Comments 768

Re: Sony Santa Monica Boss Shannon Studstill Leaves to Lead New Google Stadia Studio


Well, Google is playing its cards. It has so much money that it can afford lots of years until Stadia hits.

It scares me though. Google is everywhere. I can't even access a result of a search directly anymore, they redirect us to caches in their own servers. Any business domain they're not in yet, they purchase a company that is. I love PlayStation and Nintendo; for their sake and ours, I hope Stadia fails.

Re: Multiple Kingdom Hearts Games Now in Development, One 'Coming Surprisingly Soon'


Sooner than expected? Great, a new Kingdom Hearts is coming prior to PlayStation 6!

Anyway, I see some people complaining about KH3, and as a long time fan, let me add something to this discussion. Overall, KH3 has the most amazing graphics and animations the series has ever seen. The worlds are vast and cool to explore. The story is nice IMO, the only problem being that the ending didn't really finish the saga for me, instead leaving a huge question mark.

But the game's biggest flaw really is something called Attractions. They pop up every minute in every fight, turning a really cool fight full of animations into a boring mini-game that beats all the enemies. It's amazing when you're fighting Titans and a rollercoaster pops up, but it's not so cool to skip every single fight with spinning cup teas or whatever. Seriously, if they could add a "Disable Attractions out of boss battles" option to the game, it would become a whole lot better.

That aside though, I enjoyed my time playing KH3.

Re: Gallery: Latest Resident Evil 3 PS4 Screenshots Are a Sight to Behold


I'm sold. This game looks amazing! I'm in a horror games trend at the moment, currently playing all RE games since Zero. Sure, this one is actually gonna be more action than scare (with Nemesis aside), but still I really want to play it.

But starting a discussion, given the remakes of RE2 and RE3, and how different they are to RE7, and the fact that all of these are amazing, which way RE8 is going to take?

What I read was that it's going to be completely different from RE8. I feel that the gang is gonna be back for more, and the gameplay will be akin to RE2/RE3 with the horror focus of RE7. Maybe a new mansion? =D

Re: Talking Point: Did The Game Awards 2019 Deliver the Hype?


I watched more than half of it, but couldn't make it to the end, it was past midnight and I was quite tired. These are my impressions based on what I saw:

  • Xbox reveal was, well... Ok, I guess. I expected more excitement for a new console announcement. This and the fact that it looks awful! Stadia's argument for "your console takes space from your living room" seems to apply to the new green box.
  • Speaking of Stadia, funny ad, but I still don't buy their selling points. Game streaming is the future, but globally we're not quite ready yet.
  • The show looks like the Oscars. But that's pretty much it. I couldn't care less about the awards or nominees. They distribute them like candy. "Hey, for Best Gamers in the Living Room we have A, B, C and D, the winner is B! And the next award is...". Come on, prepare a video or something for each nominee so that we're aware of what they did. That's a big part of the Oscars, you get to know about some interesting movies you missed, and learn about new artists.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Must Introduce Price Parity Across Regional PSN Stores


I understand your troubles, Liam. But I pray that price parity does not happen across regions. You see, in Latin America prices are high for the average salary, but if you translate to US dollars it's probably cheaper than in US. Having separate price tags allow companies to adapt to each market, specially in emergent countries.

Re: Reaction: Unrealistic Expectations Mar Sony's Best State of Play So Far


It was solid, compared to the others. But as pointed out by @get2sammyb, it is still far away from Nintendo Direct's worst days.

Well, the problem here is that PlayStation barely has news to share for PS4. Nintendo uses Directs to share everything, news, updates, nindies, developers' opinions, 3rd parties, with a nice pace to the videos, and they also avoid announcing games until they're closer to release. PlayStation announces games 4-5 years before actual release...

Anyway, there is no reason why Sony can't learn. Hopefully they use it better next generation.

Re: Activision Looking into Possibly Making New Crash and Spyro Content, More Retro Remakes


I wouldn't mind new games for Crash and Spyro, but Activision should be careful with the timing of these releases. They remade 3 games for each of these properties already; I actually heard a friend recently say he had enough of Spyro for a long time after obtaining the Platinum trophy for the trilogy.

You know, it's Activision after all. They pass me this feeling of "it either sells zillion dollars or the IP is dead".

Re: DuckTales Remastered Demonstrates the Dangers of Digital with Delisting


I suggest that PushSquare posts an article every now and then with a list of games that are being "retired", so to speak. Just in case anybody in this community wants to grab it while still available.

As for the servers, I wouldn't worry too much. Nowadays with everything in the cloud, and public data centers, and how the global economy could suffer a huge hit if these servers crashed, it gets harder to shut a platform down. I'd get really worried if they started disabling purchased games, though.

Re: PS5 Is 'Hard to Get Excited About', Says Platinum Boss


Seriously, Cloud is innovative? It's actually more powerful hardware too behind the scenes. And its evolution is completely based on more powerful hardware and higher quantity of units. So it's basically the same thing, but without the box.

And let's face it, even if we had the Wi-Fi quality necessary to run Cloud gaming at home, there's no way we will do it on the go in mobile phones anytime soon.

In other words, we'll be playing in a TV or computer monitor with a controller the same type of games we've been playing. Yay, innovation! 😒

Re: Reaction: Sony's Surprise PS5 Reveal Was a Stroke of Genius


Hold on, now, Sammy! I actually thought you were joking when I read the headline. That's crazy!

That's a stealth mode announcement if there is such a thing. Love the sound of it, I'm just worried about the price, but well, I can wait a year to purchase if it is the only way to go.

And yay! We're not gonna lose Crash, Kingdom Hearts, Spyro and new masterpieces such as Horizon, God of War and Spider-Man! =)

Here is to future of gaming! o/

Re: Poll: Have You Changed Your PSN Name?


Yes, I've changed mine. Not as soon as I could, though, I just had something better in mind. The one I often use was not available, and I ended up adding numbers to it originally, which I never really liked. Now I've picked up my second most used username, which thankfully was available. =)

Re: DriveClub Servers to Be Shut Down in 2020, Game Gets Delisted This August


They are doing it wrong. Not just Sony, though, all companies eventually shutdown servers for their online games. GaaS is fine when done right, but publishers need to either include a dedicated offline mode such as GTA / GTA Online, or allow all of the game to work offline as-is, with CPU and local multiplayer replacing the online needs, when they decide to shutdown.

The worst thing about these games right now is that they're dead once the audience moves on! It doesn't matter if some people still like it or if others would like to try it years after release. So I believe they should move the game to offline prior to shutting down servers. Maybe even adding a P2P component so that servers aren't directly necessary for Online VS modes.

Re: Poll: Do You Think Google Stadia and Streaming Are the Future of Video Games?


One more comment on the matter.

I don't like the fact that it's going to require Google Chrome to be used. It's a browser, not a gaming application. Never understood why Google dislikes desktop applications... It's not so hard to build them as companion apps for the Web version...

Hey! For some reason, when I open the website without specifying "https", it redirects me to "http" instead...

Re: Ex-PlayStation Executive: Google Stadia Starts Inevitable Shift Away from Consoles


Ok, careful about the way you're thinking, Google! To believe something is the future without thinking about what customers want is a dangerous path.

The market fully believed that desktops and notebooks were going to be completely replaced by tablets a few years ago. Dell purchased the company back from stock market since he believed otherwise, turns out he was right: tablets are pretty much dead while desktops and notebooks are still pretty strong because that is what customers want.

IMO, if PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox keep doing their thing, this whole Scadia is gonna go down faster than Titanic. You see, customers actually want these systems, ultimately games are what move them, not hi-tech (see Xbox One vs PlayStation 4).