Comments 768

Re: Sony Gates Customer Service Priority Behind New PS Stars Program


That's a terrible idea. I worked at a company that had tiers of support if customers paid for it. I frequently heard that their support was excellent by enterprise customers (who likely purchased a high tier of support). Well, one day I required support with a product I bought from them, guess what? It took forever to complete the service with weeks of delay and their communication was terrible - learned by experience that "for the customers" motto actually means "for the customers that pay us more".

Re: E3 2023 Will Try to Re-Establish 'the Traditional E3 Week' Next June


They need the big publishers for E3 to be successful, and convincing them to prepare big presentations is probably the greatest challenge.

Personally, I hope they figure out how to make it work. It's great to be surprised with a new game coming soon out of nowhere, but given that publishers are barely sharing any news (especially Sony) and that most AAA games continue to take years to develop, it would be nice to pack it all together in its current state for us to see how development is going.

I'm in for another classic E3!

Re: Marvel Not Planning MCU-Esque Connected Universe for Games


Game is not a very good media for interconnected universes. Think of how hard it was to play the entire Kingdom Hearts series for years, because each game was in a different platform. If you play something that refers a separate game, you might wanna try said game, only to realize it's not available in your platform.

Re: Team Asobi's Next Game Its Biggest Yet, Should Feel Japanese


I follow them on Instagram, they recently shared a great video about the team. Astro Bot for PS5 had the same vibes as 3D Mario displaying what can be achieved with the hardware.

I'm looking forward to their next game, hopefully not an exclusive to PSVR2 since I don't plan on buying it.

Re: Feature: What We Want From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and How It Needs to Improve on Remake


I agree that FF7 Remake's greats outweight its lows, but for me what I would like them to improve the most is the combat. Perhaps not a very popular opinion, but as someone who enjoys both turn-based and action RPGs, I didn't like the combat. It felt like they tried to please everyone without being particular great at anything.

The attacks didn't cause any reaction in the enemies, and parrying/dodging felt off, so they missed the whole act/react principle of action games. As for commands, it took forever to load the bar to trigger commands, so they missed the timely strategy principle of turn-based combats.

Lots of people liked it, though, so I guess they should just refine the system instead of throwing it away.

Re: More Than Half of PlayStation's Investment Could Be in Live Service Games by 2025


As long as they keep their excellent single player games coming, I'm ok with that! Otherwise, I might end up only at the red side of the force in the next generation.

I know live service games are not necessarily bad - the problem is that we can all play hundreds of different single player games, but won't play more than a few live service games. It doesn't scale well as a business strategy. Not to mention each game MUST have unique gameplay and publishers insist on making copy-and-paste shooters (kudos to Fall Guys on creating something new).

Re: Juggernaut Publisher EA Planning to Sell or Merge


These companies will regret later on. It's one thing when who gives the orders thinks about games, and a completely different thing when who gives the orders thinks about entertainment. Expect studios to close as CEOs choose to create TV Shows over games.

Re: Feature: What's Next for PS5, PS4?


I'm impressed with the percentage of votes for PSVR2. I kinda have the feeling that VR devices are really niche products.

Personally, I'm looking for non-exclusive games the most with FFXVI and Hogwarts Legacy at the top of my list.

Re: Video: Is Live Service Really the Way Forward for PlayStation?


Everyone wants the infamous golden egg. To be honest, I hope at least one of these live service games is profitable. Imagine what PlayStation Studios could come up with (single player games) if they had Microsoft's pockets (which could happen if they had a profitable live service game).

Re: Kingdom Hearts 4 Revealed, No Date or Platforms Given


@get2sammyb I think you already know the answer to that question, haha. You can play and enjoy the game, in particular the individual worlds, but the story arc won't have much impact given you're not following the story. It's like skipping straight to the final arc of an anime.

I'd still recommend it if you're interested. It's a fun game either way. And if you like it, you can always expand your understanding of the story later. Also, KH4 shall start a brand new arc in the series, which means that if you like the gameplay of KH3, you can invest on the story starting with 4.

Re: Kingdom Hearts 4 Revealed, No Date or Platforms Given


And the hype starts! This is looking awesome!

I hope Nomura doesn't add yet more story to boring Android games without replicating it to the numbered entries through cutscenes...

Edit: This comment section is making me sad. I'm a fan of the series, and I really enjoyed KH3. The story in the series is confusing, sure, mostly due to how spread out it is between games and platforms, but really no more confusing than most animes. Classic good vs evil / light vs darkness stuff, with some crazy concepts in the middle for fun. You can't seriously play a game where Final Fantasy meets Donald Duck and Goofy and expect it to be a masterpiece of literature, you know.

Re: Max Payne 1 and 2 Remakes Coming to PS5


I don't particularly trust Rockstar to make a proper remake, which is funny because I used to think their games were the most technically ambitious in the industry.

Max Payne sounds interesting though. Is it that game with they guy leaving a hospital? I remember my cousin playing it.

Re: PS5, PS4 Exclusives Not Coming to PS Plus at Launch


Pretty sure Microsoft is losing money on first-party games in order to increase number of subs. Eventually when it stabilizes they'll reassess the price of the subs to be profitable.

Sony is not wrong here, they're protecting their business. They could drop the price of new releases, though, but that's a different discussion.

Re: Poll: Will You Subscribe to Sony's New PS Plus Tiers?


I often play games after everyone else instead of at launch. If Sony keeps pushing blockbusters to this service after a year or something, I'm in!

In terms of tiers, I don't see the value on the Premium tier, to be honest. Why pay more to access older games on the cloud when a lower tier gives you access to recent modern games on their latest generations?

Re: Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 Review Bombed After Challenging Week


They made some really bad choices on this game. Non-cosmetic microtransactions, forcing players to pay or do endless grinding, and this terrible always-online requirement (did everyone forget about Xbox One launch?). Surely they noticed their game is structured like a freemium mobile game.

Re: Poll: Will You Buy Hogwarts Legacy?


Do you even need to ask? I would already buy it day 1 before seeing how insanely great it looks. Great work on this game, they really embraced the wizarding world.

My single concern is that it's trying too many things at once, and the only game I've played that managed to be successful at everything it offered is the new God of War. I hope it delivers, but I'm sure it'll be at least fun and good looking. =)

Re: Microsoft Buys Call of Duty Publisher Activision Blizzard


This is insane. Should this even be allowed by law? They're building a monopoly with two of the biggest companies in gaming... What's next? Square Enix? Ubisoft? EA Sports? Seriously, Microsoft, work on your own talents and stop keeping people from playing third-party games.

Btw, as far as Crash, Spyro and Tony Hawk goes, I fully expect the employees to pull a Rare move and leave the company to create their own in a few years.

Re: Poll: How Long Should Games Be?


10-20 or less, depending on the game. Anything more than that and there's a big chance that I won't finish it.

There are exceptions, of course, but in general that's how I feel nowadays. Can't put too many hours into gaming anymore (and long games become boring eventually).

Also, I agree with @Uncharted2007 - Assassin's Creed doesn't need hundreds of hours of side content and traversing the map, keep it focused Ubisoft!