Comments 60

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


Many of us don't even have the monitors/TVs to really get the most out of the fidelty mode, which is at least partly why 3/4ths of players use performance mode. Making it so we can have the best of both worlds only really matters for those of us with 4K monitors; NOT the giga-sized selling point they think it is

Re: Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Announced for PS5, PS4, and Yes, It's an Arena Fighter


I'm glad that the likes of Sparking Zero and Hinokami Chronicles have been raising the bar for arena fighters lately, cuz if it follows those examples, this'll turn out amazing!

... I just hope they learn from the successful elements of those two games, as well as the unsuccessful elements of things like JJK Cursed Clash and One Punch Man: A Game Nobody Remembers; there's a lot of history in the genre now, both of what has and hasn't worked, so with any luck, this'll be the video game revival Bleach deserves.

Re: FromSoftware Boss Puts Elden Ring Difficulty Discourse to Bed, Once and For All


Something a lot of these comments are seemingly flat out ignoring is the fact that a game is more than just its gameplay. Elden Ring isn't JUST difficult fights, it's a massive fantastical world to explore, with characters to interact with and stories to not only experience, but to be changed as you see fit. George R. R. Martin assisted with the creation of Elden Ring's world, which I'm sure got a lot of Game of Thrones fans interested in buying them game, and probably not for the gameplay, but in order to dive into a new, complex fantasy world. Many then were driven away from it by its difficulty, and couldn't experience the narrative and exploration they wanted too.

Now, that isn't FromSoftware's fault; if they want their game to be tough, it's going to be tough. However, fans that claim that the people who just want to experience the game in a way they can enjoy are "entitled", ironically, sound like stuck up gate keepers. It would be the easiest thing in the world to just make a selectable mode at the start of the game called "Story" or "Casual" mode, where the player character just can't die outside of scripted events, and can't access all the invader multiplayer stuff. Suddenly, SO many more people can experience the intricate world that Miyazaki and everyone at FromSoftware have spent years to create, at next to zero effort.

It's not a problem or a disgrace that people just want to play the games they purchased how they want to play them, and if it's super easy to accommodate, then why not? It seems like a lot of other commenters have some sort of stuck up pride about the games being so hard, but like, why? Are you really THAT butt hurt over the idea of someone's grandparents that grew up reading The Lord of the Rings getting the chance to see Alexander's, Ranni's, or Millicent's stories to completion themselves, or to wander the lands between and take in the feeling of a fantasy adventure like they'd always wanted to?

It may be impossible to make everyone happy, but we could at least avoid actively excluding people that just want to experience something we love in a way they can.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Demands Always Online Internet Connection, Campaign Included


@HonestHick I was basing it on the Xbox store page, which states the 300 GB approximate size.
I've got zero clue how cod goes about all its betas, so you're probably right? Still seems weird to have it listed as such on the store page, but I hope you're right and it isn't a third of the console's space.

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest 2024 Great or a Letdown?


@LordAinsley might've sucked for you, but I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to a lot that was shown off anyways, and there's a Nintendo direct right around the corner. Add that to my mile long backlog, and I don't mind if a presentation doesn't have the next Elder Scrolls, Halo, GTA, Bioshock, COD, or Fallout. I'm more than happy to see some pleasant little indies that actually have gameplay to show and will release in a finished state. What can I say, I liked this presentation. Sorry you didn't, dude.

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest 2024 Great or a Letdown?


Geoff DID preface it all by saying there wouldn't be many brand new announcements, so I went into it with the expectation of it being just a pretty chill afternoon show, and that's exactly what it was. Popped off at Terry in Street Fighter 6, added a BUNCH of indies to my wish list, and I appreciated the emphasis on the state of the game industry not only at the start of the show, but throughout (such as with Innersloth's Outersloth thing). Overall, I came out of it feeling pretty chipper.

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for Summer Game Fest 2024?


Yeah, I vibe. Makes for a chill afternoon with the guys, with the occasional hype reveal we all shout at. If I were to watch it on my own I'd probably think much less of it, but it REALLY shines when you've got a bunch of dweebs in a room popping off over 5 seconds of Goku's head for the following 20 minutes.

Re: Mega Man Collab Brings Exoprimal Back to Life Later This Month


@Specky I think there was going to be some sort of gritty reboot/new entry for the series called Maverick Hunter or something, but it, along with a ton of other planned megaman titles, were canceled out of nowhere back in the 2000s. A Megaman Prime styled affair would be cool as hell, we just need capcom to do ANYTHING with the franchise other than use it as crossover fuel

Re: Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash (PS5) - Cursed Trash Solely Exists to Grab Your Cash


As someone with a group of friends to play with, I've personally been having a ton of fun with it! Hopping into voice chat and just throwing hands is good fun, and the variety in play style for each character makes the battles super fun and chaotic...

When you DO have said friends.

Playing alone, the story mode is just kinda simple and nothing-y, and playing with random people online turns the communication-based experience you get with friends on its head, and suddenly you don't just have to worry about an opponent, but two of them AND a teammate, making for a super unreliable and inconsistent experience.

Tl;dr, it can be fun with friends, and either boring or frustrating without.

Re: Overwatch 2 Will Completely Replace the Original Upon Launch on PS5, PS4


@pip_muzz Oh heck yeah it is. Character specific abilities, a plethora of modes, swaggy customization, an actual art style, constant content updates now that it’s coming back, lots of user made content, and often at its best with friends. I personally love it, but it definitely gains a ton of depth and layers when you can chat with friends and devise strategies and team compositions. If you’re playing by yourself, you might find yourself getting angry at teammates that are doing their own thing every now and again, but there’s also some single player free for all modes too, which are good fun as well. It’s got a lot of charm, some fun lore that’s even present in stages and character interactions, and is kinda what I imagined for a long time to be what Nintendo would do if they made an FPS, if that gives you any idea as to what I mean.

But yeah, with it becoming free, I’d definitely recommend trying it out. At worst, you don’t play it again, but at best, you may find yourself a new fav

Re: Sonic Frontiers Director Defines 'Open Zone', Will Take Between 20-30 Hours to Beat


@nomither6 fair enough view. And I get what you mean. A lot open world games seem to just be “go here, do this, enjoy the walk there” like long loading screens to look at until you get to where you wanna be. It takes a whole lot of good content squished into a big world to warrant exploration, and that’s tough to do, but I also think that the way you travel around the world is just as important. If you’re just walking in a straight line or riding a slightly faster horse, it can get a bit dull, hence why I really like the master cycle zero in breath of the wild, as you can do a bunch of physics based jumps and stuff as you bike around the open world, and it’s lots of fun. I think that frontiers has a chance to be similar, as Sonic is all about going fast, he doesn’t need a vehicle or mount to “unlock” more efficient travel or fun methods, he can do it himself. Hence forth, I think as a character, he lends himself well to the act of just running around a big space and having fun with it. Especially with tells of upgrades and sliders in the options that can adjust his speed, handling, etc, I think there’s a lot of potential. Even if it’s not for you, I hope you can see why some of us are excited, for potentially the first time in a long time, to just run around in a game world.

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