I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: PSVR2 Is Playable at GDC and Is Already Blowing Minds


@Shepherd_Tallon You would need a patch to get previous VR titles running on VR2 as I suspect the APIs are different but probably not by much. The headsets use different methods to establish position and movement but once captured the information presented to the game engine would be pretty much identical I'd have thought.

I would imagine it would be within the reach of most devs to patch their games in a few weeks. Just has to be worth their while to do it.

I'd love to get some technical info on how this works.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 Patch Restores Servers After 24 Hours, Polyphony Digital Comments on Microtransactions


@S1ayeR74 I really do not understand why people think anything is being force on them. Nothing is being forced on anyone.

If you're one of those folks who must collect everything, platinum it in a week and move on, I get you might have issues with GT7. But not all of us play that way, all games do not have to fit that profile and they should not. Or you're catering only to one type of player.

There's an awful lot of us who will pick up the game now and again, for an hour or so at a time, as we have limited time to play. So we're in no rush to collect everything and intend to enjoy it for months if not years. Sorry if that's an inconvenience but games have to be balanced to accommodate us as well.

Like everything, there is a balance to be struck with MTXs. It's not likely to be perfect from day one. If it proves to be cash-grab in a $70 game, well we put our money where our mouths are and not buy any more of their games. But it's been a couple of weeks for heavens sake, nothing has been proven other than how worked up people can get when they don't get what they want.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Gran Turismo 7?


8.5 from me.

The graphics are good, an incremental improvement over GT Sport. For some reason I expected the graphics to be slightly better, though. Maybe I was expecting a little too much. Some of the reflections on the car during racing are just off, kind of jerky.

Sound, quite disappointed though I'm beginning to think it's a problem with my surround sound setup and not the game! Need to investigate.

Handling is great. Maybe not a real hardcore simulator but close enough for me, a good compromise between true sim and arcade I think. Weather affects the handling, tuning can make a huge difference. Feedback through the controller is great. Loving it so far.

Content-wise no complaints and I expect plenty more to come. I don't blitz games for hours on end when I get them, so plenty still for me to do. Playing on normal level, seems about right for me.

Progression seems fine, the only thing holding me back has been skill, not credits.

'Roulette' game is, well, just a bonus. I have won three cars and a couple of tuning parts so far, though usually it's just a few credits. I'm sure this'll get tweaked over time.

I'm not a car fanatic so some of the extra content is wasted on me. I'm sure some will appreciate it, though, it's well done.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Fans Fight Controversial Currency Nerfs with PS5, PS4 Farming Exploits


@zupertramp 'I mean I wouldn't be surprised to learn they've been a bit desensitized to gamer complaining'
Agreed, I would imagine they have, especially because of the nature of and way some complaints are made. With GT It's been made clear that feedback has and will be taken into account. I think constructive feedback, made after observing the actual effect of any change, is more likely to sway decisions in this case.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Fans Fight Controversial Currency Nerfs with PS5, PS4 Farming Exploits


@Jaz007 Your post piqued my interest so I just had a look at the PS5 info on the Sony Active Power Consumption web page. Seems to indicate that standby with network (so downloading updates etc) states it's 2W. Which does mount up over time. Standby without network (so turn on with your TV) is 0.5W.

More than I thought in both cases so I'll probably be turning it off more than I have been!

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Fans Fight Controversial Currency Nerfs with PS5, PS4 Farming Exploits


@Resi32 But where has this 'don't get it twisted, they lowered the credits to try and force players to buy them through micro transactions' viewpoint come from? Are you playing the game and have you found this to be true? Has anyone found a leaked email from Polyphony or Sony saying this is what they have done?

As I've said I'm playing it and have not found this to be true so far. Maybe other have, I don't know. Yes, MTX may well be in there to make more money and maybe also as a result of previous feedback from some who want progress quicker. Maybe a mixture of both.

I think some people need to remember that the folks behind GT do have a quirky take on some things, it's what's makes GT7 a bit different. Maybe this isn't some evil plot to milk us for every penny but just a manifestation of their vision for the game. Perhaps people like, I don't know, PushSquare, might dig into that a bit rather than just jump on the bandwagon...

Re: Cutting-Edge PSVR2 Presentations Scheduled for GDC


@KnightRider1982 I think a wireless connection might add at least 4ms or so latency each way. So an extra 8ms from a controller action and seeing a response. Doesn't sound much but probably enough to be quite noticeable in some situations.

Then there's the extra battery drain, meaning bigger and a heavier battery and the cost of it all.

I was hoping the cable wouldn't be captive but it looks like it is (hope I'm wrong). That might rule-out a later add-on or use of a generic solution, which would be unfortunate

Re: UK Sales Charts: Gran Turismo 7 Still Leading the Pack Following Online Issues


@zupertramp I guess my point is that the vast majority of people will have no issue with the game as it is, so any loss would be insignificant. For some the ability to just buy cars or tuning parts using MTX would actually be appealing, might even tip them into buying it. There are differing points of view and expectations.

The rest of my ramblings were simply trying to make the point (badly) that some games, or aspects of them, simply won't appeal to everybody. I don't see the need for some of the extreme reactions (wishing ill of the devs, for example) and the accusations of fanboyism etc. levelled at people when they don't agree.

None of that was aimed at you, btw.

At the end of the day I think some folks are missing out on a great game for no real reason. But each to their own.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Gran Turismo 7 Still Leading the Pack Following Online Issues


@zupertramp Maybe they have lost a few sales, does it matter?

I was interested in Returnal but it turned out to be just too hard-core for me, so I didn't buy it. I haven't banged-on on in every thread I could about it's difficulty level and how ridiculous I thought it was it doesn't have multiple difficulty levels that might make it accessible to me. Why? Because there's absolutely no point. The dev had an idea about what the game was, went with it and stuck with it. Good for them.

The same happens with GT7 and what do we get? Endless complaints from people that they can't just whip through it in a weekend. Are worried that the servers would disappear even though that makes no sense because they would lose all of that income from the evil MTX transactions that are forced on us.

Only nothing is forced on anyone. You don't have to buy it, there's plenty of alternatives. You don't have to use MTX to progress. It really doesn't bother most people.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 User Score the Lowest in PlayStation Exclusive History


@Mezzer How much of a real problem is it going to be, though? Are they going to pull the plug after a few years? Doubt it. Five? Will you still be playing it in a few years anyway? It's quite possible that the last patch for the game will do away with the need for the servers. If not, well I'd imagine we'd have done all the single-player content to death by that time and moved on the GT8 or something else. Certainly would have got £70 worth of play out of it.

Things change. In 10 years time it'll probably be all online anyway.

Edit: I take your point about not being able to access the game if the server goes down. I'm a 'veteran' as well, back to loading games off tape. It seems this is not just an issue with games these days, though, we're ever more reliant on an internet connection for everything. Hopefully that very reliance will mean server and internet connectivity issues become less of an issue over time (as they'll have to be more resilient).

Re: Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 User Score the Lowest in PlayStation Exclusive History


@Titntin I've no problem with MTX in principal, it's all about the balance. I agree that you shouldn't have to pay for MTX in a £70 game to get £70 worth of value out of it. I think I'm going to easily get £70 out of GT7 without spending a penny more. So I'm OK with it. Otherwise I'd just not buy it.

With additional content coming for over time, I get the choice of grinding for it or paying for it with MTX. My choice. With the traditional paid-for DLC route I don't have that choice. I either pay for the DLC or I don't get it.

At the end of the day if they get the balance wrong people will
stop paying for MTX and then will stop buying their games. I think we need to give it a chance to see how it works.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 User Score the Lowest in PlayStation Exclusive History


Oh my, and it rumbles on. It's funny, really. If, from day one, we had the same rewards for winning races as now, no MTX and no marketplace there'd be none of this silliness. Well, apart form the moaning about having to be online.

You don' t have to buy the game. If you do buy it you don't have to spend another penny on the game to thoroughly enjoy it. I know because I'm actually playing it. You can ignore the marketplace. Yes you have to grind if you want everything but for heavens sake that's hardly a new concept!

I just don't get the huge amount of fuss over it and the childish rating of it out of spite.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Prestige Cars to Be Dynamically Priced by Real-World Valuation Company


I'm open to change, to something different. And this is something different. I have the option to grind, not uncommon in games for years, or buy some in-game currency with real cash to short-circuit that a bit. Again, something that's been around for years. My choice. You can tune cars to crazy degrees so you don't really benefit from buying the rare cars. It's just something some people like to do. An extra dimension of the game.

Rather than just a static array of cars and prices, something we've had for ages, we now have something more dynamic. I'm not sure why people automatically see that as a bad thing or a cash grab. Why not wait and see?

As for damage, any number of games provide that. GT doesn't, never has and probably never will. The whole point is to not crash or make contact. Appeals to some, not others.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Approach to Microtransactions Isn't Going Down Well


@Would_you_kindly I must admit I don't remember the last game I bought, on PC or PS, that didn't have patches or extra content after launch. I'd be annoyed if that didn't happen on the rare occasion I splash out 60 quid on a game to be honest.

As far as I can see it's complete and perfectly playable as it is. Don't have to spend another penny on it.

Only things that have annoyed me so far are the unskippable 10 minute intro video (on first play) and the 2 hour wait before I could play the full game even though I got the disc version. It's taken longer to get into this game than any digital purchase I've made, which is plain daft.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Approach to Microtransactions Isn't Going Down Well


It'll fund new cars, tracks and enhancements. I don't think you can expect to pay a one off fee for a game and have endless free fixes and updates. Devs have to be paid. If they don't get extra income after releasing a game they've no incentive to keep supporting it. They'll just all move onto the next thing.

Like what used to happen before the high-speed internet. You forked out quite a considerable amount of money, got no bug fixes and no enhancements.

I'm playing GT7, now, it's great, I recommend it. I've personally no intention of spending any more on it but if others do? Up to them.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Approach to Microtransactions Isn't Going Down Well


I haven't played it yet (might get it tomorrow) but it doesn't sound like you're forced to pay to progress or are disadvantaged in any way if you don't pay. So I can't see a problem with it.

For those of us with limited time and/or patience we can buy a car we really fancy for a couple of quid. I think it's nice to have the option, personally.

I play FTP games where you have to pay unless you're a really casual player. To be competitive, adding up the MTX over a year or so, it's easy to have spent far more than the GT7 asking price .

Re: PS5, PS4's Revamped PS Plus Sub Allegedly Outlined in Report


Once again, too much speculation and very little fact, so I'll reserve judgment. I'm not that unhappy with PS Plus to be honest. I do think they should have a free tier, though, for just online access.

They also need to stop drip feeding information and make some concrete announcements about what they are doing, when we're going to see it and how much it'll cost. I'm fed up with it.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


@Richnj I don't think our views are very far apart.

In your example I can see the depiction of rape as legitimate in a number of situations. What I struggle with is the player interacting with it. As I see it there are degrees of interactivity.

1) a rape occurs due to an indirect action (or lack of). Is this OK? I think this can be justified in a lot of game situations.

2) "press X to rape". is this is acceptable? Maybe there are scenarios where it can be justified but I can't think of any at the moment.

3) "press X to start raping, use the left stick to..". For me that's a firm no.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


@vapidwolf2 That was not my intention. You said "as long as its meaniful and has context, all lines should be crossed in any type of media". I disagreed and gave an example of a line that shouldn't be crossed. I fully expected a response along the lines of "I didn't mean that, you muppet" and a clarification of your view. What I got back was bad enough to get you banned. And for the record, I didn't report your post.

I'm happy to just let it go, a misunderstanding on both sides.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


@Deadlyblack I think you hit the nail on the head. It's one thing to be passive observer of something, another to be an active participant in it. They are different.

I have no idea why they decided to cut this and not something else but given the issue we have with knife crime in the UK I'm thinking maybe this wasn't a terrible decision.

I'm NOT saying any issue with knives is down to computer games. Or any other other crime, for that matter. I'm NOT pro censorship. But I do think a healthy debate about where the limits are is a good thing. And a healthy debate is one where all points of view can be aired and considered.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


@vapidwolf1 "as long as its meaniful and has context, all lines should be crossed in any type of media"
Really? I'm sure child pornography is meaningful and has context for some but I'd not like to see that freely available in any form. Do you include that too?

@122Richnj No, I wouldn't like to see the same level of censorship here as they do in Germany. But I think some level is necessary and as a society there should be a constant review and discussion about it. With the views of everyone considered.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


I guess this isn't my sort of game! I'm not sure why people would get a kick out of cutting their dead sisters face off as a mini game. Sounds like there's plenty more gore up for grabs, though, so not sure why there's a fuss about it.

I don't understand the 'censorship is bad/there should be no censorship' arguments. Would it be OK to not only cut out a foetus but maybe cook it and eat it, for example?

There is always going to be line that shouldn't be crossed and someone who has to make that call.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


@NEStalgia I think we'll be fine with the SSD. I've been using SSDs as my main build drives for 8 or 9 years now. They tend to get hammered on a daily basis as the build process creates and deletes 10's of thousands of small files each time. At the end of a full build I'll have about 100GB of source code and built binaries on disk. The process probably creates the same in temp files that get deleted as it goes along.

When I first started using them I didn't expect them to last more than a year or two but, so far, none have let me down.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


@NEStalgia Fair enough. I had similar fears but as it turned out the clips are pretty damn solid, even my heavy handedness didn't damage them.

I've been using SSD's for years in PC's now, never had one fail so I'm personally pretty confident in them lasting as long, if not longer than hard drives. I guess we're a long way from knowing how well the built-in PS5 drive will wear, though. Hopefully if it failed the internal plugin drive could take over.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


@NEStalgia Seriously, don't be concerned about upgrading the PS5. The hardest thing for me was just figuring out how to take the side panel off! Unless you try to hammer the SSD in upside down you're not going to damage anything.

As for SSD write cycles I don't think we're going to have a problem. As I understand it each cell might be limited to 100,000 writes but not the drive as a whole. Whenever you delete or copy a game over you're only going to write to so many of those cells, not all of them. Plus the SSD will try to even out the wear on the cells, writing data to the less worn ones.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


@Robinsad Not just the SSD but also the Kraken compression. The 90GB figure is useful in regards to how much space you'll need but useless for anything else. We don't know the quality and number of assets and have no idea how big it would need to have been without the SSD and Kraken.

I'm not sure what people expected but 90GB seems pretty good to me given what we've seen of the game so far.

Re: This Dreams Recreation of Returnal's Archonact Is Staggering


Impressive. I finally got around to buying this before Christmas, felt I had to support it. With a bit of luck I'll get some time to have a play with it.

Agree it would be really beneficial to port to PC and share content between the two platforms. PC is a much better platform for developing on.

Re: Nothing to Announce on PSVR2 Backwards Compatibility, Says Sony


As has been said it's going to be down to how different the APIs are for the two systems, not the hardware itself. I'm sure its perfectly feasible for Sony to do it transparently but I suspect it would add significant development cost.

As long as the new API is accessible through backwards compatibility I'm sure the game devs could patch their games without too much effort.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Bet on PSVR2 Is Brave and That's a Brilliant Thing


I've got a PSVR1 and will upgrade to 2. When will depend on price, backward-compatibility with VR1 (if any) and the games at launch. I think the higher-resolution, decent controllers and power of the PS5 will give a much better experience. I'm not sure you'd get the same PC experience for the same cost.

The sense of immersion I got from VR was far more than I've ever got from just generation on generation graphical boost. So I'm more than happy for Sony to continue investing in VR.