Comments 2,509

Re: PS4 Series Debut Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road of Heroes Emerges from Dev Hell


@NEStalgia I'm biased for Sony to acquire them (obviously) but it's because I'm a huge fan of Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy. I always wanted a sequel before they moved towards Ni No Kuni...chances are they won't go back to them which is a shame.

I can dream. I hope they as a company get their butts out of their own face before they crash the ship.

Re: Sony Bigwig Teases Very Important 2023 for PS5


@Titntin FTC and other regulators have back door access to all records, public and private for all parties involved in the ABK acquisition.

This includes Sony. Sony doesn't have to hide anything from the public. Odds are they will wait till they are nearly ready to release projects to announce them. Same with the console. It makes no sense for Sony to announce it now, people would stop buying their current versions. They'll announce it a few weeks before they release the new console.

Re: Infamous Internet Leaker Retires from Snitching on Major Games


@PegasusActual93 lots of people have access to that information, it's why NDAs exist. There was that recent story of that YouTuber who was caught with a fake Twitter account revealing such secrets. Essentially ruining his career as a YouTuber. Colin Moriarty is another user with access, he is smart enough to hint at things rather than flat out admit anything, thus circumventing the NDAs.

Re: US Government's FTC Will Attempt to Block Microsoft's Activision Buyout


@MaccaMUFC just because they don't get a 69 billion dollar deal from going in, doesn't mean they will still have that money to blow. After paying Activision 3B, I don't think their share holders will be too happy to put any money towards the Gaming industry in the near future. Shareholders care about profit, end of the day.