Comments 892

Re: Upgraded PS5 Pro Planning to Be the Best Place to Play GTA 6


I won't be paying £500-700 for a PS5 Pro. If they price it there, then it becomes unreasonable.

The PS5 is currently really overpriced at £480. It should've come down significantly by now. When they were clearing the old disc stock at £380, that was the price or should've been and should be right now.

Even if the Pro means games can run 4k@60 within "Fidelity" mode, it's going to depend heavily on studios patching games to work properly, which means it won't happen.

Re: Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox


Helldivers 1 was never released on Xbox and was almost entirely a PlayStation game. Sony published and funded Helldivers 2.

Why should it be on Xbox?

This isn't like Doom or Fallout, which are/were multiplatform titles. This isn't "console wars". Buying up two large publishers and making their IP exclusive is console wars.

Re: Tekken 8 Exceeds Bandai Namco's Expectations, Tops 2 Million Sales


I may buy when it's vastly cheaper. They've added simple controls and you can be matched with someone online who's using that scheme. It's like playing someone button mashing one of the capoeira characters.

The original control scheme is one of the reasons Tekken is better than any other fighting game and I will die on the hill saying they didn't need the fisher price scheme.

Re: Kojima: Your Mother Won't Be Able to Tell the Difference Between PHYSINT and a Movie


So long as he remembers that one of the things that made Metal Gear really successful was the gameplay loop and the story exposition via long cut scenes.

MGS5 had the gameplay loop sorted but was seriously lacking in story quality and exposition. The tapes were not enough. They were severely lacking and the storyline wasn't good. Forgetting that the Konami "Survive" thing even exists, MGS5 is easily the weakest in the series in terms of storyline.

Death Stranding as a storyline didn't really grab me and felt, being honest, worse than MGS5.

Re: SEGA Issues Financial Warning After 'Sluggish' Sales Over Holiday Period


Sega have also reported to be making around $5bn a year now, which has increased.

The problem is these corporations think they need to make more profits each year. It's driving inflation through the roof and then analysts blame employee wage growth for inflation and not soaring corporate profits.

What needs to happen is corporations, on the backs of ever increasing profits, need to take a hit to the percentages for a few years, rather than people taking real-terms wage cuts.

Re: Poll: Which Xbox Franchises Would You Buy on PS5?


Far too many of the choices are NOT Xbox games so this poll isn't worth filling out.

Doom, Fallout, Rage, Dishonored, Prey, TES, etc are not Xbox games.

Halo, Forza, Gears of War, Age of Empires, Quantum Break, Sea of Thieves are all Xbox games.

We all know what the difference is.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


>I honestly don't see it happening now, the amount of saltiness and crying online from xbox fans and the abuse Microsoft are getting on social media will force them to backtrack on their plans.

I've found that the exact same people throwing their toys out of their pram over this were the exact same people gleefully rubbing it in people's faces that their favourite multiplatform games were going to be Xbox exclusive.

So watching them have the mother of all tantrums is absolutely amazing.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


It depends what you consider an "Xbox game".

I will never consider Fallout, Doom and The Elder Scrolls as Xbox games. Just because Microsoft bought the publisher, doesn't make them Xbox games.

My whole issue with the Microsoft acquisition of Zenimax and Activision was that they'd take these multiplatform games to Xbox.

If that was what was going to happen, I wasn't going to be buying any of them and some of them are my favourite games.

The answer given was "lol buy an xbox then" from fanboys, but, on a matter of principle, that wasn't an option.

I have no interest in any of the actual Xbox exclusives like Halo and Forza.

Re: PS5, PS4 First-Party Devs Won't Get Complacent Even if Competition Degrades


Microsoft aren't leaving the hardware market. They're just going to keep publishing Zenimax games and Activision games on PlayStation.

Xbox fanboys were utterly gleeful at Xbox taking a large chunk of games away from PlayStation players. Now that doesn't look like the case they're throwing their toys out of the pram and overreacting, saying it's the end of Xbox. Kinda pathetic.

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots


@Shushibda He was riding high at that point, though, when he said that.

I think the fiscal reality has set in that they can't afford to cull their publisher revenue and maintain that profitability, because clearly, given Starfield, people aren't buying Xbox for these exclusives (though, if Starfield had been good, that might've been a different matter).

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots


Xbox fanboys have been throwing all their toys out of the pram over this.

They were gleeful that multiplatform games would be taken away and put exclusively on Xbox.

Now it looks like those multiplatform games will remain so, they're saying it's the end of days for the Xbox and are really sad that they won't be able to lord these multiplatform titles over Sony users.

The reality is they bought two massive publishers who publish widely across various platforms and get their revenue that way. If they started publishing only on Xbox, they'd shatter those those revenue streams and their ability to make money from these businesses.

So, it never made any sense for them to start taking away games to their platform, if they still wanted to make money.

I suspect the announcement will be time exclusivity on these multiplatform games and that they are still going to be publishing first party titles exclusively to Xbox.

Re: Rumour: A New PlayStation Handheld Console Reportedly in the Works


@naruball it didn't help that Sony abandoned marketing it pretty much straight away, though.

One issue with the console was the performance was terrible. I've home-brewed mine and a small overclock makes Uncharted: Golden Abyss pretty much run at 60FPS and a lot more enjoyable.

The form factor was unfortunate as well. The sticks were hard to grip with the console and the touch pad on the back was more of a hinderence. I find the PSP easier to hold, despite it being smaller.

But I still maintain that with bigger pushes from experienced studios we could've had a much better experience in the end.

In the end mine became a portable PS1 emulator.


I think the resurgence of desire for a handheld these days is at least something to do with how utterly abysmal the mobile gaming market is these days. There aren't any mobile games worth playing anymore.

Re: Rumour: A New PlayStation Handheld Console Reportedly in the Works


Sony just don't get it 🫤

Vita was a great console ruined by lack of support from Sony.

PlayStation VR2 is a great bit of kit, ruined by lack of support from Sony.

PlayStation Portal is a nice bit of kit, but massively overpriced and doesn't actually do what most people wanted it to do.

Now there's plans for another portable that... Doesn't do what most people want it to do and relies entirely on third parties spending money to support it.

It's got all the markers for another dumpster fire 😞

Personally, I would like to see a Vita 2 with a unique selling point, able to play it's own library of games, that can also play PS4/PS5 as described in this article. A Switch-like dock would be essential as well. What that unique selling point is, I don't know, but it needs to be more than just a miniature PS5 that can play some games that have been patched.

Re: Square Enix Talks Reimagining Aerith and Sephiroth for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on PS5


Urgh, they're adding more guff, it seems. The amount of time Sephiroth appeared in the normal game was fine and they really don't need to add him in extra bits where he wasn't before.

He should show up on the boat from Junon and in Cloud's flashback sequence and then, ultimately, in the forgotten capital for that bit.

Why do they need to ruin things? If he was only in 3-4 sections on this game that would be enough. It would build suspense for the next game where he's the ultimate antagonist and most of the exposition happens.

Re: Rec Room Dev 'Can't Justify' a PSVR2 Port


@Godot25 it matters to me, since I don't play F2P games or buy any microtransactions.

But yeah, given the presumably small PSVR2 install base (likely from the exorbitant price) it's a hard sell altogether.

But for me, seeing anything that's a "free" game paid for with MTX, it's a hard, hard pass.

Re: CD Projekt Red Dabbling in AI, Considering Multiplayer for Cyberpunk 2


If there's one thing Cyberpunk doesn't need, at all, it's a multiplayer mode.

That's a sure fire way to ruin Project Orion. I sincerely hope they don't add that crap in.

Cyberpunk is a brilliant singleplayer narrative experience and either adding co-op will ruin the gameplay loop and experience or adding the multiplayer mode will take resources from the singleplayer experience.

They made $1.5bn on Cyberpunk. Don't mess with that.