I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: No Man's Sky Gets Visual Overhaul in New Prisms Update


I love this game, Completely passed me by until a few months ago until I got it on Steam. Doesn't run brilliantly on my PC (Ryzen 2600, RX 580, SSD) but looks pretty good.

Got it for PS5 a bit later and wow, blows my PC out of the water. Loads much faster, look stunning on a 65inch TV and sound is great through the surround sound.

Done most things on the PC but will go and do it all again on the PS5. If you've got it but not played for a while, check out Expeditions.

Re: PlayStation Studios Boss Suggests God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 Are Also Coming to PS4


If you're not happy and have a PS5, sell it. Simple. Plenty of people want one. Too much drama over something so inconsequential, there's plenty else going on in the world.

I've got a PS5 and I'm happy with what's out so far. Am I stunned by what I've seen? No. Do I particularly care? No. Do I feel lied to? No. I've got a boat load of PS4 titles to catch up on that look and run better than they did on my PS4.

For those of us old enough to have had every PS from launch, this really is nothing new. There's plenty yet to come, just be patient or go do something else.

Re: Sony Reiterates PS5 Stock Shortages Won't Go Away Anytime Soon


Just thinking aloud, I suppose at this point, if I'd not been lucky enough to get a PS5, I might have got a second-hand pro. Prices on eBay not bad at the moment, especially for just the console, and would still have some re-sale value later.

For those who went from original PS4 to pro, was there that much difference?

Re: Sony Reiterates PS5 Stock Shortages Won't Go Away Anytime Soon


@huyi As has been pointed out it's not a case of stupidity, just a real shortage of manufacturing capacity. Making PS4 Pros would take capacity needed to make chips for the PS5, so would make it worse.

Same problem with PC graphics cards, very hard to find at the moment. Sucks if you want a PS5 or PC graphics card for the next 6-12 months.

Re: UK Sales Charts: PS5 Roguelike Returnal Off to Slower Start Than Other Sony Exclusives


Wow. I still find it astonishing how so many people can get so worked up over paying for a luxury item that they don't really need at a price they don't have to pay. I take it none of the people complaining so bitterly own an Apple product!

On topic, well done Housemarque for all of the reasons others have said. I hope this success translates to good profits, a bonus for all involved in its creation and investment for the future.

Re: PS Plus May 2021 Free PS5, PS4 Games Announced


Got Wreckfest on Steam but looking forward to playing it on PS5 Not sure about Battlefield, more of a mouse and keyboard man for that sort of thing,

I've got a PS4 but until I got the PS5 I haven't played much on console for years, so now have a huge backlog to get through.

Re: Housemarque Acknowledges Request for Mid-Run Saves in Returnal


@Rob_230 I suspect for most, like me, it's not that of having any issue with people asking for a save option, more the tone of some of the posts. I'd be more tempted to give it a go if I could save regularly, because I'm rubbish at this sort of game, fairly elderly, have kids and not a huge amount of time. But the feature is not there, so that's that. I don't have the faintest desire to bitch about it or believe I'm entitled to have my situation catered for.

But more and more people seem to think that if something isn't done to their liking or preference, it's fine to publicly put it down to incompetence or malice. That comes across as self-entitled and plain rude to me.

The whole topic was about the developer taking on board the feedback around saving, surely that's cause for celebration?

And no, it's probably not a simple thing to add to a game that was designed not to have it. We get that in the commercial world as well. 'Just add this, how hard can it be?'. 'Harder than you think' is often the answer!

Just my opinion.

Re: Returnal (PS5) - Housemarque's Deep, Dark Shooter Is a PS5 Must Have


@Ambassador_Kong It's a simple fact of life that any big software house, be it a games developer or commercial developer, is owned by people who want to make money. The more profit you make your investors the more you get back to spend on staff and development kit and the bigger and riskier your projects can be.

I'm not sure why people complain so much about prices, either pay it or don't. Maybe if nobody paid full-price then prices would drop. Or maybe investors will take their money somewhere more profitable and we lose developers. I suspect the latter is more likely.

Edited: I managed to lose half of what I wanted to post...

Re: Sony to Continue Investing in Dreams Developer Media Molecule


I don't understand why some feel the need to give such harsh criticism of something purely because it's not for them. I'm hopeless when it comes to creative software, so not a purchase for me at £35 but I would pick it up for £20 in a sale. Just to support the initiative. We need more creativity and less of the mindless, throwaway crud that's endlessly churned out.

Re: Next-Gen PSVR Controllers Revealed, Includes Haptic Feedback and Adaptive Triggers


Wow. At the end of last year it sounded like VR was not something Sony were interested in anymore. In the first few months of this year we've had, what a dozen new VR games announced and news of VR2 in the next year or so. Great stuff.

I was initially a little disappointed by not having all fingers tracked on the new controllers but then, after just picking some stuff up and manipulating them, you really only need to track the three that they are. Otherwise they look great.

Single wire to headset is cool, don't have a huge amount of room to move around in anyway, All in all, something really cool to look forward to in the next year or so

Re: Best 4K TVs for PS5


@rjejr Ah, OK. Well have a go with PS4 to TV and TV eARC to Sony ARC enabled HDMI first, see what happens. I've had problems in the past trying to channel everything through the amp. My Onkyo turns on and off with the TV, so only have to change TV channel to select input. Good luck, hope it's not too frustrating!

Re: Best 4K TVs for PS5


@rjejr Have you tried just connecting PS5 to TV then TV eARC HDMI to your Sony amp? Worth a shot if you haven't.

I have PS5 HDMI to HDMI switch input. One output of switch to TV, other one to VR box. VR box output to another TV input. So I get HDR from PS5 normally then switch to VR when I want to play with it. Bit of a fiddle but works.

Then TV HDM with eARC out to Amp. Works a treat. I now have everything to TV rather than through the amp.

Re: PlayStation Fans So Desperate for PS5 Stock They Brought Their Beds to GameStop


@GamingVeteran The problem with throwing statistics around like that is it that it feeds the narrative that Covid is something we can just ignore. It's clearly not.

As has been pointed out we don't really know how many are really infected, we haven't tested everyone. We do know that the more we test the more we find. We also know there's potential for huge long-term effects that are only just becoming apparent.

I don't know why people can't show a bit of restraint. Our understanding of it is improving and vaccines are not far away.

Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles


As someone said earlier, simple Captcha code would have helped a lot. Limiting to one per delivery address too, but probably harder to implement.
Ultimately this is down to the retailers, not Sony. And quite frankly, they don't care, all money in the bank for them.
Saying that they have to go to the bother of implementing queuing systems and deal with server overloads, so perhaps it would be in their interests after all.

Re: PSVR FPS Firewall Zero Hour Boosts Visual Fidelity on PS5


@MrSec84 @SoulChimera @KPraj Excellent. Got mine last Friday, forgot to post. Like your good self I haven't gotten around to hooking it up yet. I did finally buy Astro Bot Rescue Mission in the PS Store sale yesterday, will hopefully get a chance to try it today.

Re: Poll: Did You Get a PS5?


After a bit if a false start I got mine today. First impression was it's not as big as I feared. Ended up putting it horizontally next to my surround amp. Stand clipped on fine, seems stable enough.
Setup was a breeze. Firmware updates of console and controllers happened really quickly, one reboot. Only played a bit of astro myself and it's superb. Kids played a bit of Bugsnax and now GT Sport. Going from an original release base PS4 to PS5 makes GT Sport almost look next-gen!
Not a silent room but not heard a peep from the PS5, dead quiet so far.
No lockups. Not tried an external drive yet.
So far, so good.

Re: PS5 Coil Whine Becomes a Concern for Some Early Adopters


Jeez, talk about an overreaction. I just stuck headphones on and couldn't hear anything that would worry me. But then I wouldn't sit with my ear next to the console.

Stick a mic that close to anything with a fan in you'll hear something.

I'll be annoyed if there are problems with my PS5 when it turns up but hell, buy the first batch of anything you should expect some problems. If you expect perfection on release you really don't have much in the way of life experience.

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have Quick Resume, But Loading Is Lightning Fast


This thread is turning into a bit of a troll fest, my ignore list is getting bigger.
Why does every thread have to turn into a console war?
Sony have dropped the ball on a few things, which is frustrating, but I really don't care if the XBox does things better or not. Go to the forums and start a new thread! Let's keep this to a discussion about what we like or dislike about the PS5 and what we'd like to see happen.

Re: PS5 Has 667GB of Usable Storage Space on Its SSD


A couple of years ago people laughed when it was said the PS5 would have SSD, let alone more than 500GB. Could be worse, the Series S only has 360 odd available space!
Wouldn't be as bad if we could move PS5 data out to external drive, hopefully that'll come back.

Re: Sadly, You Can't Store PS5 Games on an External HDD


I hope they put that functionality back.
So far the embargo lifting has been a real anti-climax for me. Apart from some honourable exceptions loading speeds don't seem to be where I thought they would be. Why 4 or 5 second loading in Astros playground? Given what has been seen in R&C that seems too long. BC title boost looks a bit lacklustre. Where's the big surprise that has been hinted at? Have I missed something?
The only thing stopping me from cancelling my pre-order at this time is a free game and the new controller. Which feels like an odd reason to part with £450!
Probably just me, been a crappy week.

Re: The Best 4K TVs for PS5


@rjejr Yeah, always tempting to upgrade to the latest and greatest. Assuming the PS5 is quiet and UHD Blue Ray is good I'll just have the PS5 connected to the TV and ARC out to the amp. So for now, at least, the Onkyo should serve me for a good few years as I've no plans to replace the 5.1 speaker setup I have and ARC is working a treat

Re: The Best 4K TVs for PS5


@rjejr One of the really nice things about the latter TV route is it's a single remote to control TV and amp. I've never had ARC work properly before, though, so ended up connecting everything through the AV amp (old Onkyo TX-NR709). So always had to use 2 remotes.
Was delighted when I found ARC between the CX and amp works flawlessly. Amp switches on and off with the TV remote as it should.

Re: The Best 4K TVs for PS5


@AshM If you're a Costco member that might be an option, they seem to offer no-quibble returns. The CX screen is quite reflective, so if you have a direct light source in front of the set that you can't block out, it might not be the set for you. I have light to the right of the screen and above and It's bearable. Just have to pull the curtains if it's a really bright day. Normally watch in the evenings, though, so not a problem.

Re: The Best 4K TVs for PS5


@AshM As @themightyant has said Vincents HDTVTest channel on YouTube is an excellent source for information. I don't have one but I doubt you'd be disappointed with a QLED if you have a bright room. I've taken the risk with the OLED purely because I think it edges out the QLED's in my viewing environment and with the 4 HDMI 2.1 ports offered a bit more flexibility in the future. I don't think you can go far wrong with either to be honest.

Re: The Best 4K TVs for PS5


@aesz13 There's cause for optimism, at the end it says:
"LGD will likely solve this problem establishing multiple gamma curves optimized for lower frame rates."
The frustrating thing I found choosing a TV this year was that all of them see m to have an issue of some sort, or be missing a feature I was after. If I'd already had a 4K HDR set I would have waited another 12 months for things like VRR to get sorted.

Re: The Best 4K TVs for PS5


The whole screen burn thing was seen as a major issue by some in the days of plasmas. I seem to recall the same fuss was made about it then as it is about OLED now. I had one for years and never had an issue. Others claimed to have endless problems. It's a panel lottery, always has been.

Now have an LG CX and am absolutely loving it. I don't have anything that supports VRR to see if the reported gamma issue is going to be a problem. If it is I'll just disable it.

Re: PS5 Comes with an HDMI 2.1 Cable, 120FPS Possible Out of the Box


@LiamCroft I got the CX a couple of weeks back and love it, such a massive step-up over my 1080P Samsung LED! I got it once I'd decided to get a PS5, seemed criminal not to use it on at least a 4K set with HDR. Only change TV's when they break or technology changes enough for it to make a big difference.

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


@Freakdahouse Not necessarily, if they were planning on VR2 in the near future it wouldn't have made sense to add any extra for VR1. I don't mind having to use an adaptor and certainly not against a new VR2 setup but IF a decision was made not to support VR natively on PS5, I'd have liked them to have communicated it properly. I hate it when people drop hints about (what is to me) bad news, just out with it!

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


@TurboTom There's a lot of talk about screen burn and that nearly put me off. I had a Panasonic plasma for about 6 years, though, and never had a problem with that. Replaced it with a Samsung LED when it broke. My usage pattern is much the same, although now have kids who watch youtube, so I don't think there'll be a problem. I'll just be a bit careful. For me the PQ outweighs having to be a bit cautious but each to their own.

The CX is bright enough for me in a room with French doors one end and skylights in the ceiling. I've not noticed any real difference in 'watchability' vs the Samsung LED it's replaced.

Saying all that, If you can see one in the flesh, do so.

PS4 looks fantastic on it, PS5 should rock with 4K and HDR support

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


@Tharsman To be fair, after seeing the controller tear-downs, it looks like there's a lot more to the new controllers than the old Dualshock. I understand the frustration, though I'm OK with replacing my PS4 controllers (as long a I can play PS4 games with the Dualsense) I am frustrated with the VR situation.

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


@TurboTom If you can stretch to it an LG OLED is beautiful thing to behold. The 65 inch dropped £300 in the last week, I think the smaller ones have as well. After having a 1080 SDR Samsung the PQ is an absolute revelation.
As an aside, I bought mine two weeks ago and kicked myself for not waiting when I saw the drop in price. Fortunately I bought it from Costco and found out you can apply for a refund of the difference between purchase price and a new price if it drops within 30 days. Got a call tonight to say I was going to get £300 back

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


@PixelRunner I think the difference here is that they're trying to get devs to use the features of the new controller that simply don't exist on dualshock.
There is no VR2 but the existing VR experience could be massively enhanced with the extra muscle in the PS5 and features of the new controller.
We were told some time ago the Dualshock would only work in BC mode on the PS5. We were not told there'd be no new PS5 VR games.