I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Huge PSVR2 Update Comes Alongside Four New Cars


@Mikey856 I hope not! I've generally had a good experience with DPD, it's Amazon that I have trouble with. Small items are generally OK but I have had a couple of mobile phones and a PS5 disappear in transit.

Am hoping I'll be playing GT7 in VR in about 48 hours (work permitting) but am not holding my breath.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Huge PSVR2 Update Comes Alongside Four New Cars


@TrickyDicky99 I'm not so sure any of that was really held back by PS4, everything you mentioned can be scaled the way PC game engines do. I suspect VR considerations had the most impact.

I see where you're coming from but as a casual gamer the AI is challenging enough as is the weather as it stands. Sounds like you're just too hard-core for GT7! Maybe playing in VR would make a difference to the experience.

Re: New PS5, PS4 Games This Week (20th February to 26th February)


@Cloud7794 I think you'll find that most people, if being honest, find it difficult to see how choosing to live as one sex or another for 3 months would qualify you as being a member of that sex.

Leaving the physical aspects aside, the very notion that you can truly 'feel' or understand what it it is to 'be' a member of the opposite sex is quite surreal. You've not been through the life experiences that give you that understanding. Especially as a Woman, who it seems now are effectively being re-classified as 'Womb Bearers'.

Unfortunately there seems to be very little appetite for reasoned debate and I suspect this will all end very, very badly.

This is clearly not the place for that debate, anyway, so lets just keep both points of view out of it.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Huge PSVR2 Update Comes Alongside Four New Cars


@TrickyDicky99 I'd be interested to know what you consider a next-gen racing game. Turns out GT7 was developed with VR2 in mind, which probably had more impact on the game than it having PS4 support. Given how great the graphics are in VR, doesn't that make it next-gen in a sense?

Sure there may be better-looking games on PC, but not that run on a £500 PC and, if VR, with a £500 headset.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@Eran From the comments made by those who have tried it, very little difference when foveated rendering is supported. I'm sure the pixel counters and folks more interested in finding the negatives will have something to say about it, though.

As someone more interested in playing a game and feeling the extra immersion that quality VR brings, I really don't care if a VR game is slightly lower fidelity than its flat equivalent. We're still looking at the quality that PC VR gamers had invested 3k in for a third of the price until now.

I'm really looking forward to Wednesday!

Re: PSVR2's Packaging Doubles as a Handy Storage Box


@WolfyTn Never tried VR before? If it doesn't make you want to hurl in the first few minutes I think you're in for a treat. Apart from one go on Virtuality in the early 90's the VR1 was my first true experience, blew my mind despite the relatively low resolution (though high compared to Virtuality!) and poor controllers.

I'll probably game more in flat than VR but a there's really nothing like VR. It's something you have to experience to appreciate.

Re: Gallery: PSVR2's Unboxing Experience Is Uneventful, And That's a Great Thing


@Bez87 Yeah, I'm surprised that VR2 seems to be coming
with no demos, or a lens cloth for that matter.

I've ordered the bundle and have GT7, NMS and some VR1 games, so not a biggie for me, but it does feel a bit stingy. Hopefully the rumours of more being announced might redress the issue somehow, I guess we'll find out next week.

The Quest ports are a mixed blessing, I think. They may not be making the best of VR2 but they should be upgraded somewhat. It also seems to me, given the number of them, it's proving relatively easy to port to, and develop for VR2. So maybe more developers, like Team17 (Song in the smoke), will start to use PS VR2/PCVR as the baseline and port down to Quest.

I'm feeling pretty positive about it.

Re: Bobby Kotick Says Sony Is 'Trying to Sabotage' Microsoft's Activision Bid


@__jamiie Good morning. I've already stated how I feel Sony have innovated. I'm sure there are many other ways if I took the time to think about it.

I've not said that only Sony innovate, however, so I'm not sure why you needed to reel off innovations of MS, Nintendo or others?

As I said, I'm a bit of a techie and I've always been far more excited about what Sony have done with PS than MS or Nintendo with their products. You clearly feel differently, which is fine.

Re: Bobby Kotick Says Sony Is 'Trying to Sabotage' Microsoft's Activision Bid


@XenonKnight Hard to explain. For me it's not just about the TFlops. The way I see it Microsoft took a bunch of PC bits and stuffed them in a small box. Granted the cooling system etc is great but really, it's just a PC in a box. It just doesn't do much for me. I have a PC.

Sony do something a bit different, which hits my geek spot. I found Cerney's PS5 Deep Dive absolutely fascinating, which probably tells you all you need to know about me! I love the way they've optimised the IO paths through the system to the point the SSD can be treated as memory fast enough to stream textures from. The thought invested in streamlining rather than just throwing raw power at the problem.

Just the way I roll.

Re: Bobby Kotick Says Sony Is 'Trying to Sabotage' Microsoft's Activision Bid


@__jamiie You have your opinion, I have mine. You seem to look at it from a consumer perspective, I look at it more from a tech perspective.

I knew a guy who worked at SG at the time the PS1 came out, he was pretty stunned at the 3D capability on something at that price.

As each PS has come along I've felt a genuine sense of excitement for them when the tech specs were announced and could see all sorts of possibilities for them. Well, maybe not the PS4.

I've never felt that way about MS or Nintendo products.

Each to their own.

Re: PSVR2's Packaging Doubles as a Handy Storage Box


It looks like it'll be a lot easier to repack than the VR1 but there's no way that box will fit near the TV. I had the VR1 on the shelf next to the PS5, covered in a cloth. Will do the same with the VR2.

Box will go in the loft with all the rest.

Re: Bobby Kotick Says Sony Is 'Trying to Sabotage' Microsoft's Activision Bid


@__jamiie Just form a games console perspective -
The original PS1, nothing like it at the time. I was there.

PS3, the Cell architecture, great innovation with incredible potential, shame devs couldn't get to grips with it.

PSVR1, a big gamble but they gave us a decent OLED display and a very comfortable headset at a very competitive price.

PS5 gives us an incredible IO architecture, superb controller, fantastic audio, liquid metal cooling. Loads of potential still waiting to be unleashed.

PSVR2 - Improvement on PSVR1 in every way, for a great price with very little that compares with it on the market.

You can argue the merits of all of the above but they didn't just take something that existed and rehash it in a cheaper format.

Re: Gallery: PSVR2's Unboxing Experience Is Uneventful, And That's a Great Thing


One thing I've disliked since the PS5 was announced was the drip feed of information from Sony, it winds me up. I know some people get off on getting little tidbits of info but unboxing videos, I really never got the point.

Give me the specs, show me how it runs and tell me when I can buy it.

I went for the bundle, ordered Moss & Kayak as some family friendly games, have GT7 and NMS already. So similar to many I guess. Covered for a payday or two then might go for Song in the Smoke.

Re: Bobby Kotick Says Sony Is 'Trying to Sabotage' Microsoft's Activision Bid


As others here have said, he's not wrong. But then, what does he expect?

I'm not a CoD player, played it a bit when it first came out but not since. In the last 20 years nothing has changed that makes me want to play it, so I don't personally really care what happens in that respect.

But, obviously a lot of people do care and I can see the problem. Ultimately, though, the best solution has to be for Sony to develop their own must-have multi-platform IP.

Re: Deutsches Afrikakorps Blitz onto the Battlefield in Company of Heroes 3


@ORO_ERICIUS You got me thinking about my view on the subject as a Brit. I have played as an axis soldier/sailor/pilot in multiplayer games many times but not often in single player. In single player it makes me a bit feel a little uneasy shooting at my 'own side'. Wierd.

I imagine it's a bit different from a German perspective with the added 'Nazi' element to it, though. But I would hope by now that people can understand the vast majority of German people forced to fight were not Nazis, just soldiers.

I would not play as a Nazi, but I would play as a German.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


@Westernwolf4 Fair, you are entitled to your opinion, I just happen to completely disagree with it.

I'm sure if we could all work on point 3, though, the gap could be closed. Just needs point 2 sorted out first. Get rid of the extremist views and allow everyone to have a say.

I don't think a game review site is the right place for it, though.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


@Westernwolf4 I think it's more important to read her statements first. Try to understand them from her perspective and then the responses.

Then search out the horrendous threats made to those who express support for her.

Then wonder at what point society lost the ability for reasoned debate.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


@danlk1ng The problem is your view champions one groups rights while ignoring, if not trampling all over, another's. That ain't never going to work out well for anyone.

If PushSquare want to push personal views outside of gaming and don't welcome it being questioned, they need to make that clear. Then I and I suspect many others will quite happily go elsewhere.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


I'm going to keep an eye out for more reviews, might be one for my Daughter.

Also going to keep an eye out for a different site to get my PS news.

IMHO PushSquare have overstepped the mark this time and it doesn't look like I'm the only one feeling that way. If you're going to actively take a position on something, and publicly state it, you must expect and allow others the same opportunity.

ALL people must have the right to express an opinion on things that may directly affect them.

An appeal to PushSquare. please, either remove your personal views from the review or allow others to comment on it.

Re: Random: It Now Takes Devs 270 Days to Make One Gran Turismo Car


@TrickyDicky99 I did buy it to try out the VR modes but must admit didn't spend too much time with it. Not sure why, it just didn't grab me the way GT7 has.

I suppose the driving dynamic is not too different, so if you played Sport to death then I can see why GT7 might not offer you much apart from the graphical improvement and now full VR, if that took your fancy.

Re: Random: It Now Takes Devs 270 Days to Make One Gran Turismo Car


@Unlucky13 Probably. I would image, just like in real-life, certain assets can be used in multiple cars. The more common the car the more bits they can re-use. Certainly for the interiors.

I think they've scanned stuff in at such a high resolution we can't see it in all its glory even on the PS5. Have to wait until for GT10 on the PS6, on an 8K TV, to see it.

Re: Work Is Underway on the Next Gran Turismo Game


I get where the folks who want more realistic damage come from but I suppose it shouldn't be a factor. In a good race you wouldn't hit anything that could cause damage. I struggle enough with placing third in some races without out being penalised for a single heavy-contact!

Implementing damage modelling in both physical car damage and car handling, for all cars, would take CPU and GPU cycles away from something else. So I guess it was a conscious design decision at some point.

As for Motorstorm, yes please, instant purchase.

Re: Sony Shakes Up Corporate Ladder by Promoting Exec Obsessed with Growth


"i find it rather odd that some gamers condem the capitalist swine to hell but continue to purchase their products "

Agree. Nail meet head.

These sort of comments wind me up.

Sony are doing what every successful large business, that employs a meaningful number of people, has done. The system is not perfect but I've yet to see anyone come up with a realistic proposal for anything better. All of us here are 'guilty' of benefitting from 'slavery' as some people choose to see it.

The solution is not to sit in their heated house, belly full, typing words on a keyboard that, if not produced in China, will contain parts made in China and complain. It might salve their conscience a bit but is, ultimately, a meaningless gesture.

If people want to change the world start by not buying anything other than that necessary to live. If you do, make sure it's completely ethically sourced, preferable made locally. Donate the rest of your money to charities and organisations that might actually be able to achieve some good with it. If enough people do that, maybe things might change.

Sorry, rant over.