Comments 213

Re: PS5's Commanding Console Position Is Seemingly Insurmountable


@trev666 for the games that Nintendo makes less raw power is okay. The trend that Sony and Microsoft set is more power the past two decades. Allowing for more ambitious console titles. And fans of the PS and Xbox expect these games each generation. I like Nintendo and I’m not hating on them. But Sony and MS suddenly going to underpowered systems for the present day would be a negative for them. Of course optimization play a big role but power is power.

Re: Sony Priming 'Even Less Exciting' PS5 Remaster for State of Play


I wish Sony should give more love to its other IPs which didn't make it past the PS3 generation. Spend the money to modernize those to fill this void of lack of bespoke PS5 games for this current generation. Horizon was fine when it launched on the PS4. It was a great tech demo from very competent Guerilla.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot the USA's Second Best-Selling Game in Its First Week


I don’t know why people were expecting this game to be a huge hit among the PlayStation base. PlayStation and Xbox tend to have a more “serious” console base. Meaning less people interested in the Nintendo style of games. For the record I’m not hating on these types of games at all as there is a market for them too. Just not so big on PS. I guess people thought the drought of first party games would lead people to buy this just because of PS studios on the box. Little big planet was the same despite it also being a good game series.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


Hopefully the next consoles have an impressive CPU. As I expect games to become more CPU intensive. Especially if specialized procedural generation is used to supplement gameplay (AI). The next xbox is rumored to be impressive and launch first. The next generation of consoles needs to launch as powerhouses with a lot of head room for years to come. Especially as more people have 4K tvs at home.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


@Rob3008 We aren't at peak technology for the consoles. Will likely never be anymore. As the cost that consumers are willing to pay is the biggest bottleneck. As people seriously don't understand how much raw power is needed to go from HD to 4K, even for the same graphics or game so to speak. Couple that with the fact that people expect games to look better too.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows' Japan Looks Stunning in New Open World Showcase


@Bamila i have a feeling it will fail. Rumors are that pre-orders have been lower than expected at retailers. I don’t feel sorry for Ubisoft as they messed themselves up these past few years. Now I do have sympathy for the backlash against the main character. As Ubisoft was a victim to the false information on the person in real life. I read that the Japanese people said that person was real but never was a samurai but merely a sword bearer. Which means just carrying equipment for a lord during those times. But even before this game was announce. I remember seeing information on the internet about this samurai with a darker skin texture package. And i thought okay that’s interesting and thought nothing of it. Turned out it wasn’t accurate. Revisionist history is never good for anyone IMO. Sorry I digress.

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@OldGamer999 Hopefully the next generations of consoles don't have weak sauce CPUs. They will need strong beefy CPUs and developers will need to fully embrace multicore games. As graphics are good now but the next evolution of games is more advanced in game features in which AI can enhance. This will require more CPU power.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Sales 'Aren't Huge' in UK, But There's Still Hope


The game will be fine overall. People need to stop expecting everything to be huge over night. As long as a game is profitable and a company makes money all is well. And I’m sure they made their money back if they didn’t already. As the studio is small and the time frame for development good. Not everything is going to be big, life doesn’t work like that. This is why the entertainment industry is lame these days as everyone is chasing huge. With a 0 or 100 mindset in regard to success. We need more middle games. This just isn’t my type of game.

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


The reality is that manufacturing post cough era is still expensive. Which is why no significant price drops have happened for these SOCs over the past few years. If Sony made the console cheaper, they would loose money on the new production line opened up for these. Remember almost all of the semiconductors come from China and Taiwan. Demand didn’t go down for them throughout the cough era either so there was a backlog. So prices are what they are. Besides Microsoft is making a 600$ series X to put things into perspective. So the pro is a good deal for those that want it. People need to stop being dramatic about this move by Sony. The real issue we all care about is lack of current generation games.

Re: PS5 Players Choose Performance Mode 75% of the Time


Depends on the game for me. For example I play the Witcher 3 on fidelity mode. 30 fps for that game was no problem for me on last generation and I can still play it at 30 fps. I just enjoyed how beautiful the world is for that game on fidelity. For shooters I have played in performance mode for both consoles.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@NeonMullet im an older millennial but i never felt tied to anyone ecosystem no matter the industry or product. I buy what is best after I do my research. I buy both Xbox and PS because I liked when they really had different ideologies as far as games go. Competition used to be good. I’ll be getting a pro also because I just prefer to play most games in front of my TV. I use my PC for strategy games most and serious shooters like the Arma series. If you built your own PC or paid someone else to do it you would avoid the anti-plug and play. But it’s just a matter of how you prefer to game.

Re: Lack of Competition from Xbox Partly Why PS5 Pro Is $700, Says Analyst


What are they talking about? There is a 600$ special edition series x coming out soon which doesn’t add more transistors to the SOC for processing power. The PS5 Pro is in line with present manufacturing costs i reckon. Let us not forgot how the cough era delayed production of semiconductors which are almost all made in China and Taiwan, all while demand increased. Also let us look at the competition. The switch is still priced a certain way as are the Xbox consoles. If Sony made the pro too cheap then they would not re-coup on this new production line and new SOC R/D plus procurement.

Re: 'It Makes Sense Why the PS5 Pro Price Is So High,' Say Tech Experts


@Westernwolf4 With the way things are tracking. The best Sony games will come out when the PS6 PRO is out. So those that buy a PS5 PRO will get very good use out of it and not feel inclined to get a PS6. Unless Sony is forced to make a really strong base PS6 because the next Xbox is alleged to be a significant leap.

Re: 'It Makes Sense Why the PS5 Pro Price Is So High,' Say Tech Experts


@jrt87 If you took that as a humble brag then so be it. I understand that people have disposable income. Hence the success of the west and all of the excess. Plus time for people to complain about vanity goods. All I'm saying is that people need to stop complaining about the prices of things in this hobby industry. People should stick to whatever budget they have and not bemoan that a new console is coming out for gamers that want more powerful hardware the base that was designed 5+ years ago. People are really overreacting to this whole PS5 Pro.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@NeonMullet I didn't take it that way mate. There are die hard fans for every corporation on the earth. There are apple fans that buy the products no matter what, there are BMW fans whom buy whatever they put out even if all hate the direction the car brand is taking, etc.... It is what it is. At the end of the day its just money and we don't take any with us when we pass away. That is not to say people shouldn't take care of important things for themselves or family.

Re: Prospective PS5 Pro Buyers Cause Surge in Disc Drive Sales


@McTwist You do know that the base PS5 is still available? Like the PS4 PRO, the PS5 PRO is optional. Plenty of users still enjoy the base PS4 across the world. Forcing consumers to go all digital stuck behind connected digital subscriptions is a better use of the world anti-consumer IMO. Not complaining about a highly priced version of a console that is launching for those that want it. The PS5 will continue to do well. Especially once more Sony games come out. In life there are those that can get better things than us. So what. I don't complain when I buy a car if I cannot buy the best trim for a respective model.

Re: Despite Price Point, Analyst Firm Expects PS5 Pro to Sell Like PS4 Pro


@PuppetMaster if Sony did charge that much for a PS6, it would give them more leeway to build a stronger base system. As they always loose money on consoles in the beginning. Then people would feel that there is a bigger leap between the console generation. As 4K gaming is very taxing on hardware. And a single digit more in teraflops from the PS4 pro to PS5 isn’t so dramatic.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@Gost reasonable response. I’m so surprised why everyone is mad. What do they expect? The GPU is really beefed up from the base. Also a base PS5 can be had still. I would understand if Sony was dropping the base and forcing people to buy this vanity hobby good. I see the pro as a top trim. And I expect pros to stay. As there will be people like myself willing to pay more for the best. Similar to every other good. Sony sells a range of TVs. But no one protests the top level 4K TVs which cost the most because they have the best electronics. Again no one is forcing anyone to spend money on electronics.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


@DonJorginho it is a good deal adjusting for inflation. Even the base PS5 is a good deal adjusting for inflation. People can mock this sentiment all they want but gaming hasn’t increased so much over the past two decades compared to other industries. Hobbies cost money and the best toys for any hobby cost money. No one is forcing anyone to buy a pro or a very expensive GPU just so they can run a game well and please FPS foundry!

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


@breakneck yea exactly. The base PS5 will still be sold so folks can get what they please. As long as they still optimize games all will be okay for the base systems. Performance or fidelity works for most.

Re: Ubisoft Investor Calls for Company to Go Private, and CEO Yves Guillemot to Be Replaced


@StrickenBiged even so Ubisoft is making many of its games with an online requirement. Basically lowkey pushing everyone to a subscription. Similar to Microsoft whom claims physical media is supported by them. Yet many of their first party games are digital only as of late and those that do release physically just have a disc with a code. So basically physical owner like myself will never own whatever the base level patch is for the game when it was pressed to the disc. Then Microsoft will have the audacity to claim falling physical media sells lol. I digress I don’t trust any of these corporations. Yes I didn’t read the whole interview but the actions that corporation have told me all I need to know. Words from suit types of a corporation cannot be taken at face value.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


@PerpetualBoredom I’m just stating the obvious mate. People would cry if they kept prices the same and fired more people as a result. Everything else has gone up in life that matters. The gaming industry has not really increased in price despite being a hobby. Prices of games and consoles have not kept up with inflation. The boot reference isn’t necessary here as like I said gaming is a hobby.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


To be expected as everything else has gone up in price. Its called inflation. The people that work at Sony also want higher compensation and Sony has bills to pay too. The biggest voting bases don't learn and will continue to vote for people that enable inflation more. Its a vicious cycle with no overnight fix. Lastly gaming is a vanity hobby.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


I'll get it because with the way things are going. The best exclusive PlayStation games will come out when the PS6 pro comes out if Sony doesn't change course. So PS5 Pro will be good for at least 7 more years. The PS5 pro's rumored specs are what the PS5 should have had a launch. Hopefully the PS6 is launched as a powerhouse and is expensive to make and expensive to buy. So no pro needed for the whole console cycle. No matter how much people will complain about the cost up front. Consoles used to be this way when they were more bespoke.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@Fizza Not a powerhouse enough as it cannot run last generations the Witcher 3 at very high settings at 60 FPS. Nor can it run last generations cyberpunk at 60 FPS at high settings. Same for series X. Its not a powerhouse in the way that previous more bespoke systems were for their time, like the Xbox 360 and PS3.