Comments 892

Re: Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Pre-Load Available Now


@Netret0120 having played the demo, I'm sold and pre-ordered.

I've been playing FF games since FF7 on the PS1. I stopped playing after FFX-2 and I've watched gain the sidelines.

I've tried various FF games over the years. Mostly I haven't liked them, so I went into that demo thinking "this is probably going to suck" and it took me two attempts to get into it (first time around I was distracted and turned it off without really taking much in) but by the end of the demo I was thinking "I might get this..." which I wasn't expecting at all.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Pre-Load Available Now


@MB3108 The Game Collection have it for £55, physically, at the moment.

I sometimes do get the "deluxe" versions when they're on sale but there's nothing in this one that's enticing, but just researching the bonuses, out of a morbid/semi-academic interest, it's just a mess. Most games end up like this, but it used to be way better in the 00's and 10's. I remember getting FarCry 2 in a wooden box with an art book, dvd and t-shirt!

Re: Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Pre-Load Available Now


So, it was £55 for the physical edition which comes with the same preorder bonuses as the digital and digital deluxe, minus an exp boost item.

Yet the digital version is £65 and the digital deluxe is £85.

Not worth another £10 for an item and I'm not that interested in the art and "mini" soundtrack that's accessed via an alternative site, which are the remaining items in the digital deluxe version.

The physical deluxe version doesn't include the exp item, but does include the same soundtrack and art access, and a steelbook case and cloth map, but that's £100.

Pre-ordering is a mess and it shouldn't be this way.

Here's an idea for pre-order bonuses:

Base game - £10 cheaper than release price
Deluxe - everything above and includes a season pass and/or art, soundtracks, a t-shirt, whatever
Collectors - Everything above and there's a cool statue or unique item, plus loads more goodies

Any of these costumes, items or whatever else they currently offer can just be things in the game everyone can get through playing.

Re: 27 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Confirmed in Mammoth June Update


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a great game but the 30FPS lock makes it really hard to play. At least on PS5 it's a very solid 30 with no drops at all, but all the same. Desperately needs a PS5 patch.

If you have a semi competent PC I'd massively recommend playing it there at 60FPS instead. It's a much better experience.

Re: You'll Need Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Digital Deluxe Edition for Those Extra PS5 Suits


Why do pre-order bonuses sound like pre-order bribery?

People want to pre-order because they want the product on release day.

Carving up bits of the game like this, however small, is just silly. And, of course, the skins will be available to purchase separately for real money. Of course, it's 2023, paying £70-90 for the game isn't enough. They need an extra few quid on top.

If you're buying this digitally they're already making a killing on the sale, given there's no physical product to create and logistics to sort.

Re: Blizzard Nerfs Dungeons to Stop Rampant Diablo 4 XP Farming


@Northern_munkey yeah, I loved Diablo 1 and 2 back in the day, when it was still Blizzard and they didn't suck. I was a huge Blizzard fan right until World of Warcraft.

The auction house went on for about a year, iirc and it was more total rubbish. They said they were doing it because they wanted to combat third party trading sites and that their only other alternative was to remove trading all together.

It's no surprise that they took a cut of all the auction money and, surprisingly, they did away with the auction house in the end (as it was continual bad press) AND didn't have to remove trading. It's almost like they lied initially or something 😂

Microtransactions leave a bad taste in my mouth and make a game 0/10 instantly for me. There's just no circumstances that I find them acceptable.

This is just based on my 30 odd years of gaming, turning me into a cynical old *****.

Re: Blizzard Nerfs Dungeons to Stop Rampant Diablo 4 XP Farming


@WallyWest it's called speculation and I don't need to play the game to comment on it. It's a £70 game with a "battle pass" and cosmetics sold for premium currency (which is sold in bundles). It's everything I hate about microtransactions. The story could be the best ever written and I'm still going to dump on this game and say it's total trash. Because they ruin it and make it trash.

If I said there was a turd in a cake, but it's the best cake everyone's ever had, you just have to be careful and eat around the turd, it's stunning that some people eat the damn cake and others, a small minority, don't even care about the turd and think that tastes nice too. In fact, they get so precious about the cake that they'll slam anyone not eating turd.

The real money auction house still happened. They did that. They'll do something again. This is still the "what, don't you guys have phones?" arseholes at Blizzard. It's perfectly fair to speculate that they'll ruin it even more down the line by adding more and more ways for them to get money from you after you've bought it.

If you're not a "payer" then you'll start getting a de-prioritised experience until they can figure out how to make you pay. THAT isn't speculation. That's based on ActivisionBlizzard patents. All games with microtransactions in them like this are guilty.

Re: Blizzard Nerfs Dungeons to Stop Rampant Diablo 4 XP Farming


@WallyWest everything they say can be unsaid at the drop of a hat. There's mountains of prior examples of publishers adding egregious MTX post-launch. They'll do it. And people will fall over themselves to defend it.

This is Activision, they added the real money auction house in Diablo 3. They'll have a plan to add in-game currency purchases and all the other proven ways to milk whales dry.

Re: Blizzard Nerfs Dungeons to Stop Rampant Diablo 4 XP Farming


@WallyWest not yet, but there will be! The premium cosmetics use that trick where they sell you 900 gold dabloons and the hat you want costs 1000, so you have to get the 1900 dabloons option.

The idea of a battle pass in a fully priced game is just weird as well, but, that's just me. I don't play any of these kinds of games but it seems weird to charge £70 and that's not the end of the stuff they want you to buy.

Re: Where to Pre-Order Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Collector's and Deluxe Editions on PS5


I'd like to say that it's absolutely ridiculous that they are putting a digital download alongside a steelbook case.

It kind of takes the piss, to be honest. I get that they want to push digital consoles so that they can ream us on the digital prices and forever lock us into the digital store, however, they could've offered two SKUs one with a disc and one with the code.

I hate that they're pushing us towards digital.

Re: Blizzard Nerfs Dungeons to Stop Rampant Diablo 4 XP Farming


@WallyWest they're entirely unnecessary and add no value to the game. They're just the start and already egregious. Selling in-game currency, of any sort, for real money is utterly insane and it shouldn't be allowed.

They exist to milk more money out of people on top of the already very high base price and battle pass system.

Microtransactions are an anthema within gaming and need legislating away.

Re: PS Plus Premium Has a 'Bigger Share' of Subscribers than PS Plus Extra, Says Sony


@Jayslow it's mainly because the classics library sucks and it's mostly PS Now streaming stuff or timed game demos, which honestly should be available to anyone. I can't see the logic in gating that off for premium subs. The net benefit to opening that up is more potential sales.

I was hoping for a much larger PS1 library and many more natively running games. The library available for the Extra level is stellar, compared.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Diablo 4?


@Tr3mm0r I'll assume English isn't your native language.

I said that what used to be a £50 game is now a £100 game for the same experience/completeness.

Games used to be £50 and include cosmetic items and unlockable content in the same price. Now it's £70 for the base game, £30 for the "Season Pass" and an in-game store selling games currency for real money.

If Metal Gear Solid 1 was made today, the bandana, stealth camouflage and tuxedo would be £4.99 each. Disc 2 would be another £25 as DLC.

If you bothered to Google the phrase in my comment (I'm not sure how the rules are with posting external links) you'd see that publisher's are trying their hardest to push everyone into paying for microtransactions after they've bought the game.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Diablo 4?


@Ailani the argument for "it's just cosmetics", with regards to the industry, for me, at least, died years ago.

I personally don't see the need to change money for the cosmetics. The industry takes a lot of money off us, with the extra cost on games, season passes, digital deluxe and mega editions. A £50 game is now, easily, £100, then there's microtransactions on top.

Now the problem, as I see it, with buying these games at all is that the publisher sees that only , say, 10% of players become "payers" so they try to figure out ways of making you pay next time.


I think this makes my case quite well, there are a number of patents like this, Google "Call Of Duty players get easier lobbies if they pay, new documents suggest". Clearly a sign some people in the industry think not buying MTX makes you a second class player, and the whales will love the idea that they get better treatment for wasting their money.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Diablo 4?


@TheCollector316 it's like Diablo 3 and that terrible mobile game rolled into one. If you actually liked Diablo back in the day, don't buy this. This isn't Diablo any more. It's the next cash cow for ActivisionBlizzard.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Diablo 4?


All of you playing this are part of the problem with the gaming industry.

A full priced game with egregious microtransactions could do with falling flat on its arse and losing millions to send a message to publishers that's they've gotten too greedy.

What do we do instead? Make it the largest launch in ABKs history.

We deserve everything we get. The industry deserves to walk all over us and ruin our hobby. We've literally begged them to do it, at this point.