Comments 962

Re: Hogwarts Legacy PS5, PS4 Summer Update Detailed in New Video


I played the game at launch and specifically remember feeling creeped out in the Forbidden Forest the first time I went in. The atmosphere is very good with this game. Combat works, the story is fine and the puzzles are fairly simple, but the world-building.../chefs kiss/ The world-building was fantastic to me.

Re: Summer Game Fest Will Focus on Existing Games, Not Massive Announcements


Gamers: We want to hear some news about our hobby

Sony: Here ya go a bunch of new stuff to look forward to

Gamers: Not that though, that stuff sucked

Geoff Keighley: how but 3 days of new info and details

Gamers: not that either because we have decided for some reason that you suck Geoff

Industry: well, what do you want? Asking for a friend

Gamers: Here is our manifesto telling you what we don't want and our list of two things we do.

Industry: So you hate everything but Bloodborne Remake and Last of Us Multiplayer. You realize that both of those things fall under no more remakes and no more live service games of your manifesto.

Gamers - suck it CEO you killed my hobby.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for June 2024 Announced


I'm playing through Dave the Diver right now so I cannot wait to try Dredge. I feel like I slept on Dave the Diver. If you have not played that one do yourself a favour and play that game.

On a different note, I find it crazy, that with the number of free games offered every month, over 2 different release windows, everyone cannot find something to entertain themselves for 20 bucks worth of time.

Doesn't anyone like anything anymore? What games are people playing that are so much better? What games are on people's want lists that could make Playstation+ better for them?

Re: Soapbox: Once a PS4 Console Exclusive, PS5 Players Are Missing a Visual Stunner in Hellblade 2


I was ready to be angry this game was not on PS5 after it got all the 10/10 review scores. But alas it barely scrapes by with a 7 for a user score on Metacritic. Also, it only runs at 30 FPS on the console making it a poor example of an acceptable tech demo. So instead of being angry, I am just disappointed for Xbox fans. We all deserve better but Xbox fans have had it bad lately.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Can Be Played Entirely Offline, Once You've Installed It



I don’t think Ubisoft made up all these lame practices themselves. I think other companies tried different money making schemes and Ubi saw an opportunity and ran with it making those small schemes into a business model. Blaming Ubi for it all is giving them too much credit. Like blaming them for open world bloat or paid cosmetics. The didn’t invent this stuff they are just really good at making it worse. lol.

I really loved Ubisoft in the early days though and it’s hard for me to watch everything they do just crash and burn. However I am one that is only upset at pricing, DLC practices and online requirements. Nothing else.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Can Be Played Entirely Offline, Once You've Installed It


Wow, the typical Ubibashing didn't take long this time. Every game announcement these days seems to have a fatal flaw that upsets some small corner of the fandom. However, Ubisoft attracts extra negative attention as they always have 2 or 3 foibles. This time it's: needing to be online to install, pricing of the different editions, and perceived "wokeness".

Ohh Ubi, why do you always make it so hard to be a fan?

Re: PS Portal Still Going Strong, Demand in USA Exceeds Supply


Sony's secret plan is to have it be able to stream games directly from PSN. If it can stream from a Playstation (essentially a server when coupled with the Portal) it can stream from the PSN servers. Am I wrong? Is there a reason this can never happen? If they can/do they will sell substantially more Potals and increase subs to PS+ Premium. It may even convince me to go digital and stream my new games over portal

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows the Actual Name of AC Red, Reveal This Week



No, I haven't, but I've heard it's good. I can't imagine how it would be the same in today's game development climate. There is no way that Ubisoft will be able to make any legacy gamer happy or attract the attention of new players with it. Ubi should Stick to making a really great single-player game...for now.

Re: EA Exploring 'Thoughtful Implementations' of In-Game Advertising



All things have been dehumanized and the quest for ultimate efficiency requires the homgenization of all things

That's what my joke about the Fortnite Gaming launchpad is about. A spoon-feeding of the drab and lifeless "Fortnite Adventure Game" where it's just one game and everyone plays it. If you want to play an adventure game you play the one provided by the Fortnite Gaming Authority which the Fortnite Gaming Board of Directors has decided that you play.

As Charlton Heston said, "Soylent green is made of damn dirty apes"

Re: EA Exploring 'Thoughtful Implementations' of In-Game Advertising


@NEStalgia @gollumb82

I get @NEStalgia's point, I do. It seems that many things were more enjoyable before corporations took them over. At my age though, I don't want to be one of those old guys saying that "things were better in my time" crap. So I try to put it in some perspective for myself. Sure corporations are trying to generate more profit from their investments, and sometimes it feels that the best they can do is rip us off with add-ons and other crap. But I also have been enjoying games in the last 10 or 15 years more than ever.

Everyone is always so nostalgic for the past games and the games industry, I just don't feel that same. The old game is old.

In 20 years from now, when one corp owns it all and has left us with the Fortnite Gaming Launchpad, where we choose our genre and play a mind-numbing game in VR called either Adventure Game, Racing Game, Platform Game, or Sportsball Game. That is when everybody will look back and say remember when Microsoft tried to buy wish I knew we were in the good old times when we were still in the good old times.

OH ya...Advertising...Meh...whatever...could be

Re: EA Exploring 'Thoughtful Implementations' of In-Game Advertising



I agree, I guess it does seem more flagrant than it did before. I think most of us are just growing more weary of every corp on the planet trying to suck us dry for as much money as possible. Landlords, banks, grocery, utilities, cars, cellphones, celebrities, you name it, whatever it is, are just trying to take more and more of our already diminished wages.

Re: EA Exploring 'Thoughtful Implementations' of In-Game Advertising

MikeOrator some point, as consumers, we will have to put up with something in our games that makes the shareholders more money. I feel it's either that, or we will start paying more for our games.

What happens to game companies that pay a licence fee to, a car manufacturer for example, but now the game company wants to get paid to advertise the car?

If the car companies don't want to pay will we go back to games having vague-looking cars like Grand Theft Auto, and who will want to play Grand Tourismo or Horizon with vague-looking supercars?