Comments 892

Re: Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3 Launch on PS5 in the Master Collection


I'm so ready for this, but, they cannot just be straight ports of the games.

We do not, for instance, want a PS2 Classics emulated Sons of Liberty or Snake Eater when the already superior HD Remaster versions exist. It would surely be less work to port those versions.

Equally, the MGS1 cannot be just the PS1 Classic version. It needs sorting out, upscaling, assets cleaning up, etc.

Re: PSVR2 Sales at 600,000 Six Weeks After Launch, Sony Confirms


I grabbed one. I don't have any remorse over it but it needs a price drop to be viable for people to buy. It shouldn't have been more expensive than a PS5.


Also the wire is too short. There needs to be a wireless system for it. I don't know how much juice it actually draws but, yeah, it's a bit short.

An extender could work but I do still get tangled from time to time.

Re: Claims of Co-Op in Spider-Man 2 Shot Down by Insomniac


@RoomWithaMoose I think people are just happy they've not lost focus on what has made the previous two Spiderman games really good.

It's not people railing against co-operative games or gameplay, just that in this instance it's not really something fans desired and, as it turns out, that the studio wanted to provide.

Re: Publisher Take-Two Claims It's 'Not Seeing Pushback' From Players on $70 Price Tag


I wouldn't have minded the £10 increase of they ditched the thing where there's some sort of "deluxe" version that's usually £10 more expensive, but with a little bit of DLC or artwork and just rolled that content into the base version.

But they've kept those, which are now £10 more than the new increased price.

No offense to the industry, but they seem to be under the impression that the value in games has gone up, without the price increases, for years. Whereas consumers already know the true cost of gaming has increased over the years and the value proposition has gotten worse.

Games are stacked with DLC and micro transactions that used to come with the game, at no extra cost, which was usually £50. Now that's £70 and all the extra cool stuff is, at least, another £40 or so away.

Re: Microsoft's $69 Billion Activision Deal Approved by the EU Commission


It should still be blocked. The regulator rulings are all rubbish, including the CMA.

Microsoft is too big to own such a large stake in the videogame publishing industry.

That's all there is to it. There's absolutely no consumer interest in doing this. This benefits the stock market and Microsoft.

Microsoft could promise that all ABK games are multiplatform for, at least, 10 years and that they will run it as a publisher first and foremost and not an extension of Xbox, which would go a long way towards soothing us naysayers... But they haven't and won't, because that's what they want to do.

Sony owns a bunch of first party studios that publish exclusively on PlayStation and this number isn't anywhere comparable to ABK. Many of these studios were acquired decades ago or were opened newly by Sony. Not at all comparable to taking over an active part of the current market, reducing the pool significantly.

The purchase of Zenimax set off alarms but wasn't so big that it made it a massive problem. This, with that, is a huge problem.

Nothing good will come of this.

Re: Rumour: This Year's Call of Duty Is Modern Warfare 3 for PS5, PS4


@Quinsect Microsoft aren't going to decide to leave the console gaming market because they're not allowed to break the regulators.

They're pitching a fit right now for the media's benefit. They're making money hand over fist without this deal and Xbox is in a way better market position then they're making out.

Microsoft are painting a picture of a poor wittle company stuck under the jack boot of Sony, struggling to survive without being able to spend $70bn to buy an advantage.

Re: Rumour: This Year's Call of Duty Is Modern Warfare 3 for PS5, PS4


The CMA should hold it's ground.

I personally think Microsoft has simply paid off the other regulators. That's why they were so mad about the CMAs decision and hit back with that spiteful media hitjob about Britain being ***** anyway since Brexit (we know).

It doesn't benefit consumers, just Microsoft customers. To suggest anyone will be playing Call of Duty, or any other competitive online shooter, via the cloud is just ridiculous. Total rubbish meant to appease stuffy regulator board members who don't know any better.

I'd rather ActivisionBlizzard go bankrupt and administrators handle the auction of their IP to the highest bidder. That would be fairer.

Re: Xbox Boss Admits Microsoft Can't 'Outconsole' PS5


Microsoft had a good console with the Xbox 360, had that generation in the bag while Sony struggled with weird hardware, and then they blew consumer confidence with the Xbox One and their anti-consumer practices.

As a result, they handed Sony the last generation and Sony sold 2:1 despite having the, on paper, weaker console.

Sony built a brand in the back of that mistake. For the Players. They also built good games and fostered studio's creativity.

So Phil Spencer can try flood the media with "oh we're losing really badly so we need this unfair deal to survive" all he wants but we know what he's up to.

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


I was annoyed when the PS4 Pro came out, especially when it was just two GPUs in "Crossfire" mode and didn't equal doubling frame rates like we might have expected. It was still technically 4k and 30FPS. I didn't really see the benefit.

So, colour me sceptical on a PS5 Pro. What are we going to get, exactly? I haven't seen anything that's pushed the PS5 to the limits. It's still as quiet as a mouse. 4k@60FPS is commonplace (as it should be).

Will it be all the ray tracing stuff turned on at 4k/60? Will that really be worth the extra cost and new SKU? There's little point in adding 8k support in this generation.

Re: PS5 Will Transform Tekken 8's Player Experience, Proclaims Katsuhiro Harada


Will they give players a way to remove all the cosmetic crap that they rammed into Tekken 7?

I'm sure some people like all that stuff and it's great that they've got it, but I genuinely dislike the arcade and Vs modes where you are fighting an opponent with an oversized flamingo on their back, star glasses and a pink hat.

I'd just love a slider in the options that turns all that off and keeps the characters in their, much cooler, costumes when I'm playing.

Re: AI Can Be a Tool for More Efficient Game Development, Says Sony Veteran


Anything that allows developers to reduce their workload I'm all for. I've used ChatGPT to help me with my work as a software engineer and it's brilliant.

The problem is whether publishers and studio heads do the capitalist thing and increase the workload or reduce headcount in response, rather than enjoying the boost in productivity with existing staff levels.

Ask anyone who's worked in a supermarket for a long time. They told staff self serve checkouts would give them more time to do other jobs (that often get neglected) and instead they cut staff levels.