Comments 892

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Red Dead Redemption on PS4?


Not a snowballs chance in hell am I buying this. Vastly overpriced for what it is and the CEO comments about how they just think that's the right price takes the piss.

It's £40 on Xbox already, so it's already £10 over the odds at £50. My personal limit for this kind of release is, like, £10-15.

I'm not going to say it's no effort, because someone had to port this, but it's not £50's worth. There's no new content, no new assets, not worth the price.

Re: Yes, All Those Awesome Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Accessories Are Getting Scalped


Sony should flood the media with tales of how much stock they have and not put any limits on preorders, meaning most people can get a preorder in at a reasonable price.

This would kill scalping because people can get the advertised price without paying some scumbag an over inflated price and since there's no scarcity, there's no market.

And, of course, you only fulfill preorders to people who've bought one console, not several, but you don't tell them that, so they can go and order 5 or 10 thinking they're getting a payday but, actually, they just went right to the back of the queue.

Re: Tekken 8 Gameplay Will Be 'Heavily Tuned' Following 'Bare-Bones' Network Test


The "special mode" or whatever they called it was tantamount to cheating online.

At least, matchmaking those using it with those not using it, is/was.

It's a essentially a one button combo and special attack mode, which is great for newcomers, beginners or those less able.

I had the worst matches and zero fun when playing someone using that mode. They had a huge advantage and it sucked all the fun out of playing.

I 100% will not be playing online if they matchmake in the same way on launch.

Re: Blizzard Accused of Malicious Design as Diablo 4 Players Accidentally Activate Premium Battle Pass


@Uromastryx because all games with MTX are balanced towards purchases, not fun.

"Smoldering Ashes" can been exchanged for blessing, which been give an edge and are gotten via the battle pass system.

Any full priced game with microtransactions, digital currency and other free-to-play mechanics like the battle pass, are HUGE red flags and should be avoided.

They ARE shoved in your face. We're on an article page about how the option to buy with no confirmation is the default cursor position, causing unintended battle pass purchases. How much more in your face can you get?

I mean no offense or ill will by this, but your defense of this is part of the problem and why we will never rid ourselves of these BS practices without government regulation.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 486


Playing Tekken 8 Beta test.

Just been whipped by someone with easy mode on. They only have to press a button to do all a character's special attacks. It's actually quite ridiculous that they matchmake these people with others without this setting on. As disconnecting when you see this is the case is apparently frowned upon.

Re: Unlike Recent Assassin's Creeds, There'll Be No DLC or Microtransactions in Mirage


@thefourfoldroot1 if it's ready at launch then it should be part of the game but there's no harm in extra content, like the Burning Shores DLC for Horizon: Forbidden West.

Unlike how these things used to work in the past, there are, in-fact, multiple teams working in studios, so significant content DLC is handed to another, smaller, team and starts sometime after the main game development.

Contrary to popular belief, more devs doesn't mean it gets done quicker. So, putting that extra resource that would normally be working on something else, like the DLC, into the main team won't speed things up, necessarily. In fact it could slow things down.

They also work concurrently like that because these things take a long time, so if they didn't start it before the release date, it would be years before it's finished.

Also, speaking as a developer (NOT gaming), smaller DLC projects with an established engine/game are great for junior developers to get some experience and shipping credits, senior developers learning how to lead a team, etc.

Finally, once the main game has been released the dev teams usually take some time off for R&R whilst the smaller teams carry on with the DLC. Gradually growing in size as a team as people finish taking leave/holiday/vacation.

So I definitely agree that content cut to be sold at launch as DLC is bad but I don't agree that significant story content DLC is bad.

Re: Sony and Microsoft Sign a 'Binding Agreement' to Keep Call of Duty on PlayStation


@STOBO Bethesda is where I drew the line. That was a lot of games going over to Microsoft and it's just the equivalent of them doing steroids, over hard work.

Sony could've potentially found some cash to have bought Bethesda, $8bn was doable for them

They cannot compete with $69bn. They take $80bn as a whole each year, Microsoft, $200bn.

Activision is so far over the line. It's insane and should be blocked.