Comments 66

Re: Sony to Take Action as PS5, PS4 Owners Play Less Than Anticipated


That’s what happens when less awesome games are released and more and more remakes, remasters, live service and online only games are instead. People pay the big bucks for games that are truly loved and are amazing not are ok or really good. This gen is really slim pickings so far. Engagement and $$$ spent will reflect this and will continue in a downward direction until games the most gamers want are frequently being released. Time was there was a really good game released every month or if not every other month. Sometimes a couple per month even. Now you can go 6 months without a legitimate AAA GOTY contender being released and while people are still buying out of desperation for something new to play they’re buying less and the longer it goes on the closer till they all but give up and stop purchasing until a game on the same level as Elden ring, horizon, TLOU (new, not remade), Single player offline elder scrolls etc etc comes out

Re: Naughty Dog Employee Implies The Last of Us PS5 Gameplay Is Rebuilt, Says Leaks Are Extremely Hurtful


I’d imagine leaks that reveal your “game” is barely any different from the last time they remastered it would be extremely hurtful…to sales. Which is why they haven’t released any gameplay footage even so close to its release. It’s what substantially below par (or expectations) games do so as to not lessen sales cos they know if they do release footage they’re done-zo. To all the people that preordered and are supporting this you’re getting what you asked for, a lazy cash grab. Enjoy hahaha

Re: Reaction: WTF Is Going on with The Last of Us PS5?


Remember when this happened (the no gameplay footage) with the GTA remakes and what the result was? No doubt this is a more modern game so it won’t be as funky but there’s only one reason so close to its release there’s slim to no game footage. It’s not that good so they’re delaying it until release so they can get as many rubes as possible to preorder before they realise the fix is in

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Stray?


Massive cat fan but this game ain’t gunna be too in depth story or game wise without quest based missions involving npc’s and dialogue or character growth and such, so I’ll get round to it when I do. For what it is (a small indie game) I’m sure it will be adequate for a few hours entertainment

Re: Poll: What PS Stars Rewards Do You Want?


This sounds like we’re gunna get something for free for doing very little or for what we already do. Which actually means eventually they’ll snake their way to a point where they’ll give us less and we will have to do this (spend many many many hours) or pay with mtx (their preferred option) to get the same we got before. The hardest pass possible because I have zero faith that in the near future this won’t morph into some kind of money trap, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it. I mean realistically what’s the best we’re going to get? Discounted digital games that are already way more expensive than physical editions, in other words nothing. This sounds like something that’d be right down the alley for people gullible enough to pay full price for digital games

Re: Reaction: We Need to Talk About PS Plus Premium


I’m not feeling any of the tiers. Until there’s new releases I wouldn’t even consider any form of subscription (doesn’t have to be day one as I don’t play day one anyway as even Sony 1st party games need some post release optimisation). I mean they have great games but they’re year/s old and I’ve already played em. So no way I buy in just to hope maybe there’s a AA game “gem” I’ve missed at best case scenario. And those retro games were great in their day but are hoooorrrribbblleeeeee when played today

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