Comments 2,509

Re: Activision Boss Disappointed by Sony, But Commits to Best Games Possible on PS5, PS4


The team that handled SOCOM closed down, at the same time COD was on the rise, so Sony didn't bother to make a new one.
Killzone Shadow Fall was meant to be a showcase of the power a PS4 console could output. Even to this day, it's one of the most visually impressive games we have ever seen on the PlayStation 4, unfortunately, Gorilla dropped the ball on the story. Which was unfortunate.
For Resistance, I wouldn't mind a full remake of the series bundled for modern consoles.

Re: E3 2023 in Doubt as More Publishers Pull Out


I think E3 used to cost publishers an insane amount of money. With COVID requiring virtualization, big publishers simply realized it wasn't worth it. E3 should change it's demographic to indie games and studios, charge far less, and occupy less space. Only way it can survive moving forward...

Re: Sony Is Acting Unfairly Against Xbox in Japan, US Congress Members Say


People keep circling back to ff7remake as being anti consumer, to justify ABK purchase, but it's not like SE has a big market in the Xbox community. Most of their sales are split like the following:
55% Sony
40% Nintendo
5% Microsoft
It can make sense why they wouldn't go through the effort of publishing it on Xbox if they don't expect to see enough profit to justify doing so. The game wouldn't even run on the switch.

Re: UK Regulator No Longer Concerned About Activision Buyout's Impact on Console Competition


@OtsutsukiBoruto 100% everyone who celebrates with acquisition is looking at it very shortsightedly, over the next few years we will see the ramifications of this acquisition. It isn't so easy to make a COD killer, EA couldn't do it, Bungie couldn't do it, what makes people think Sony can do it? Even if a multi plat Killzone, resistance or Socom was released, people who have never played the franchise need to take a chance and try it over the dominant COD, it's an uphill battle at the very least.

Re: U.S. Senator Says Sony Has 'Monopoly' on High-End Japanese Game Market


@koffing it's ridiculous to assume Sony would not oppose this deal. Even if Sony could make a competent shooter, it'll take at least a decade of good marketing, as well as releasing it multiplatform to maybe even sniff COD. In performance or sales. If Microsoft were in their shoes, they'd have done the same.

@StylesT Sony has allocated a separate budget for PSVR, to that of PlayStation consoles (i.e. fighting the merger). All the deals you see for the console, are in no way related to any budgets and negotiations Sony has done to bring games to the psvr2. This is a complete non issue.

Re: Sony Has Approximately $5 Billion Left for Acquisitions and Investments


@awp69 unlikely.

Square situation would be similar to Bethesda's not ABK.

Bethesda worked closely with Microsoft for years, so they were wholly acquired and don't need to release anything to competition.

ABK has always been multi plat, other than marketing deals, this has never changed. So regulators will likely force at least some of ABK to remain multi plat.

Square used to release on Microsoft consoles, but in the past 3 years they have released less than 5. They would be considered closely associated to Sony, and maybe Nintendo. So hypothetically Sony would be able to keep all their IP and studios to themselves. However, I can see Sony keeping some franchises multi plat due to popularity and licensing agreements (Kingdom hearts).

Would Sony acquire a publisher? Probably not, imho. It'd be interesting if they do, but my bet is on them acquiring independent studios like Ballistic Moon, Deviation, ember labs etc.

Re: Sony May Have Added Another First-Party Studio to Its Roster


@JustPlainLoco I could see them working on a PSVR title tbh, Rush of blood was so underrated, and I'm sure people would love a sequel from the same minds.

I also think Deviation will be acquired one of these days, if you seen the tour of their office, they have an unhealthy amount of PS decoration for an independent studio.

Re: Sony May Have Added Another First-Party Studio to Its Roster


@C25CLOUD they would on the condition whoever buys them licenses out their IP on a contractual basis rather than wholly owning them. I read that sometime in 2021 when they initially put it up for sale, and Microsoft inquired about the purchase, this was a sticking point to them not wanting to buy wb gaming division.