Comments 882

Re: Review: Defense Grid 2 (PlayStation 4)


I've been thinking about this one. I love tower defense. I think I prefer it to be cartoony though like plants vs zombies or pixeljunk monsters. So the only thing holding me back is the general atmosphere if that makes sense. I'll have to watch some videos.

Re: Review: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PlayStation 4)


This is a great game. Gardens and Graveyards is by far the most addictive mode. I hope they keep adding maps in the future.

My biggest gripe BY FAR is that the splitscreen option is limited to a local only survival mode. I don't understand at all why you can't jump into Garden Ops or multiplayer with local splitscreen. I even bought a second controller for this game and that was very disappointing.

Re: Feature: What Went Wrong with PlayStation Mobile?


I still highly recommend downloading Rymdkapsel. That game is fantastic.

The biggest problem with Playstation Mobile is just like you said, they failed to incorporate it into the playstation ecosystem. If those games had trophies and leaderboards it would have been a gigantic success, absolutely no doubt in my mind.

Re: You'll Need Friends to Tackle PS4 Shooter Destiny's Three Hour Missions


This really makes no sense at all. I can't even understand their reasoning. What could possibly be wrong with random matchmaking? Sure you won't be nearly as successful with strangers without a headset as you would with friends you are talking to, but that's your problem not Bungie's. Why would they not allow matchmaking? That seems insane.

Re: Don't Panic, Sony Hasn't Forgotten About Its VR Headset Project Morpheus


I'm sure I'm not the only one who WANTS to sit there for hours with something like this strapped to my head. And I don't care if it has motion tracking or anything like that. I simply think it would be exponentially more fun playing any game with a gigantic personal movie screen wrapped around my head. I know something like this already exists, but I want it cheaper and more comfortable.

Re: Review: Resogun: Heroes (PlayStation 4)


Everyone feel free to add me, Squiggle55. I'd love some more Resogun scores to strive for. This DLC was a fantastic addition.

@Davros79 I think you're selling the time needed to beat the game short. I certainly couldn't unlock and complete the game on the hardest difficulty that quickly.