Comments 882

Re: Reaction: Sony's Strong E3 2018 Show Almost Ruined by Rubbish Format


I bet Sammy is right, they probably had a room for each game in the original plan. They spent a lot of money on a clever idea with no regards to whether it was a good one. It's like Nintendo calling their console the Wii U, "you know, like We You. Get it?"
Yeah, I get it, it's a bad idea.
The beginning was very unprofessional and casual and non-hype enducing. Limiting the number of their announcements was a TERRIBLE idea. There are a million indies. Pick the best looking 10 of those.

Re: Talking Point: Did Sony PlayStation's E3 2018 Press Conference Deliver?


I voted really poor. Shu's tweet of "!?" Says it all to me.
Everything from the quality of the microphone and the casual opening talk to the attendees to the unfortunately slightly awkward solo musical performances.
I don't care if they warned us it would only be a close look at 4 games. It was a terrible idea. Demos that stretch on for too long are the worst part of e3. Rapid fire exposure to as many games as possible including indies and surprises is where it's at.

Re: Reaction: What Sony's E3 2017 Press Conference Got Wrong


Very boring. The year they got it right was the year they showed lots of indies and announced PS4 would use physical games sticking it to Microsoft with a mic drop announcement.

This was honestly terrible and not what I want out of the event at all. I want a variety of games and actual announcements. It's a good opportunity to surprise ps+ subscribers with a little surprise and a whole lot more "available now". They should have devoted time to Undertale and Ni No Kuni 2. Same boring game over and over is right.

Re: Sony Forecasting 'Hundreds of Thousands' of PlayStation VR Sales


@JaxonH That's an interesting point. I sincerely hope it succeeds because it is amazing. It is only talking about launch though. Hundreds of thousands is pretty good for launch isn't it? Hopefully the hype and scarcity makes sales continue to go up. I'll certainly be buying as many good experiences as I can to support the devs.

Re: Yoshida: PlayStation VR Is Not Another PS Move, 3D TV


I will buy one no matter what, and I will use it in theater mode if they stop making games specifically designed for it.

I'm nervous about the "success" of it though, because the numbers studios expect for "success" are humongous. If you want games made for it, this is in essence a new console, and games won't be made for it unless it sells successful console numbers. Even the Wii U wasn't successful enough for big developers to make games for it. So this peripheral that will cost as much as a console has to sell more than the Wii U. Right?

Re: Review: Until Dawn (PS4)


Thanks, Sammy. Like I said before I'm definitely getting it as long as it wasn't broken or something. I love scary movies like this so I was pretty confident I would love it as long as it ran correctly. Preordered 1 day in advance!

Re: The Vote for Your Next PS4 PlayStation Plus Freebie Is Live


I really want Armello to win. Not only does it look like the most fun and obviously the most replay potential, but it also looks like it is the game that depends most vitally on being a free playstation plus game for its success. If one of the other games doesn't win I can buy it and play it. But a board game obviously needs other players and I can't buy the game for other people.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4?


I will own it eventually. Not at full price though. Like others have mentioned it's going to have been deeply discounted already on other platforms. I feel bad even thinking this because I don't want Tomb Raider to fail, but hopefully they lose money on the deal and steer clear of such decisions in the future.