Comments 768

Re: Rumour: PS6 Could Span a Console and Handheld Device


My answer would be I’m not interesting in PS6, period. The hybrid Switch form is excellent in paper, but they need to bring in great games at a good pace yet. PS4 made me really excited about the future with PS5 so much that I pre-ordered PS5. Not sure about PS6 yet…

Re: Reaction: Why There Are So Many Unnecessary PS5 Remasters for Games That Don't Need Them


The weirdest is that PS5 is backwards compatible! We don’t need any remaster of a game that works flawlessly already, just put the money in sequels and new IPs.

Plus I agree with the general public perception, PS5 feels like PS4 Pro++. Still waiting for PS5 Breath of the Wild moment that feels like my PS5 purchase has been justified.

P.S: Where is Uncharted, Sony? Games are not movies, keep your IPs alive please.

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


The problem IMO is that FF as a series is facing an identity crisis for many years now. Resident Evil recovered once Capcom did their homework on what defines a Resident Evil game. Hopefully FF can find its feet again.

FF16 is a good game, but not a good FF. FF7 Remake is again a good game, but it is somewhere between a Kingdom Hearts and a FF, which didn’t help it given how loved the original is.

Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Harry Potter Game?


The PS1 games were amazing, and Prisoner of Azkaban on PS2 was also great, but the quality went down so fast after that. I also really liked the GBC games and Prisoner of Azkaban in GBA.

Hogwarts Legacy is a good game and excellent revival of a good Harry Potter game, but it lacks the magic of those past games. They used to be action/adventure + puzzles, and Hogwarts Legacy is more open-world with Hogwarts decorations. It's a good game, just not as special as those ones.

Re: Square Enix Has Got Fans Talking About a Final Fantasy 13 Remake, Not a Remaster


There are games I love, games I enjoy, games I don't like much, and then there is FF13. I've been playing videogames since 1999 and FF13 is the only game I ever returned to the store for something else due to how awful it was.

I can't quite define what killed it for me, but it simply was no fun at all. The fact that it was named Final Fantasy which adds expectations didn't help.

Re: PS5's Lack of Tentpole Exclusives Isn't Hurting Engagement, Says Sony


Switch has been my primary console for a while now. PS5 has been mostly used to play PS4 games so far, unfortunately. PS4 was the most amazing PlayStation console ever in terms of games and hardware. Now PS5 is the best hardware, but average on games (which seems to be reflected in the partial results of the poll).

Re: Suicide Squad the Villain Behind Warner Bros Gaming Revenue Drop


@rusty82 The thing is there is huge potential for a live service Hogwarts simulator/RPG. I honestly imagine it since I read the books as a kid how amazing it would be to have an online game where your character is a student that goes through the actual years of training with seasonal events/exams/classes and missions. Once they graduate, they could still keep going with ministry jobs. Endless gameplay, really, and could be fun and unique if done right.

But no, let's try to copy Fortnite like everyone else and pretend it will sell bazillions because Fortnite does while knowing that players won't even bother to leave their favorite game for a copy.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


I guess if we're halfway then the real challenge is going to be how to migrate players to PS6 if there are so many still on PS4.

I had PS2, 3, 4 and now 5. I was one of the early adopters who purchased PS5 on pre-sale. Even so, I firmly believe that out of all gens, PS5 is the one with the least value for money. I use it a lot to play my favorite PS4 games more so than to play new games (that in general just feel like a PS4 game with better looks).

Re: Talking Point: Have Sony's Third-Party PS5 Deals Made Up for Its Lack of First-Party Games?


While it would be nice to get more 1st party from PS Studios alongside 3rd party titles, my feeling is that the major problem is the feeling of "i've seen you before" across different games. AAAs are so expensive to make that deviating from a supposed "formula" is a risky move, so most publishers don't. Gaming doesn't feel as fun anymore - the focus nowadays seems to be in graphics and story instead of gameplay.

That said, I think we've been spoiled on PS4. Games like those cost a lot and take an entire gen to make. Who knows, maybe we'll get a bigger 1st party lineup on PS6.

Re: Rumour: Kingdom Hearts 4 Slated for 2025 Release


If they do, some Product Managers at Square Enix deserve a raise. They used to take many years to make each game, suddenly we have FFXVI, FF7 Rebirth and KH4 consecutive months/years + a smooth development period? Kudos to them!

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Successfully Expanded the Series to New, Younger Players, Says Square Enix


Good strategy, glad they're finally happy with something!

That said, I personally didn't really fall in love with FF16. Final Fantasy used to push the definition of RPGs, this entry dropped most of RPG elements in favor of exploring the Action genre - but at the same time it's not great in this area (God of War set the bar really high for me). So we're left with a good enough game that's not special in any regard.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


@B0udoir I wouldn't call it laziness, but rather lower priority. It's always a trade-off to achieve 60fps unless you have excellent optimization experts and a huge budget, so if it's not prioritized from the start over graphics and animations, it's harder to optimize later.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


Given the option, I prefer 60fps with dynamic resolution every time. However, 30fps is fine for most game genres, such as our typical Action RPGs, as long as it's consistent.

At the end of the day, consistency is the biggest deal.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


Nintendo pretty much sustains hardware and software on their own, while 3rd party and indies work as partners. They have record profits and zero debt as per last report shared in Nintendo Life.

PlayStation needs to start studying Nintendo. Pretty sure Zelda and Mario also cost a lot to make and things are working fine for Nintendo apparently.

Re: Naoki Yoshida Thinks New Blood Is Needed to Direct Final Fantasy 17


While 16 is certainly a lot of fun, and I want to play it to the end, it didn't feel any special to me so far. Once I finish it, I probably won't replay it in the future, unlike 15 that feels like a great adventure and I have already replayed it.

I hope they find a better balance between action and RPG for the next FF.

Re: E3 Is Officially Dead


One of those things that is understandable but will be missed. If all major publishers could agree to create live presentations like they used to do, I'd be up for an E3 revival in the future.

For now, so long E3!

Re: Poll: Is God of War Ragnarok Still One of Sony's Best Games, One Year Later?


Saying Ragnarok is the best PlayStation game is similar to saying Tears of the Kingdom is the best Nintendo game. Both of these games are not really new, they're a bigger-but-still-copy-paste version of the previous iteration.

The games are brilliant, of course, but if we're gonna award these games as the best, I'd vote for God of War and Breath of the Wild instead, for example.

Edit: Plus I agree with some other comments - Ragnarok (like Tears of the Kingdom, mind you) is too big for its own good.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Game Is 'Basically on Ice' Right Now


Sony is missing the point of how mutiplayer online games work. You see, most are quite simple really, and they grow with time. Sure, there are some high profile multiplayer games, but there's no use copying them - unlike single player games, more of the same doesn't sell many copies.

What they could do is take a smaller team and build an original idea that is simple enough to experiment with. Think more Fall Guys and less Fortnite. It would definitely cost way less money and allow them to try a bunch of different ideas faster IMO.

P.S: Factions was conceptually very simple too, and everyone loved it.