Comments 213

Re: PS5 Sales Reach 60 Million Milestone, Now at 61.7 Million Consoles Sold


@DennisReynolds the PS4 was underpowered because Sony knew people didn’t want to pay the price for an expensive system. Considering inflation the PS3 was a stout system. 600$ brand new was a lot of money over a decade ago. And the PS3 was designed as an impressive system for the time. Also Sony learned its lesson from the cell engine gamble which didn’t take off as expected. Hence the PS4 going the cheaper route in terms of SOC and chassis. I doubt we will ever receive a well built beast of a PlayStation again.

Re: EA Sports College Football 25 (PS5) - Stunning Sim Worth the 10 Year Wait


@AdamNovice to understand why college football is such a big deal in the USA. One has to visit or study abroad at a big American university. Saying the American college football atmosphere is very lively is an understatement honestly. American universities are more lively in general compared to how the rest of the world does it. Students really do take pride in their schools mascots and colors. Even big prestigious schools have this closeness about them. Hope that helps give some more context.

Re: Sony's Going to Make Damn Sure You Pay Attention to Astro Bot on PS5


@GreatAuk understood. I did make a lot of assumptions there. And I projected based on my experiences. I’m not dismissing the entire west. My home country (USA) is very unhealthy. Both men and women statistically are larger than their worldly counterparts. People I know routinely will say someone is too small whom is fine in reality. So that’s my perspective. My apologies.

I’m glad that PS fans will have something exclusive to play this year. This game just isn’t for me. Just like little big planets weren’t for me. Despite being good games. From what they have shown it appears it will be better than the PS5 demo game.

Re: Stellar Blade Dev Shift Up Goes Public, Makes a Huge Pile of Money


@WhiteRabbit going public often changes a company for the worse. I defended the Microsoft price increases for subsidized gamepass because entities like you and are are beholden to inflation. Data centers aren’t free and upgrades cost money. Plus the deals that Microsoft makes behind the scenes for GP offerings will increase as well. As the IP owners will have increased costs and their own employees wanting more compensation. These employees are like you and I whom have life costs. So it’s all a cycle. I have no love for giant corporations. Just pointing out that there is no free lunch and modern gamers whom participate in this hobby seem to forget that.

Re: Stellar Blade Dev Shift Up Goes Public, Makes a Huge Pile of Money


@GeeEssEff I didn’t say it was selfish for a small company to go public. Just saying that going public often changes companies for the worse for any industry. And if you read my comments objectively on PX defending the price increase for subsidized gamepass, they are doing so because of the operating costs plus inflation. I have no love for corporations mate. People need to remember that gaming is a hobby.

Re: PS5 Simply Can't Match the Pace of 2023 in Europe


@get2sammyb I think they are focused on profits especially considering inflation. The gaming industry as a whole has not kept up with inflation. And let’s be real, the PS5 and series consoles aren’t bespoke or special like all console generations up to the PS3/X360. In which consoles had bespoke designs and were state of the art briefly. Since the PS4 they just released Mediocre machines for the time period. So Sony must make money on hardware for as long as possible with this price point. The COVID era increased manufacturing costs for every industry in the world. As the west has an over reliance on one region. For semiconductors it’s China and Taiwan. The Covid era saw massive delays and extreme demand for SOCs for all industries. And we are still in a post covid economy. So unlike previous generations a price cut may come much later or maybe not at all.

Re: Stellar Blade Dev Shift Up Goes Public, Makes a Huge Pile of Money


I hate when small companies go public. They will surely lose their appeal as time goes on. As they are beholden to shareholders whom only care about bottom lines. These shareholders do not care about anything but making more coin. And shareholders may cater to societal pressure in western countries for certain things if it becomes a problem. The previous full owner made money today at the expense of full control forever.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


Sony can do what they want with their IPs. There is no right or wrong when it comes to property ownership. Only beggars feel that it isn’t right. Microsoft’s subsidized Gamepass model has spoiled so many. New games should only be available at full price so developers can make a profit so the lights can stay on and there is a healthy balance for this hobby industry. Like all hobbies in the world they don’t get cheaper nor is anyone entitled to them just because their coin isn’t right.

Re: Netflix's Horizon Zero Dawn TV Show Reportedly on Ice


Toxic means anything in the cotton soft modern era of the west. People would consider salt water toxic. Whereas toxic in the past would be for more severe things. Like water that has nuclear runoff in it. I digress. I am truly amazed that horizon is treated as if it’s immensely popular. I enjoy it as a tech demo but the characters are weak sauce, especially all of the guys.

Re: Yet More Leaked Wolverine PS5 Gameplay Has Appeared Online


Not sure about others but I think the whole super hero thing is so overplayed. Also everything from last century is over played and over used. I get it last century had more creativity in the west. It would be nice if companies created new IPs instead of being so safe chasing what already was/is successful from the past.

Re: Preview: Star Wars Outlaws on PS5 Has a World of Possibilities, But Is Let Down by a Rough Demo


@dark_knightmare2 dated is relative. I see nothing wrong with DD 2 niche open world game style. DD1 was niche and so is this one. It’s only mainstream outlets that made it bigger than what it is among average gamers. Let us reserve “dated” for things like a game engine. I.e. Statfield has a dated loading style for various digital resources. It doesn’t efficiently use modern hardware compared to other modern games.

Re: Xbox Series S Specs Limit the Scope of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2


How do developers code for low end PCs then for high end PCs? The Xbox series S and Series X have the same architecture. Also the consoles haven’t had unique architecture since X360/PS3. This is just developers complaining about having to do additional work for the Xbox. Developers hold the series X back and PS5.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for May 2024?


@Giophieudu268 I’m sure the PS5 will be like the end of the PS3 era in which many great games are launched. The difference being that the PS3 had many 1st party games throughout the whole generation. With the way things are going I think a PS5 pro will be a good investment. I’ll get once as soon as it comes out. Reason being a PS6 launch will likely be like the PS5 in which cross generation takes precedent. Unless Sony changes their strategy completely and Microsoft gets their act together (I hope). By unleashing many titles from their 1st party studios. We shall see.

Re: PS5 Is Sony's Most Profitable Console Generation to Date


@Ainu20 console consumers will still bemoan about the cost of a full complete game at 70$ and the hardware. Nothing wrong with getting the best value for one’s coin. All I’m saying is there are tradeoffs. We all can’t have free lunches.

I agree though the industries suit types are to blame for rushed work that is more common place these days.

Re: PS5 Is Sony's Most Profitable Console Generation to Date


Inflation is what is cutting into the profits. Along with console consumers not wanting to pay increased prices for games or consoles. The console gaming industry hasn’t kept up with inflation IMO. The three have done a good job with keeping prices competitive. But we don’t get the bespoke SOCs anymore which were leading for a brief time when the console launched. Also console gamers bemoan about the costs of software which also hasn’t kept up with inflation. People are sad that other people get laid off at these gaming studios yet don’t want to pay a higher price for the software. People at those studios need to earn a living as well and want more compensation too. As far as entertainment value goes video games provide more hours of value than any other entertainment avenue. So people need to pay up. Then there are those that expect subscription services to have a big library. So this is a lot for these companies to balance especially a company like Sony that isn’t software rich like Microsoft whom can afford to be more liberal with their money. I comment the three for keeping gaming affordable despite every other industry increasing prices due to inflation but the gaming hobby will get more expensive.

Re: PS5 Is Sony's Most Profitable Console Generation to Date


@Northern_munkey the PS5 is old tech. Since the PS4 and Xbox one, Microsoft and Sony haven’t built bespoke machines that are state of the art for a brief time. Whereas previous console generations from the beginning brought more to the table engineering wise. Inflation and console consumers not wanting to pay the price for a state of the art console is the blame. The original 900$ PS3 which sold at 600$ at launch was a better machine if everything else was equal.

Re: CD Projekt Red Wants to Release Major Games More Frequently


@Shinnok789 I prefer longer RPG based games, with the main story being 30-40ish hours. And if gamers want to do more then they can do 70+. That way one gets good value from the game. And no one is forcing someone to do all of the tasks for the game. As quality big RPGs aren’t released everyday even during the peak console generation years of the PS3/X360.

Re: PS5, PS4's Brand New PS2 Emulator Features Up-Rendering, Rewind, Quick Saves, More


Meh. The OG PS3’s has the best backwards compatibility. I get it the cell engine was truly unique and more special than the cheap AMD off the shelf SOCs. But it would be nice if Sony spent the money to develop an emulator that can handle the PS3’s cell engine. I won’t buy an older game in digital format when I have many physical copies around. Fortunately my OG 60gb PS3 is still in service.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


@rockodoodle we haven’t reached diminishing returns. It’s just that consumers have been convinced that they need 4k gaming for their consoles. Going from 1080P to 4K is very taxing on the hardware and requires significant hardware for one to have left over power to really see a leap. This is what the consoles don’t have since Sony and Microsoft don’t make bespoke console hardware anymore that is leading. As console consumers don’t want to pay for that type of power as the current costs are bemoaned by many.

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


@BAMozzy it is messed up but when I think of the average gamer I’m referring to traditional consoles or PCs. I don’t consider mobile gaming persons as gamers.

4K RT is just about showing off in my opinion. You know the saying stick measuring contest? I think this is what many people do whom brag about high end rigs. For any hobby there are those that want to best gear even if it doesn’t actually improve the hobby or sport play.

As for why someone would want a console. The reasons I still buy consoles despite having a very good PC is that for certain games I prefer to play in front of my big screen. I only want to play RPGs and racing games on my consoles. As like I said the tv is big and it’s nice to sit on a couch with surround sound. PC gaming I use for the more serious strategy games and realistic FPS like Arma. But a PC can do most of that you are correct. But like I stated for me it’s more joyful to play certain types of games on my couch with a console controller.

I think the rise of those mobile “gamers” is due to cost. Not every family can afford nor cares to spend money on a console. Especially the iPad screen generation of people whom is glued to mobile devices. I noticed younger kids can play these free games that are littered with aids for a while and it doesn’t bother them. So for parents they don’t have to get traditional gaming devices. Just get their kids a mobile phone and it does everything for them entertainment wise.