Comments 181

Re: PS Plus, PS Now Merged Service Revealed, Goes Live in June


Couple of questions:

The Sony site states 2 games for PS Essential, and no changes to the current offering for current PS Now subscribers - but current subscribers get 3 games. So is this a typo?

Currently if we cancel our PS Now sub we lose all the games we have built up so far even if we resub later - so no one cancels.
With the new middle tier - does this mean all those games will be in this, so if we cancel we can resub later and don't lose access when re-sub? So its a better system?

Re: Elden Ring Easy Mode Isn't Happening on PS5, PS4


Love the game so far and no it shouldn’t have to change its difficulty.

However… my issue is with it being branded 10/10 and game of the year by almost every reviewer - as millions will buy this purely on that score, and will hit the wall of difficulty, and never get past it - wasting £40-£50, and never experiencing the story or artwork.
If I were the developer or artist working on the game I’d be genuinely miserable my work would only be experienced by a relatively small number, and if I were the buyer I’d be annoyed at the game, the reviewer and the store for allowing me to waste my money.

It doesn’t happen in other forms of purchased media - it’s like going to the cinema to see the latest blockbuster and 20 minutes into the film someone constructing a wall in front and telling you only those fit enough to climb over could watch the rest of it - but no refunds were available.

Although it is George RR Martin so no one should be too surprised that most people will never see the ending 😂

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Horizon Forbidden West?


Lots of graphical pop in issues so far on PS5 (for me anyway) - even the opening credits had grass suddenly appear, solid block colours pop into textures, people appear etc.

Hoping they patch it fairly soon as a bit distracting

Re: Horizon Forbidden West (PS5) - Excellent Sequel Is a PS5 Essential


I admit to being confused why Sony made a machine where you couldn’t play in 4k 60fps as standard and have to throttle next gen games to experience the full quality.

My Xbox x let’s me play 4k 120fps with ray tracing as does my 3080 powered pc.

Anyway - great review thank you, stoked to play it next week!

(Ps - The PS5 is still the best console, best controller, with the best games imho - the Xbox is frankly ***** and the pc is a pain to stream to downstairs with inferior story based games)

Re: PS5 Owners Ponder What Sony Is Playing At with VRR


Ok not wanting to point out bad journalism on a games website - but exactly which “ps5 owners” are pondering what Sony is playing at? From the write up it appears only the writer is pondering this - if you report on a story with a headline like that you need to evidence your sources for these ps5 owners. Otherwise you are guilty of creating fake news and propaganda.

If I were to post on a news sire “many people think Coca Cola is putting poison in their cans and killing cats for fun” I’d need evidence…

Many of your readers think your writing is bad and you need to do a journalism course.

Re: Sony Taking PSVR2 Pre-Order Sign-Ups Through Official Website


Just finished HL Alyx via Quest 2 to Pc wireless - fantastic game.
First full AAA title I’ve played - and no motion sickness at all. With a battery pack I played for 8 hrs straight.

I hope Sony have tried this, because to play in fantastic resolution (ultra on the PC with 120hz mode on the headset) but with no wires, was a revelation.

To go back to wires will feel like a step backwards - when it’s completely doable.

Re: French Retailer Warns PS5 Players to Choose Console Carefully After Xbox's Activision Acquisition


So I'm lucky enough to have both a PS5 and an Xbox X - and tbh the Xbox is dreadful in comparison. Constant crashes, a 4k player that only works if you buy sound software separately, and even then goes to a black screen randomly and needs to be rebooted, a severe lack of decent games (besides Halo and Forza), a confusing UI and a loud plastic controller.

The PS5 is far superior - in my humble view.

Re: We're Sure Everyone Will Be Calm About SEGA NFT Trademark


NFTs are just another way that rich folk can exploit poor folk, or in some cases, other rich folk.
Your average Joe on the street will never have the resources, the skills, the money or the knowledge to create them, let alone sell them for a profit. But those rich folk have realised gamers will buy anything related to the game they are currently emotionally involved with.
First it was selling DLCs, then it was selling virtual armour and guns and pets, then it was just selling the virtual coins to buy the virtual armour and pets, and now it’s selling you a virtual picture of the armour and pets - without you being able to do anything with it.
They must be laughing into their diamond encrusted gold iPhones at the stupidity of “normal people”.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408


@GorosBat I didn’t see that in the post I responded to, no

Now kid, another, more friendly response would have been “You probably missed the bit of the post where I mention I’m in Australia. It works out around £35 after conversion, so a real bargain!”

Which then leads to a friendly response and chat

You’re welcome. And welcome to the “internet”

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408


@Ashpip I’ve just started my second play through as the other character after a break of two years. Had 200+ hours logged before, yet I’m already completely addicted again. I find the world so beautiful, especially on PS5, in 4k hdr, on an OLED tv. As an ex-EQ/UO mmo player, this is easily one of my favourite single player games.