hideous mess of a game that jumped on the GTA bandwagon to the detriment of the series, it had no charm or character at all. Eurgh, makes me angry just thinking about that poop of a game haha

Re: Reaction: Sony Saves E3 2016 with Super Strong PS4 Exclusives


I'm going to describe one of my biggest surprises of E3. Sony press, on comes a space shooter. It looks incredible, like, something special. We start in the bridge and we get an awesome Mass Effect vibe. From there it's down to the hanger, into a ship and out into a staggering dogfight in space. Out of the ship seamlessly and into some wonderful zero gravity gunplay with an awesome 'zipline' mechanic. "Wow, I am all over this" I think, "What the hell is it??". This continues until my hype level is pretty dam high. Fade to black "What the hell is this game?!?!" Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. "Well love me". I couldn't believe it, still can't. What must have been a very conscious decision they left the title to the end. Base your opinion on the gameplay, not the name. The message was loud and clear. If that footage had a new IP name after it people would be loosing their shit right now. As it stands though I'm listening, if that game turns out as good as that trailer then CoD game or not, I'm sold.

Watch the language -Tasuki-

Re: Hands On: Is Nioh on PS4 a Cut Above Its Competitors?


I'm sure I'll come under fire for saying this but I actually found it a little too hard. Now I'm no stranger to the Souls series, I've played 100's of hours and have Platinum Trophies for Dark Souls, its sequel and Bloodborne. As said in the article though, they seem to have just made it crazy hard for no real reason other than to beat Souls as the tough kid on the block. There's a fantastic game in there though and I'm praying it's potential is met