Comments 90

Re: Bungie the Next PlayStation-Owned Dev to Suffer Layoffs


@Nepp67 I hope it is. Microsoft has already proven gamers, real gamers that is, hate GAAS because every single one of their forced GAAS anti-consumer-pass fodder titles from Sea of Thieves to Halo Infinite has flopped. Yeah yeah, MS throws made up metrics out there to fool the naive but we all know those games are dead. Hell, Rare is finally putting in PvE servers for Sea of Flops after vehemently bashing the fanbase who wanted them (and backing the toxic community who wanted to continue abusing the pirate narrative to grief players) because their game is literally dead in the water. Pretty soon it'll be taken offline and only have PvE functionality because it isn't profitable.

Re: Bungie the Next PlayStation-Owned Dev to Suffer Layoffs


@Savage_Joe Why? The only good Halo game is Combat Evolved. Bungie is a ***** developer and have proven that since Halo CE. The Bungie fanboys need to wake up, 343 was made up of mostly Bungie employees after all. If you played the games like I did, from before and after the switch, aside from general QoL updates, THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. It's not like Halo went from being a poor fps to being a shoddy RPG, no, it stayed a poor fps and played exactly the same. Halo Infinite feels no different in basic gameplay structure than Halo CE.

Re: PS5, PS4's Most Played Games Probably Won't Surprise You


That's pretty sad. Aside from MK1, there's not a single good game on that list. Just goes to show the casual hobbyists have taken over gaming, that's why garbage anti-consumer GAAS ***** dominates. It's okay to enjoy ***** games people, you just have to acknowledge it. Nobody calls B movies anything other than that, and they're proud of it, it's time to start calling ***** games like GTA exactly what they are... Dog *****.

Re: Rumour: There's a Chance Dragon Quest X Offline Could Be Coming West


@Loamy Eh, while PS has been much better regarding their journalism than most (stay away from Gamespot, Kotaku, VG247) they still often misrepresent gaming and spread misinformation. It isn't as often as the bigger sites do, but they do get a lot of factual information incorrect and have been known to ban those who correct them. Nobody is perfect, I get that, but simple facts should never be misrepresented when they're so easily researched, and anyone correcting them to better the community (who is 85% of the time incorrect by themselves) is reprimanded is shameful.

I do enjoy most of what PS puts out at least, and can tell they are gamers in some capacity unlike the writers for other sites.

Re: Spider-Man 2 Doesn't Need Its Day One PS5 Patch, But Insomniac Games Still Recommends Downloading It


@WolfyTn I don't buy games to sell them. If that's the case, get a different hobby. It doesn't matter if you replay them or not, you got your money's worth out of every game you've beaten and I'd you haven't beaten them, play them!

I've never understood a "gamer" with a backlog who only owned 6 games because they trade everything in. Most of my digital libraries were all purchased under $30, with many being cheaper than a disc ever could be.

Re: Spider-Man 2 Doesn't Need Its Day One PS5 Patch, But Insomniac Games Still Recommends Downloading It


It's 2023, there shouldn't be anyone without an Internet connection. However, there's not a single game that has an excuse in any capacity to require an Internet connection, no, MP games do NOT have an excuse.... those devs should always offer a complete 1:1 offline-bot equivalent without exception.

As for Spider-Man and the D1P, there's no reason to not download it, just as there's no reason in 2023 to buy a physical disc.

Re: Activision Boss Hints a Guitar Hero Revival Could Be on the Cards


@AdamNovice That was Microsofts intention all the time, he took Xbox 3rd party and stated numerous times all games would remain multiplatform. He wants a monopoly over the industry, and the fact he's asking the competition to sign contracts for that is further proof. Don't support the sexual predators at ActiBlizz or Microsoft. Xbox needs to die. Most anti-consumer company in gaming and responsible for everything wrong with gaming today.

Re: The Callisto Protocol: Outbreak Walkthrough - All Collectibles: Audio Logs


This guide (as well as every single other one) would benefit from changing these locations. The 1st and 3rd bios are in different locations thanks to a recent patch. Not sure why the dev would change the locations like that, but even PowerPyx acknowledges 11 have moved, but doesn't update their guide properly to reflect it in the walkthrough. Pretty dull game overall unfortunately.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Assassin's Creed Mirage?


@Gamer83 Why didn't you buy the superior digital edition? You wouldn't be waiting as it would have downloaded when you were asleep. Instead you wasted time and fuel to buy an inferior product? Imagine going to buy a CD in 2023, or going to Blockbuster to rent a movie, which admittedly would be cool for nostalgia purposes but wouldn't make a lick of sense. Same with physical collector's. If you're buying to stare at it, get a poster. If you're going to trade it when you're done, don't buy it to begin with.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Remaster Seems to Be Real


@Nepp67 Your opinion is factually incorrect, it does something no other game has done and follows a natural path for character progression. I hated watching Joel die, but watching the effect it has on Ellie, her journey, how it breaks her and everyone around her, and most importantly (and why most people didn't like it), it shows you YOUR flaws and that's what gets you. You can't cope with your own flaws and insecurities. ND did exactly what they told us they would do, and no other developer has that pedigree. PT 3 will have to be phenomenal to top Pt2, which somehow was even better than Pt1.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Remaster Seems to Be Real


Just give me an upgrade path so I don't have to platinum it all over again. As fantastic (and better than the first) as it was, it's a long ass game that doesn't need a remaster. As for PT 1, well, it was a PS3 game remade from the ground up with engine and new foundation of TLoUpt2, so the price was justified. Yeah yeah, the PS3 version got a PS4 port, but Pt 1 wasn't just a port.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Game Is 'Basically on Ice' Right Now


Good! Developers need to get this reality check and stop flooding the market with anti-consumer GAAS titles! It's funny to hear Bungie was brought in to give an opinion when they haven't made a game worth playing since Halo CE, and both Destiny games SHOULD have flopped given how predatory and disrespectful they are to fans. None of the MP modes ND made were ever any good anyway.

**Edit: contractual positions are just that, and when that contract is up they don't have a job anyway. Any good individual will have a lead for their next gig once the contract is up. This isn't "oh no layoffs", this is every day business being written with an agenda.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 496


I'm trying to finish up FF16 on hard mode (last thing for platinum) but holy hell is this game garbage. I thoroughly enjoyed it until Barnabas the first time, then everything just started to D R A G and it turned into a super lame DMC knockoff. The ending was cool at least. But then, trying out everyone's OP builds for hard mode that everyone swears is "easy mode", almost everything OHKOs me, or takes 80% of my healthbar in a single hit. You can't level past the enemies (I did everything on first playthrough to 100% was never more than a few levels higher) and hard mode has kept all enemies 4+ levels ahead of me.

I just got the platinum for Elden Ring, and for as difficult as people claim Souls games are, it was actually fair. This is just an aggravating unbalanced mess. It's still a better game that 15, but I certainly miss the X-13 days.

Re: Another High Profile Live Service Flop As SEGA Pulls the Plug on HYENAS Before Launch


Real gamers simply don't support anti-consumer GAAS titles. The casual hobbyists do though, and they play the high profile (generally free) games that all their casual friends do: CoD, Destiny, Apex, Overwatch, Fortnite. The only good developer in that list is Respawn, unfortunately, and EA is keen to keep them from making actual games again. Real gamers however are busy with real games, playing multiple experiences a year, and supporting creative devs. The industry knows this, that's why we're starting to see the shift away from online only, forced MTX titles, it's just some publishers won't admit that the model doesn't work. The casuals who are keeping the other successful titles alive are mostly streamers looking for an easy paycheck, and they aren't going to move from what they know. Real gamers don't play one game all year+, we are always playing something new.

Re: Statue Manufacturer Accuses Sony of Forcing It to Destroy All PlayStation Products


@MasterPlayerOne There's likely an expired/defunct contract and them continuing to produce products and sell them is thievery. People reprimand Nintendo day and night for protecting their IPs and it's insane. If it comes to light that this company is producing products for profit illegally then I sincerely hope everyone bands against the thieves.

As for the commenter I replied to.... jfc. Microsoft is the most anti-consumer company in gaming, FACT, and they've made gaming worse since 2002. Everything wrong with gaming today came from Microsoft's greedy hands. Sony protecting their IPs is never anti-consumer.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Mortal Kombat 1?


I definitely want it, it seems they finally got Reptile right since the original trilogy. He's my favorite ninja, Rain being my second. Yeah everyone says Scorpion or Sub-Zero first, and they're cool, but green is my favorite color and Reptile has always been more badass in my eyes.

Anyway, only exclusives are worth buying day 1 at full price, so this will wait for Black Friday

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Has Ray Tracing at 60fps on PS5


@Luigia This really shows CURRENT GEN gaming started 3 years ago. Features don't make a console generation 'last/current/next', the timeline in which they are launched do. PS4 became last gen on November 12, 2020, because the current gen PS5 came out that day, that's it. Next gen hasn't even been announced yet and will only remain next gen until the day it launches.

All this does is prove that Insomniac are excellent at their craft and last gen/weaker machines (Series S) hold back development and industry progress.

Re: Sony and Microsoft Sign a 'Binding Agreement' to Keep Call of Duty on PlayStation


@GeeForce That doesn't make Microsoft's attempts to hold a monopoly right though. If anything, gamers should have been much more engaged and stopped this buyout from happening. It's bad enough they did it to protect sexual predators from ActiBlizz, and you defended it, but this just makes the gaming industry for consumers that much worse. Step off your high horse, you did nothing here to help except whine.

Re: Another Nail in E3's Coffin as Events Collaboration Falls Through


@InsaneWade Nintendo stopped first, everyone has since followed Nintendo's footsteps. Given how inaccurate most gaming "journalists" are (most can't even tell you Xbox went 3rd party or what an exclusive game actually is) and the Internet being much quicker at relaying information directly into consumers homes, it was the obvious next step. Microsoft was the final holdout because Phil Spencer keeps thinking he can hold a monopoly over the industry, but thankfully like E3 Xbox is finally dying too.

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