Comments 266

Re: Review: Street Fighter V (PS4)


ok. still kind of a disappointing bit of information for what could have been an easily hyped game. I guess I'm ok with waiting for the extra content, maybe by that time we'll have seen a price drop or a sale.

But I hope they release a more complete version once the extra modes come out. I still buy my games physically when possible because we have so-so internet and there's always data caps, and downloading several gigs for content that should have already been there doesn't seem like a lot of fun.

btw, I'm thinking of maining Cammy (maybe Sakura if she gets announced, or Juri).

Re: Heavy Rain's PS4 Price Won't Dampen Your Mood if You've Already Bought Beyond


Can't speak for the other games, but I thought the twist in Beyond Two Souls made some sense. If we're talking about the same twist.

The only thing I didn't like was... sigh, is this another spoiler?

*Spoiler! Spoiler in the dungeon!


Re: Review: Street Fighter V (PS4)


Ken looks like a dork. And ewwwww, what's up with that guy's leg in screenshot 4? (-. - )

But this looks like a fun game. I'll probably pick this up, despite my being terrible at fighting games. Maybe I'll get better? Or at the least, it will give my gaming collection some more "Gamer" cred. (^_^ )

Re: Heavy Rain's PS4 Price Won't Dampen Your Mood if You've Already Bought Beyond


I loved Beyond: Two Souls, especially two parts that actually brought me to tears.
But I'm going to avoid Heavy Rain as much as I can. I saw a clip on youtube where... uhm, is this a spoiler? should I mark it as a spoiler?

Spoiler! Don't Read Past This! I Mean It!!


End of Spoilers

Ok, so I don't remember if it shows that or not, but I'm too squeamish to try to find out.

Re: Feature: Which of PlayStation's Lonely Hearts Are Looking for Love?


I also have a thing for
Naked Snake, Solid Snake, Meryl Silverburgh, Impa (OoT) Sheik/Zelda, Samus Aran, Harry Mason, Bayonetta, Ryu Hayubasa, Mila (DoA), Lisa Hamilton, Sheva Allomar, Chris Redfield (and his biceps), Alucard, Decadus, Cent, Three (drakengard 3), Claire Farron, Oerba Yun Fang, Sazh Katzroy, Ignis (FFXV), Ahh! The list won't stop! Ahh!

OMG! what have you done to me @get2sammyb @ShogunRok !
(T. T )

Re: Feature: Which of PlayStation's Lonely Hearts Are Looking for Love?


Oh, Sully! He's such a cutie. lol. He's perfect, funny, and he's got such a great, laid-back attitude. I can't get over how much I love him. I thought he was older than 38 though (I bet he's lying). I would totally go for Sully

and then I scrolled down.

OMG, I love you Jill!! Argh. Now I can't decide. I'm so bad at this, I hate Valentine's Day. Maybe I'll just send both of them anonymous chocolate and daydream on the sidelines.
(T-T ) Ugh. I'm so pathetic.

btw, I didn't know Jill was 41. I guess I like them older. (^_^ )/

Re: Reaction: Why Sony Won't Deploy PS4 Exclusives on PC


I own an Xbox and I don't feel like they betrayed me. MS feels like both XBox and PC are part of the same ecosystem because they share Windows 10. So being able to experience a game across both, especially if there's cloud sharing or same servers, seems like a really cool idea. I'm sure if they could, they would also port this to phones.

The concept and motive is a bit similar to what Nintendo has planned with their NX console/handheld hybrid (if rumors are to be believed) in that both run the same or a similar os making it easier to port, stream and play with each other, thus creating a more inclusive ecosystem.

And this isn't the end of Xbox. Don't kid yourselves. It's easy to lose perspective posting on video game websites, but we're the most hardcore of the gaming community, thus PC has a strong showing. But there are tons and tons of gamers, far more than those with PC rigs, that game only on consoles or mobiles. They're going to keep buying console games, and most of them will never bother with websites about gaming, preferring to let word-of-mouth, youtube trailers, and magazines tell them about games.

Re: Site News: Would You Kindly Take Our Survey?


what if you just don't care about VR? I mean, I still filled the survey to the best of my abilities, but some of the questions were tough. Also, I can't remember how many games I bought (especially adding digital) so I made up a number. But it's probably a lot more. (o_O )

Re: No Doubt Dusty Shooter DUST 514 Turns to Dust in May


I played Dust 514! I had multiple accounts and enjoyed it a ton. At one point I was playing almost every single day, and had become a somewhat regular (and recognizable face) on the forums (under a different name). I won't say what my main account was called but I was a Beta veteran, and I fought on Caldari Prime, and was rocking a pretty decent positive k/d ratio while being one of the few Caldari Logis who actually did her freakin' job.

And then CCP did one of the most stupid, asanine pr blunders in the history of all video games. Don't know what the "Rouge Wedding" is? Good, be happy that a video game company hasn't spit on you as hard as CCP did that day. It seriously broke the community in two, and tons of people I used to play with biomassed that day. I quit and didn't touch Dust for a long time until last year when I decided to go back and see if anything had changed.

But by that point the game was just an empty shell of its former self, and speaking of which, I have no interest whatsoever in Project Valkyrie. Way to go CCP. White Wolf says hello. (--_-- )

Also, pay Rattati and the rest of CCP Shanghai a huge bonus for trying to fix your mistakes.

Re: Let's Remember the Iconic PSone Start Screen Together


wow. this is pure nostalgia and gets me right in the heart. I never owned a PS1 (thank goodness for backwards compatibility on the PS2), but I remember visiting my cousins when I was very young and they had a PS1. I wasn't allowed to play any games, so I just sat and watched my cousins play. It seemed all very grown-up, and I never forgot the sound of that start-up screen.

Re: Resident Evil Spin-Off Umbrella Corps Shuffles to PS4 in May


roflol. They move so jerky and floaty. I love the soldier crawling at :27.

If this comes out as a free-to-play with a lot of cosmetic unlockables then I'm excited and I'll definitely give it a try. But if I have to buy this game, then I think I'll pass. I'm only a super-casual gamer for shooting games.

Re: Review: Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)


If I didn't get a ps4 for Christmas, I would have bought one just for this game. I love Gravity Rush. One of the best games I've ever played! And I can't wait for the sequel! Also, Kat is really funny, and one of the most relatable main characters I have played in a really long time.

I just wish there were other ways to get the physical copy besides Amazon, because I would like as many players to play this game as possible (instead of it getting lost in the digital store).

Gravity Rush, Final Fantasy Explorers, and Resident Evil Origins. This year is already starting out awesome!

Re: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Takes Voyeur Gameplay to the Next Level


It's not about being overly sensitive. It's about fair representation. I ended up buying the game because, well, mostly because it was controversial, and I had a buy 2 get 1 free coupon, and I figured it would give me something to talk about on tumblr (like, ugh, have you seen this game? etc).
Instead I ended up liking it, and the tons and tons of costumes to unlock. Likes seriously, I could spend all day just changing costumes. lol.

Then there were a few sales over the holidays and I bought a pack that promised me "all" of the private paradise videos. And there's no Ryu? No Brad? This isn't all, this is just the women!! So I'm back to giving it some criticism.

btw, Mila is my main. ( ~_^)b

Re: Final Fantasy XV Will Cater to All Kinds of Players with Different Battle Modes


The combat was ok in the demo. Just that. 'ok'. It wasn't fun, but it was serviceable. If all I had to go with was the gameplay, I would probably pass on this. But I'm going to wait to see a few more trailers before making up my mind. Personally, my favorite combat system was XIII.

btw, very few of the FF games have ever had difficulty settings, so i don't think the different combat systems will change the overall difficulty of the game by much. It will probably be based off of preference and that's all.
(o_O )

Re: Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning Is a Louis Vuitton Fashion Model Now


Claire Farron.... and I'm not just saying that because of the article. lol.
followed by Fang, then Sazh, and then Vanille (guess which Final Fantasy was my first (^_^ ))

I also like Squall. He's kind of surly but good looking. So I can look the other way with his anti-social behavior. He's also pretty cool in Kingdom Hearts.

btw, I hope Lightning is going to be in KH3.

Re: PS5 Could Launch as Early as 2019, Reckons Analyst


I would hate new consoles popping up in 2018. We're only now starting to get into the swing of the current gen. Also, Sony is doing fantastic (and MS is doing reasonably well, all things considered) that I can't see them not riding this out to it's peak profitability.

2020 seems a bit more realistic. But who knows. Maybe VR will be the success story everyone thinks it will be, and extend this generation by a couple of years. Or NX will be so revolutionary that it will shorten this generation by a couple of years.

Re: PlayStation VR Will Cost You at Least $400 Says Research Group


too much for me. I would rather use that money to buy a Nintendo NX.
I've never played with VR yet (so I can't say my opinion is very educated), but if I had to guess, I would say that it will be cool, with quite a few adopters, but for the most part under-utilized and in the end sort of forgotten. I think it's too early for VR. However, next console gen, not only will the technology be more advanced, but the price more accessible. I think PS5/ Xbox 2 will be the consoles where VR will really take off.

Re: Crikey! PS4's Install Base Reaches 35.9 Million Units


I feel sorry for Xbone. I really like mine, but I agree, MS didn't do themselves any favors. Watching the old release again on youtube, it really does feel like watching a slow motion train wreck. My biggest fear is that they'll decide to call it quits after this, because like I said, I really enjoy my Xbone.
(T-T )

Re: Final Fantasy XV Is 'Not Going to Be a Love Story'


I kind of like Vanille/ Fang's as well (but I've only played XIII, I don't want to play the others in case it ruins their relationship).

btw, Tabata. You can say there's no love all you want, but I have already had my heart stolen. Ignis Stupeo Scientia.... <3
( * -*)

Re: Star Wars Games May Have Made Too Much Money in 2015


Thumbs up, obviously!
I'm really hyped on Star Wars right now!! Amazing actors, tons of action, I love every single character and moment! I've seen it twice and I'm going to go see it again next week.
Also, can we talk about how important Captain Phasma and Fin are to Star Wars? Even though stormtroopers are the bad guys, I can't even begin to explain how awesome it was that women and people of color are now stormtroopers. Because, come on, lets face it, everyone at one time or another has wanted to wear stormtrooper armor.

also, this Christmas was great because I got a ps4. I'm definitely planning on picking up Battlefront whenever I get the chance to (I got the uncharted trilogy bundle instead... ( T-T)).

Re: Sony: PS4 Will Receive an Unprecedented Rush of Games in 2016


Well, both consoles had tons of exclusives, especially on the digital side, but journalists will generally list exclusives being published just by Sony or Microsoft themselves, and if you do that then yes, Microsoft does have a better line-up (I guess). Of course, once you start to look at 3rd party publishers (especially from Japan) you start to see that overall, the PS4 has more exclusives.

But none of this matters depending on what your tastes in videogames are. Personally, I like (mostly) Japanese games, especially jrpgs and games with strong female protagonists. So both the Xbox and Ps4 disappointed me to some extent in 2015 (I own both).

Re: Feature: 27 PS4 Exclusives to Anticipate in 2016


Digimon, Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Persona, King of Fighters, and one "other" for me!!
What an awesome lineup!

The 4 other games I'm also looking forward to are Nights of Azure (ps4), Mirror's Edge, Recore (XB1) and Twilight Princess (Wii U). 2016 is going to rock!!
And I'm sure there's tons more games that haven't been announced yet (or I'm forgetting)!

Re: Talking Point: Did You Get Any PlayStation Gifts This Christmas?


2007!! That's a long time ago. lol. I'm really sick of having to face wave after wave of pirates when I would rather climb all over ancient ruins (mostly because I suck at shooting games). lol. But I like it too. Nathan is like the right kind of confidence and dorkiness mixed into one. I love him.
I'm at the part where you first meet Eddy Raja and then I had to stop because I still needed to keep downloading. (T-T )

Re: Talking Point: Did You Get Any PlayStation Gifts This Christmas?


I got a PS4!!! I am now an official member of the Playstation family!!
Well, I've had playstation stuff before... but whatever.
(^_^ ) Really really happy right now. Finished updating everything and now I'm waiting for Uncharted to finish downloading. I've never played those games before, but they look kind of fun. Was hoping for the Star Wars bundle so I could run around as a lady stormtrooper, but hey, beggars can't be choosers and holy crap! the PS4 is such a nice console. Sexy looking too.