Comments 213

Re: Star Wars Outlaws Director a 'Little Disappointed' with Critical Reception


Ubisofts stock value continues to dwindle. I’ll be curious what the sells numbers are as people claimed pre-orders were pathetic. Guess the knock off hans doesn’t appeal so wide. The stars wars IP cannot attract on that name alone anymore. DEIsney and game developers have to make compelling products and storylines. Anyways the market speaks and if the majority think something is okay then that’s the perception. Besides ubisoft should be comfortable with not getting gamers money since they said they should be comfortable with not owning their games.

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices


Depends on the type of game as not all games are equal. I always thought it was odd that games fighting games like tekken cost the same as a long RPG like Skyrim. I have no problem paying a high price for a quality and lengthy story driven game like the Witcher 3. But overall the cost of consoles and new games haven’t kept up with inflation like every other industry. The gaming hobby has remained mostly the same. But the backend costs have gone up for companies a part of this industry. No matter what the prices are. Gaming provides more entertainment hours per purchase than a movie per se.

Re: Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Console Exclusivity Agreement with Black Myth: Wukong


@SlipperyFish as you know PC gaming is less optimized which is why consoles can look similar with less strength available. 1080p isn't bad with upscaling technology. The casual gamer won't really care unless the FPS foundry makes a deal out it. As long as a game is smooth is all that matters IMO. A series X is available if an xbox gamer wants a higher pixel count or better graphics.

Re: Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Console Exclusivity Agreement with Black Myth: Wukong


@KundaliniRising333 if a game can run on the series X it can run on a series s. It’s just a matter of tuning the game to a lower setting. This game came out on PC so the developer has experience with making a game with minimal hardware requirements in mind. All of the negativity surrounding the series s is just laziness on the developers part. In the old days the consoles were more bespoke. Developers had a bigger learning curve. The problem is now, Xbox isn’t near PS in terms of units in the field. But the numbers aren’t small enough to ignore IMO. I fell bad a little for Xbox. Since PS5 is now the lead platform for developers. And it has been said that the series x power advantage isn’t a big deal. I think even FPS foundry even said so and praised the PS5. Yet I remember last generation Xbox one always getting roasted for being down on power in which the PS4 was more powerful and the lead console. And always was better in comparisons. So to sum it up, it really all comes down to developers. And they have shown they don’t really care for an optimized Xbox port as a whole. Since the series x is more powerful it can brute force its way, thus making the series s more annoying for developers.

Re: Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Console Exclusivity Agreement with Black Myth: Wukong


I doubt Sony would waste money doing this especially since they are in the lead hardware wise against Xbox. Xbox has been poorly ran for a decade now so Sony has time to get itself together but they are running on previous prestige. Even if they did do it so what. It’s not like they have been on a major buying spree since they don’t have the money like their competitor.

Re: Astro Bot 2 Hinted at in PS5 Platinum Trophy Description


@IOI Its not my type of game but I think it will be successful. I think its good for sony to have more of these "nintendo" like games on PlayStation. Plus judging by how we are all starved for exclusive PS5 content, I think it will sell reasonably well. But who knows what Sony has in mind as far as what good sells means for this title.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Design Seemingly Leaked


@Zeke68 Yea silly choice on your friends part. Besides when one buys a new blu-ray or 4k UHD there is often a digital code included in the box! And its not like the stand alone digital version is significantly cheaper for any movie. So why not buy physical and have all formats. Plus the physical copy can never be censored. Same for physical books. And most importantly all one needs is the physical medium for the physical content then it will always be available. No going through logins down the line if the account still exists.

Re: Konami 'Aware' That Metal Gear Solid 4 Is Still Stuck on PS3


@dskatter well if Sony stuck with the bespoke cell engine for the PlayStation brand, PS3 wouldn't be stuck. Instead we got a cheaper and less impressive for present time "off the shelf" SOC for the PS4 and PS5. And to them it hasn't been worth it to really develop a native emulator that could brute force its way through PS3 games if one has a disc. Instead they prefer the half baked solution.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Design Seemingly Leaked


@Zeke68 Yup. I still buy blu-rays. Home theater is the only way I watch movies as I have a good system. If I'm lucky the movie I want comes on 4k UHD which isn't always the case. I refuse to accept "digital" based end user agreement ownership for the console space.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Design Seemingly Leaked


If there is no disc drive or the option to add the detachable disc drive, I will not be buying this as I had planned to. As I only buy discs for console games due to longevity as I hang on to consoles. Plus, I won't be able to play the disc PlayStation games I presently own. I refuse to "buy" AA and above digital console games.

Re: Players Complain of Lengthy PS5 Matchmaking Times As Concord Numbers Dwindle


@DETfaninATL specialized software or in other words AI is relatively new. AI wouldn’t help this game. AI codecs or software need copious amounts of data to assist with procedural generation. The pathetic player count for this game wouldn’t help create a good AI in which human players wouldn’t it. Now a game like COD with several years of data could help. However as far as I’m aware developers don’t have a “black” box to track our inputs when we play these games then steal it. Like every AI steals data that was already stolen (collected) by companies like google. But why would you want that mate? Paying to play online with bots? The masses would reject it but some would be okay. Just like some sign up for AI GF services.

Re: Concord Probably Best Played on PC, According to Official Features Trailer


@Rich33 many families that make up a large percentage of the console base aren’t going to switch to PC. PC gaming is still a niche market unlike the rest of gaming avenues. The only threat from the PC arena that could sway console gamers is the portable PCs or decks. Even so every deck owner I talked too is a typical PC guy in the know. Never have I encountered a gamer from the normal pool so to speak whom has one of those decks. To sum it up consoles will be fine. Console games going to PC is just a way for Sony to make more money while not messing up their console sells unlike Microsoft.

Re: Xbox on Bringing Exclusives to PS5: The Industry Is Changing for All of Us


Yes the industry is changing indeed mate. Just not everyone will be so liberal with their IPs like Xbox under software rich Microsoft. Sony and Nintendo will manage their IPs better because they need people to buy into their hardware ecosystem. As if both companies don’t turn a profit on gaming they won’t survive. Nintendo is fully gaming and based in the vanity entertainment industry. Sony to some extent as well but profit margins for other Sony divisions are nothing like a software company. So PlayStation must have a reason for existing.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Gamescom Opening Night Live 2024?


@Savage_Joe To be fair, all data centers in the world are resource intensive. And judging by how many people support subscription services, data centers will continue to grow. As long as data centers are powered by nuclear or some other renewable energy all will be okay in the future. As normies are fully invested in this internet of everything world. So more data centers will come online. Servers are constantly on including the assets owned by your employer.

Re: Rumour: Xbox's Indiana Jones Game Coming to PS5 in First Half 2025


@Neither_scene PC gaming is a bit different. As for the gaming PC crowd there are many parts vendors in which all components will talk to each other in the windows environment. The consoles aren’t built like that as you know. Also the PC gaming community isn’t the console gaming crowd. So when a console game goes to the PC and not another console, it doesn’t mess up any prospective console buyer.

I understand where you are getting at with the GPUs. But they all play within the same PC environment which has standards. A PC gamer will have the same experience on which ever GPU vendor he chooses for his windows based machine. As PC games are coded to run in a windows environment and the hardware choices just help achieve whatever stats one is after. Which is all relative. The latest gimmicks the three GPU makers advertise to help brute force their way through unoptimized code doesn’t impress me. I say this as someone whom has a well built PC.

Corporate exclusivity is beneficial to Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft is a software company and wants to be everywhere. Sony and Nintendo are hardware companies and aren’t software rich. They need people to buy into their platforms physically, otherwise they will just shutter operations.

IMHO people need to get over this access for all mindset. As that only facilitates the rise of mega corporations across all industries. Gaming is a hobby and hobbies cost money.

Re: Rumour: Xbox's Indiana Jones Game Coming to PS5 in First Half 2025


@breakneck agreed. As they are all existing IPs from the more creative 20th century. Indy isn’t as strong with the younger crowd as it is the older one. I wasn’t excited for Xbox when this was revealed because it’s an old IP. But I doubt Microsoft will want to make a new IP that is uncharted like. They haven’t since the PS3.

Re: GTA 6 Won't Be on Subs Like PS Plus at Launch Because Take-Two Makes 'Rational' Decisions


@Blofse Microsoft like all software companies has a high cash flow. Something only Sony and Nintendo can dream of ever having. Microsoft can afford subsidized gamepass. I don’t understand why people complain about price increases for subscription services. Then demand more content! As someone whom buys games and movies physically I think it’s very funny. As at the end of the day subscription services are good deals. And lastly people forgot that gaming is a hobby. Hobbies have a cost.