Comments 181

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Accidental PS5 Console Exclusivity Truncated as Xbox Backtracks


I own Xbox Series X.
I bought it on one of these "24 month ultimate gaming pass" bundles where you get the console and pass for a monthly fee.
It ended 2 months ago.
I have not renewed the pass, as I think in total I have used it 8 times - and that was to play Forza, which is on PC as well.
Its not a great system - constant crashes, the DVD player wont play most of my 4K discs due to an FPS bug, and the menu is a mess.
The PS5 however has been used daily since I was lucky enough to get it on launch day. Its a far superior product all round.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PlayStation Portal?


I already stream my PS5 to my ipad and pc - and use the PS5 dual sense controller and it works very well. I've even had the ipad stream to the bedroom TV so I can play upstairs without moving the main box.
So - if I didnt have these devices I would probably get this new device - which is cheaper than either of the current solutions I have.

Re: Meet the Cast That Will Consume All Your Cash in Genshin Impact This Week


Each new character doesnt need insane levels of grind - you get character XP in the form of usable items, not points, and you get them from just about everything you do - so these are saved up in your bag and when you get a new character you just dump a load on them and get them up to the level you want instantly.

The appeal is the huge and rich world they have built since launch, and incredibly good stories that you play through, with voice acted cut scenes throughout, and a wealth of background.

Exploration is constantly rewarded, especially for those who go outside of any obvious path, and there are new events added every 2 weeks or so - which when compared to a typical MMO you may get the same number added every 4 months if you were lucky.

The characters themsevles are well crafted, the art and world design is simply beautiful, and you can play for years and never need to spend a penny. I have a huge number of characters that cost me nothing and let me build a variety of different play styles to suit different bosses and quests.

Its a genuinely excellent game and they have managed to take the "free to play gatcha" model and develop it into a system that doesnt make you feel pressured or even required in any way to buy anything unless you especially like a character and really want it (I presume!). But the amount of "gems" given in game is at times so over the top I wonder why anyone would need to actually purchase any!

Re: New PSVR2 Games Release Dates in 2023


It’s been a while now since psvr2 launched and I still can’t see any big complete triple A titles appearing. Having played pcvr and quest titles - which are mainly shorter experiences or lower res indie type games I had fully expected the high res vr from ps5 to reflect the kind of titles the ps5 has continued to deliver. Instead it seems to be going the same way as the other systems.

I completely understand that in terms of financial gain it’s not cost effective to build a massive title like god of war specifically for this market but I had hoped we would see polished VR modes starting to be included in the bigger titles.

And yet nothing has appeared 7 months in and some games such as F1 2023 who have a VR mode on pc have opted not to convert this in their PS builds.

Which makes me sad as it’s a great system, but I just can’t keep justifying buying what are on the whole inferior games when compared to the 2D offerings (although fun).

Even the better games only offer a day or two of play through.

Re: PS5 Console Discounts Set to Expand to USA and UK, It's Claimed


I have considered myself a pc gamer since doom was originally released way back when - but I decided to get a ps5 on launch day as I was working at home due to Covid and needed to separate my work room from my entertainment room - and I have barely played a game on the pc since.
I adore it. I think I’ve used it every day, although sometimes just for watching a 4K disc movie - but mostly for gaming. Sitting on the sofa after work and playing one of the many many excellent titles on a big screen oled tv has turned out to be a fantastic pastime.
I did buy an Xbox series x a few months after the ps5 thinking it was consoles I was enjoying but found it inferior in most ways and I’ve not turned it on in probably 6 months or more.
Anyway - gush over, but the point was it was worth every penny I spent on it, and was cheaper than my pc’s graphic card.

Re: Canada Joins UK, US in Questioning Microsoft's Activision Blizzard Buyout


If Microsoft put half the effort they have in this merger into actually making decent games, maybe the Xbox would be selling better.

I have an XS and I never use it. Lack of games compared to the PS coupled with a frustrating UI and crashes with the disc drive, as well as (in my opinion) a loud clicky toy controller have just made it an expensive paperweight.

Re: Gorgeous Gacha Tower of Fantasy's PS5, PS4 Ascent Begins on 8th August


@Flaming_Kaiser I suspect you are trolling at this point but if not I’m not aware of the “addicted” part mentioned in my comment.

Regardless, it’s a very good game and until you have actually played it for any length of time (for free) you are genuinely not qualified to present an opinion on this game, which is based on hearsay from other completely different games.
Once you’ve spent an hour in the game I’d be happy to debate the system used with you. I’m not a fan of either gambling or random loot systems so I’m sure we would have plenty of common ground.

Re: Gorgeous Gacha Tower of Fantasy's PS5, PS4 Ascent Begins on 8th August


@Flaming_Kaiser As many reviewers have commented - Genshin does not attempt to do this, it makes money by creating a fantastic world, great stories, great gameplay, and building characters you care about - knowing that people will pay small amounts to collect these - but giving you huge opportunities to get them for free. With the size of their player base they only need a tiny percentage to pay and they make a fortune.
I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into it and pay £5.99 a month for a daily boost and have seen no need to pay more, nor have I been pushed or coerced into doing so. And I mainly pay that as I feel like I’m ripping them off otherwise!

Re: Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail Dev's Profits Eclipse Even PlayStation


I've been playing Star Rail, have not spent a penny, but I have most of the 5* characters through either insane good fortune or to suck me in later. But they give so many free spins its crazy. I can easily spin 5-10 a day by just questing and updating.
It is certainly more of an RPG management sim than anything else though.

Re: Lords of the Fallen Really Is Shaping Up to Be a Surprise PS5 Stunner


Like with Demon Souls remake, I would dearly love to have the time or patience to be skilled enough to see more than the first hour of this. It looks stunning.
Sadly though my reactions and tolerance to repeatedly dying and restarting are both not up to par - mainly due to age, family commitments and work. So I’ll likely end up watching someone play it on Twitch or YouTube.
Which is a shame, but I learnt the hardway, having paid £70 for DS and Elden Ring, that it’s simply a waste of my money to get these. Sadly.
(Not an attempt at saying they should be changed, I’m not the target audience, I would just dearly love to see the world, story and atmosphere in full without smashing my controller in frustration and ejecting the disc at speed across the nearby road..)

Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer


This is competing with the HoloLens which initially advertised the same sort of features for s similar price, and sells well enough for the HoloLens2 to have been developed.
It’s for companies to use in business. It’s no coincidence that the rest of the presentation was to show the $6,000 apple pc aimed at the very limited number of movies studios.

Also.. note it’s called the Vision Pro.

The Quest Pro, Nico Pro and Vive Pro all launched after their commercial versions, but it looks like apple are showing the pro first, ready at launch for unity developers to build or adapt their games, so that presumably when the Vision launches for the same price as an iPhone Pro later on it will look like a much more affordable device and already have a good buzz about the tech.

Re: F1 23 Takes Pole Position with Braking Point 2 Narrative Deep Dive


@BeerIsAwesome they have been trying to brake into the US for years, as it’s a huge money potential and driver for teams and engineering.
It brings more races and soon more teams

But this isn’t new - many years ago you had 24 cars and lots of races in the US. This isn’t some crazy new idea, it’s just bringing it back to where it was at its previous peak

Re: Amazon Fixes All-Seeing Eye on Aging Lord of the Rings MMO, Forging One to Rule Them All


I enjoyed the show, my friends enjoyed the show, people at work appear to have enjoyed the show, even my wife enjoyed the show - and quite a lot of them played EQ, WoW, UO and indeed LotRO (prior to its free to play iteration) back in the day - so if it was done well they may find a larger player base - especially given the lack of decent mmo’s on console.
If it were a truly open world sandbox like SWG but in the Middle-earth universe .. well, I’d be up for trying it .. chances are it won’t be though sadly.