Comments 630

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 540


I will repost what I posted on Nintendo Life.

  • Gears of War
  • Grand Theft Auto IV (favorite game of all time, doing a playthrough that’s simultaneous with another buddy’s replay)
  • Dynasty Warriors 6 (ps2 version, which has more characters than the ps3 version due to releasing after, trust me you’ll need a few re-reads to understand this paragraph)
  • Dynasty Warriors 8XLCEDXDE (trust me that wasn’t a keyboard mash, I just happen to have bought all three modern versions of the game. CE on steam, DE on switch and DX on switch which is Japanese, I’m trying to beat all three although I’ll need an SD card, also my L bumper stopped working, that sucks)
  • Conker (part of my participation for the Pure Xbox club, it’s also a game I’ve voted for, I’ve also voted for Gears 2, hence why I’m playing Gears 1)
  • Way of the Samurai 1-2 (both fantastic games, this is the best samurai sandbox game, if there’s even other games that fall under the label)

Re: Well-Liked Action Series Darksiders Will Ride Again in New PS5 Game


@rjejr I may have needed to clarify I was referring to a new “third person action game” when I said “4th”. I haven’t had any experience with Genesis as I’ve rarely delved into Diablo-likes, not that I’m necessarily against them or anything. Just probably not my cup of tea.

@colonelkilgore I see, thanks. Always open to recs (of any kind), especially of games I never heard of. I’ll have a look. Umbasa.

Re: Well-Liked Action Series Darksiders Will Ride Again in New PS5 Game


@colonelkilgore I don’t actually it’ll go that route. Might borrow soulslike elements (which I wouldn’t be against), if it’s an old-gow clone, that’d be a breath of fresh air. But if a new-gow clone wouldn’t be an unwelcome direction either. In fact, I’d love to see what creative Liberties they’d take there.

Re: Well-Liked Action Series Darksiders Will Ride Again in New PS5 Game


This kinda peaked with the first game, it was a straightforward Zelda clone with no gimmicks, fun story, very gow-like design and all in all a jolly ol time. Second game, I dropped it twice. Both ps3 and ps4. Too exhausting, too much traversal, Diablo and WoW influence wasn’t my thing, felt like a solo MMO at times and generally less interesting plot. My friends recommended me not to try the third game and I’m not eager to prove them wrong. Hope the 4th game is good although this can just be another “lords of the fallen” case where we get Something with prettier graphics, but same ol uninspired or boring gameplay.

Edit: I wrote this before reading the article, I’ve read it now and happy to see it echoes my “Zelda” sentiments.

Re: It Doesn't Sound Like Braid: Anniversary Edition Quite Set the World on Fire


@PuppetMaster “is it good?”
Sorta? It stood out because Johnathon Blow*** didn’t have much competition and he released it in the midst of game devs trying to stand out as being smart, whether deserved or otherwise. It’s not an incompetent game, but you won’t finish it feeling it like your life changed, in spite of Johnny Jon Johnnjohnn wishes you would.

Re: It Doesn't Sound Like Braid: Anniversary Edition Quite Set the World on Fire


I’m ok with this. I liked the original on 360 back in the day and frankly view it more as a novelty or curiosity play by today’s standards. If nothing else, it’s a surprise to see a re-release at all. Otherwise I don’t think there’s much lost if someone doesn’t experience/re-experience the game.
@nessisonett Loved reading this. And agree.

Re: Damn, the Saiyan and Namek Sagas Look Good in New Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Gameplay


Damn indeed. They’re quite knocking it out of the park. Can’t wait to place my pre-order.
I also strongly appreciate the usage of the anime’s score, as I always jealous that Japanese players got to enjoy those in the original versions of the BT games and it was a shock to my system when I accidentally emulated the JP iterations. It didn’t detract my enjoyment of the original scores of the overseas version, matter of fact I still love ‘em to death, but it made me think about a possible what-if scenario (pun intended cuz I hope there’s decent what-if scenarios in the story mode).

Last edit: dude that trailer was just OOZING with hype. Need to rewatch it with the JP audio too. Namek is my favorite so I feel accommodated. This will really knock it out of the park.

Re: Random: PS3 Last Seventh Generation Console Standing with Functional Storefront


@Czar_Khastik that sounds stupidly dumb. Sony banning Caesar from enjoying his ps3 ;(
(Well at least he still got his ps1 store working)
@PuppetMaster what’s messed up is that BluePoint was not only bought out specifically to do remasters, but both it and Sony got so ambitious they decided it’d do remakes instead, thus leaving Sony with a huge void in terms of having a studio to do remasters. Silly, silly Sony.
And of course, we can never forget their ocean of ps2-onlies (that are still Sony owned, by the by) like Ape Escape 3, my favorite Sony platformer bar none.
Edit: as a side note, remasters exist for a reason. They can be a great tool to hold people off between major releases, fill a void Y’know? Everything has a purpose in the industry. Maybe Sony needs to learn that once they stop being complacent.

Re: First Dynasty Warriors: Origins Gameplay Confirms Character Switching, World Map, More


@ShogunRok apologies if you’ve already been informed of this but I felt this was really interesting to share as they’ve done interesting interviews after the event with a lot of cool details to share (the interviews are on famitsu, 4gamer and billibilli)
Now if the translations on this post are accurate then, we’re getting cool stuff like:

  • Morale and Charge attack system from DW3-6 returning, plus “the best elements of those games will be combined without peons disrupting you attacks which left a lot of players frustrated”
  • the main character has amnesia and he’s an ROTK figure and won’t be a customizable character, you will switch to other officers but only temporarily. CC might be included if there’s enough demand.
  • Story won’t go post Wo Zhong plains (crying cuz I’m a Jin fan)

Anyways I just thought this was really cool hope you have a good day : )