Comments 892

Re: Even Microsoft Is Expecting a Revised PS5 Hardware Model This Year


It's more than likely going to be inferior. It'll be the same price as the digital only console and will also be digital only, with the Blu-ray drive being overpriced but ultimately cost the same as the disc version that currently exists. Maybe the Blu-ray drive will playback 8k or something just to entice.

Hopefully we all still buy the Blu-ray drive and let it be known we want our consoles to playback physical media.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Is Overheating and Crashing PS5 Consoles Completely


Yeah, performance mode for me.

The framerate is actually better then I first thought (measured on my TV using VRR) but there's obvious problems when moving the camera.

The lack of HDR is fairly confusing as well.

I'd expect a patch on the next week or two, given development and testing cycles and that the last patch was on launch day. Depends how long they run their sprints/cycles.

Re: Xbox Boss Wishy-Washy on Whether The Elder Scrolls 6 Will Come to PS6, PS5


@cragis0001 I mean, no?

Microsoft aren't reacting to what their competition is up to because neither Sony nor Nintendo have bought an entire publisher (Zenimax) and attempting to buy another (ActivisionBlizzard).

Neither Sony nor Nintendo are in a position to spend $69bn on acquisitions. Sony's operating revenue is $8bn. Sony's market cap is $80bn. Microsoft are trying to spend almost the same amount of cash that Sony is worth.

If you mean acquisitions of studios, it's worth considering that they do fall under the scrutiny of regulators and they're passed because a single studio is small scale in terms of affect on the market and industry.

So if Microsoft are reacting to the competition in terms of the competition buying studios and development teams, then the correct reaction would be a similar purchase of a studio, not an entire publisher that owns several studios.

That and Sony didn't start buying up things like Housemarques (a single studio) or Bluepoint (another single studio) or Bungie (again...) Until Microsoft started getting the cheque book out.

There's just no justification for this that's possible. The fact is that Microsoft is a juggernaught in this industry and with the Microsoft fortune behind it, it could spend Sony and Nintendo out of business. Hell, they've even said as much, as has come to light over these court proceedings.

This deal should be blocked, or, Xbox needs to split from Microsoft to prevent anti-trust and anti-consumer issues arising.

Re: SEGA and Bungie Were On Microsoft's Shopping List in 2020, Xbox Emails Show


@HonestHick is ok, I was a contractor, so I was outside looking in 😁

Yeah they do want GamePass to be the Netflix of gaming, but I personally have zero interest in streaming games. It's a subpar experience and will never top having a console or PC locally. I have a friend who works at EA in Ireland who's been telling me that for a few years. They will try to push it as no different to streaming movies.

I personally want the focus on "cloud" gaming to fail super hard.

Re: SEGA and Bungie Were On Microsoft's Shopping List in 2020, Xbox Emails Show


@HonestHick indeed, success is earned not bought.

That's the problem. Microsoft don't know how to run a studio, let alone a publisher.

They once owned Bungie, Bungie bought their freedom from Microsoft and as was revealed recently, Microsoft wanted to buy them again and wouldn't accept the level of freedom Bungie demanded.

I've worked with Microsoft as a contractor during their Mixer years and what they do really, really well is capitalism and marketing. They have no patience with studios and want things now, by this quarter or next, because there's always someone breathing down someone's neck about something.

They most certainly have done some good things for gaming. They had the 7th generation nailed down with the 360 and then blew all the good will and press with the Xbox One announcement.

Now I'm not saying Xbox have no right to exist or the they should go away, I'm saying neither Sony nor Microsoft should own a large part of the publishing space.

Microsoft own Zenimax and therefore Bethesda and iD, two juggernaut studios capable of putting out great games of a high quality. They're in a good position and there's plenty of third party games available. Sony don't own that many studios and the ones they do have they've owned for a good while (some around 25 years - Naughty Dog).

Re: SEGA and Bungie Were On Microsoft's Shopping List in 2020, Xbox Emails Show


@HonestHick sorry but thats wishful thinking.

The era of Microsoft having no good games is still based on Microsoft not knowing what they're doing and being a terrible partner.

I read someone's analogy the other day that made sense.

Microsoft is that guy at the gym who didn't start until his late 30s and wants to skip all the hard work and experience and go straight to steroids.

They haven't earned their place in the gaming market (through a good brand that's trusted) and haven't had the experience of running a gaming platform well or running game studios properly.

I think cade in point that Phil Spencer is the kind of guy too just buy the studio rather then see the competition negotiate an exclusivity deal.

Microsoft aren't going anywhere, but their success isn't written in stone. They absolutely want to de-throne Sony. They don't want competition. They want Xbox to become Windows, ubiquitous in the gaming sphere.

But they don't deserve it and all they're doing to generating bad, bad press and publicity.

Re: Quitality's Return to Punish Cowardly Mortal Kombat 1 Players


I don't see the need to "punish" people who quit a match.

I'll preface this with saying I don't play these kinds of games (Beat 'em up) online, so this doesn't necessarily apply to me.

But, if someone is getting stressed out with a match or game the best thing for them to do is take a break and stop playing. The only negative for them quitting should be a loss on their profile.

Re: Xbox Boss Wishy-Washy on Whether The Elder Scrolls 6 Will Come to PS6, PS5


@Darthmoogle I hear you. 100% not a fan of this stuff either.

@cragis0001 to be honest if Sony bought SquareEnix now I'd have less of an issue then if they'd bought them before Embracer bought a load of their IP. SE are a hell of a lot smaller now. But, regardless, you're dead wrong. I wouldn't need cheering. Neither console manufacturer should own a large part of the publishing space.

At the end of the day, it's consumers/gamers that suffer

Re: Xbox Boss Wishy-Washy on Whether The Elder Scrolls 6 Will Come to PS6, PS5


The point is, for me, that I'm not going to be buying an Xbox any time soon and with stuff like this, it makes me less likely to want to in the future.

I don't like being blackmailed into using an Xbox to play games that have been multiplatform for a while (at least since Oblivion and Fallout 3).

Great work, Phil. You had no good games, so you just took everyone else's rather than creating your own.

Phil Spencer is the kind of guy that tries to rent the public park and stop other kids playing on the playsets.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@EVIL-C Sony has bought Studios not entire Publishers. Microsoft has bought studios over the years too.

The reason no one has batted an eyelid is because they're small changes and therefore small scale.

This is huge in scale because it's an entire publisher with a vast catalogue. The Zenimax acquisition raised a LOT of if eyebrows because it was larger in scale, just not as large as this one. A lot of people were against the Zenimax acquisition for the same reasons, most of which have come to fruition over the course of the years.

Try to compare apples to apples.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


Absolute rubbish. They're second place after blowing their lead when they tried to kill pre-owned games last generation.

They have $69bn to spend on acquisitions. Sony do not. They're doing just fine without the deal, especially now the Zenimax acquisition is starting to come home with exclusives like Starfield.

Microsoft are second place through their own failings and neither of them should get to own a large part of the publishing sphere. At all. No consumer benefit to that, in fact the opposite.