Comments 962

Re: Preview: Metaphor: ReFantazio Won't Blow You Away in Its First Hour


This game is going to be just fine. We need to stop looking for reasons this may fail. Be it marketing, slow tutorials, or enhanced editions in a year. This game has unique visuals, an interesting combat system, and an amazing pedigree. The developers are also being very upfront with us on what the game is with the slow drip feed of new details.

I really want this game to skate through its release cycle without becoming a battleground in the culture wars or game company hate fests.

Re: Round Up: Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Reviews Are Hit and Miss


Ubisoft Haters: I am cheering for Star Wars: Outlaws to fail as I feel of all the companies trying to earn a profit off my back for some reason when Ubisoft does, it's 100 times worse.

Review Sites: Star Wars: Outlaws is pretty good, solid 7 or 8 out of 10. Not revolutionary but if you like games like this you will like this game. Not GOTY but a fun game with some good content.

Ubisoft Haters: The game still sucks, everyone who likes the game is either a casual or is a shill for Ubisoft.

Re: Site News: Where's Our Concord PS5, PC Review?



They certainly are interested in steamrolling over things they don't like that's for sure. Nothing is more fun on the internet than a good old hatred pile-on. Last week was Borderlands movie, next week will be more Star Wars Outlaws. I can't even watch most of the weirdo game influencers on YouTube any longer. They are completely obsessed with wokeness, digital female bodies, and historical accuracy in fictional games. /eyeroll.

Re: Two Star Wars Outlaws DLC Packs Set for Fall and Spring 2025


Let’s see how excited everyone is for more Outlaws content. Ahh comments as unhinged as ever. If this game had Fromsoft or Rockstar on the label this comment section would have a completely different vibe. But big bad Ubisoft is looking to make money on a product they developed so it must be evil.

Re: Reaction: Sony's Billion Dollar Bungie Buyout Is Looking More and More Like a Blunder



I also remember my grandpa saying that Jaws, Star Wars, and the Exorcist were crappy movies and they sure didn’t make movies like they used to. He blamed corporate greed and a lack of talented writing. He also didn’t like that black actors were in lead roles. Just saying, the more things change the more they stay the same. This is why I don’t make any sweat over what’s happening in entertainment. I enjoy what I do and leave the rest.

Re: Reaction: Sony's Billion Dollar Bungie Buyout Is Looking More and More Like a Blunder



I do not own Sony stock so I do not have a horse in the race, but maybe, just maybe, there are fewer fans because they all expect something from Sony that is being seen through rose-tinted glasses. Each gen for Sony has been different. This is not worse or just is.

The problem is nowadays people can only see in terms of black or white. There can't just be an ok generation with some good games, bad games, and some great games it has to be "THe WorSt GenERatiOn PlaYstaiOn has HaD". I find that attitude to be tiring and boring.

Anyway, the Bungie deal was bad because PS did not get Halo with the

Re: Reaction: Sony's Billion Dollar Bungie Buyout Is Looking More and More Like a Blunder


"The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different" - Peter Drucker 1909 - 2005 (smart business guy)

Even if a person could predict the future I don't think anyone would believe and if they did they would burn them as a witch.

But I do know one thing, If Naughty Dog continued to make "Factions 2" it would never have lived up to the expectations of the niche community that played the first game. Sony would have had to adjust the game in ways that keep the casuals happy to make the most money off of it. It would have been filled with microtransactions, season passes, paid cosmetics, upgrade timers, and the so-called "woke agenda". This would have triggered the original fans of the game who would have turned on Naughty Dog faster than you can say Gacha.

Re: GTA 6 Not Affected by Current Union Strike Over AI Issues



It's a merry-go-round of exploitation. If even the richest on the planet are worse off that means we're truly bleeding the planet dry and that once the resources run out and wealth can no longer be generated we will have the death of capitalism and possibly a new dark age. Either that or the merry-go-round will all keep spinning faster and faster and fewer and fewer people will be able to hang on.

Anyway, I am sure glad Rockstar is still able to exploit their labour and use AI without consequence. Not sure, is that what the article said?

Re: 'Unpolished' Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Gets Blasted, But Ubisoft Insists on August Release Date



Once I realized that nothing is ever made for the fans by big corporations and that these franchises are now simply there to make money I started enjoying things again. I now have the "it is what it is" attitude. Some things are crap, some things are good, some things are excellent, but none of it is made for the consumer/fan.

Creators are so beholden to shareholders now we will never see this change. It's all numbers on a spreadsheet.

Re: Interview: Learning All About The Precinct, PS5's Super Promising Sandbox Cop Game


@glassmusic @Golem25 @riceNpea

Cops are class traitors who are paid for with our tax dollars to protect the assets of the ultra-wealthy and to fill for-profit jails. Not all cops are explicit in this but they all participate in it.

Even Jake Peralta

The game looks cool though. Are there water canons, rubber bullets and riot shields or just armoured vehicles and assault helicopters?

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Zenless Zone Zero?


I played all weekend, got lots of free pulls and even got two S tier. However, getting the mats to upgrade is getting harder and harder and I know this game has a week left on my hard drive before it goes in the bin just like Genshin and Honkai. Fun though, and I would pay full price for a non-gatcha version.