Anyone know if the story is being expanded/updated? This game looks great, but i'm assuming the story is a bit basic with it being so old. In saying that i've played and enjoyed older rpgs with simpler stories when i was younger. Only Dragon Quest games i've played all the way through are VIII and XI. I tried VII when it orginally came it via import and i dropped it.
I'm usually optimistic about these situations because I think judgment should be reserved for the final product.....but i really do think it's gonna be a small miracle if this turns out to be a good game. My fingers are crossed.
@Fishmasterflex96 mid to good i would say same goes to you of course, totally understand if you don't like 'em but I personally think they've been slightly unfairly maligned.
@trev666 weird thing about the medium is when I first seen a trailer I this a new silent hill game?! I think konami mut've picked upon it. Honestly, i even like The Blair Witch game. I think they make good games.
@DennisReynolds Glad to hear it, wasn't having a go before, but i am looking forward to you telling us all how much you love the game
@Fishmasterflex96 Bloober have never been a bad team,they've been treated super unfairly by a lot of people,, and konami handing them the Silent Hill IP didn't help - Layers Of Fear, The Medium, Observer are all good games that I enjoyed, not for everyone, not mind blowing, but good games.
@DennisReynolds So you gonna give Bloober some cred now? When you buying it? Anyway, gentle ribbing aside, Well done to the team, the scores are even better than i thought they'd be.
@jrt87 Yeah I know exactly what you're talking about. Keep it consistent at least! I'm always willing to give something a chance no matter what. Konami are trying to claw things back at the moment, I'm a huge fan of the company from the legendary days. I'm happy for them to remaster and remake their classics, considering they seem to be doing a good job of it right now. Will they ever be back in the business of blockbuster brand new titles? That remains to be seen, but i hope so. Licensing their IPs could be the way to go. As for Bloober, They're unfairly hated for some bizarre reason, they have their own thing - they make atmospheric horror leaning games, which I think they're good at. A bit light on gameplay, but thats by design. Konami chose them to do this for a reason, and i don't think that's down to short-sightedness.
@Loamy same, two friends for me, and one is an og fan. both say its great so far.minor criticisms only. i'm very excited now. haters should just stay out of the conversation, but hey ho, it's the internet and opinions are like bumholes.
@DennisReynolds not to ruin your day but early impressions i've read say it's good, the only problem being minor visual glitches and bugs. i'm guessing it'll be around the 80s metacritic-wise though it's a bit early to tell. It's not fair to write something off before release because of your far from universal personal feelings.
Yep gaming is better than ever, and remasters aren't inherently bad. I've been gaming since 1990 and the level things are at now far outstrips anything I've seen. Sure, (as I wrote and you ignored) Triple AAA development is in the hole because of costs, but the industry will work that out eventually. I love gaming but you're coming off as super entitled. There's enough quality to keep us going for a lifetime as it is, the whole industry is oversaturated and Sonys 1st part output is utterly irrelevant with regards to my point. No offense but you come off as someone who seems to get off on perceived failure. You're not criticising at this point, it's disingenous flaming.
@get2sammyb bang on sammy, this guy is talking nonsense. it might be lackluster from a triple A point of view, but gaming is as big as it's ever been, and the indie scene is more creative and varied in the history of gaming. sur ethe industry has problems, but that's a symptom of spiralling AAA costs. I personally feel if someone thinks the gen has been lackluster, then they prbably have narrow taste in gaming. Gaming is better than it's ever been, not everything needs to push graphics forward.
@riceNpea Don't disagree with you at all, they definitely should've kept their mouth shut, my only point is that doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't think it's shaping up to be a good product. Could just be frustrated with purist backlash. Which Bloober has been sadly subjected to from the very beginning, sometimes unfairly.
@djape @riceNpea In this case I wouldn't necessarily see this as a bad sign, the difference being that this is a Remake and they've been harassed and written off from the beginning, which Is totally unfair in my opinion. The SH2 fanbase can be pretty rabid and hardcore, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was pure frustration on his part.
Even if it's amazing and scores high with critics, there'll be a section of the fanbase who despise it still. People will moan about QoL changes and combat changes because it's not like the OG......which i find stupid tbh. People should indeed, shut up and give it a chance. If it's rubbish, then fair enough, you're right.
Big fan of the games, with Darksiders 3 being super-underrated. It's the most written-off franchise game since Dark Souls 2, with the internet at large judging it without having played it themselves. If your friends told you not to play it, you need new friends
@LowDefAl Yep exactly, i wouldn't praise Nintendo for that. That's a company that re-releases and charges full price for old games. That's why you've never seen newer games on the service or even ROMS of SMRPG or The Thousand Year Door......Their Selection of old games is decent but it's stagnated at this point, with plenty of classics still unreleased.
I suppose you could argue that it's smart, but I would like to play Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freezer again for a reasonable price!
@LifeGirl couldn't agree more, to me, it is as simple as that. Plus Elden Ring has spirit summons, a fact that's often missing from the discourse. Some people refuse to use them, THEN complain about bosses. Some sort of weird gamer ego that's developed over the course of Souls history.
@DrVenture69 It got me into so-called 'walking simulators' I played a bunch of similar games afterward and enjoyed them all, they usually have a great atmosphere and interesting stories.
Always enjoy good Scottish representation, plus I loved Everybodys Gone To The Rapture, so I'm in. Bit of a horror fan on top of that. Seems like a win to me.
@ShogunRok 100% Agreed. I'm not one of these guys who says it's total trash, it has its plus points for sure.
The main thing for me is what you say about it being unnecessary, Persona 3 has probably the best ending in the franchise, I was extremely happy where they left the story, I don't need everything hastily explained and spelled out afterward. I liked the end of P3 so much, i nearly didn't even play it.
The Answer is honestly one of the most superfluous pieces of additional content of all time (In my opinion of course). It's not like the additional content in Persona 5 Royal, which is probably Atlus' best go at this practice in their history.
These practices suck, but in my eyes, unless this content has received wholesale gameplay and story improvements, I find it to be completely inessential.
@ArashiKageTaro yeah, this baffles me completely. Bloober get short shrift by purists and the game is judged before it even releases. Looks great IMO. purists annoy me. Someone said on here recently that they wouldn't accept a Castlevania SOTN remake unless it was made by wayforward....baffling mindset in my eyes. Wait and see if the game is good for god sakes, who gives a fudge who makes it. It's like people want Bloober to fail, and that's sad in my eyes.
I thought the state of play was ok, some interesting stuff there. Wasn't mind-blowing, but enjoyable enough. I would love to see more first-party stuff, of course. The lack of anything is just the problem with AAA development today. People blowing it out of proportion as usual.
Everyone has their tastes, but people who say that there was nothing good looking are either being disengenuous, or they have such a narrow taste in games i wonder if they should just take up another hobby.
@atthegates I'm wondering the same thing, i've already dropped money on the OG and the remastered, they won't get me at full price again! I might finally bite the bullet and just buy God of War Ragnarok, I kept putting off getting it because I was convinced it'd show up on the service as soon as I paid. I've really enjoyed Extra, and this is genuinely the first month since i've subscribed that I've not been interested in anything since it began. I already own RDR2 but apart from that.....
Good review.I'm looking forward to playing this! Well, unless someone on the staff has an unsavory past, in that case, i'll probably discount the hard work that the rest of the staff has done and put it on my 'DO NOT PLAY' pile.
@NEStalgia I'm not sure if you've played Rebirth yet, but they've still got two new characters(how they play/movesets) and a big chunk of the world to build.(with Highwind traversal added) There's a lot to do yet.
Not to mention the fact they'll need to populate the areas already built with worthwhile content. A lot of leg work has been done in Rebirth, but considering what they've still got to get through story-wise, I; 'm worried they've left themselves with too much to get through for a 3 year dev cycle. I'll be happy if it's out in 2027, don't care about waiting. Plenty more to play in the meantime. If I thought the games were a cheap cash grab, i would've peaced out by now.
Great selection of games and a few day ones. People using the term 'Bargain Bin'......Well that's a highly reductive term, Implying the games are shovelware, which just isn't true, whther you like the games or not.
I can only assume people who log in to write this crap are miserable inside. The state of the comments section on this site gets worse by the day.
The price of a game does not equate to quality.
@redd214 Thats what i was thinking too, i think people forget how expensive 16 bit games were in the 90s.
I was a huge Sonic fan and had a mega drive as a kid, I remember my big birthday present in 1994 was Sonic 3 and that was £50.....Sonic and Knuckles released later in the year for an RRP of......£50. This was in 1994 for less than 8 hours of content more or less. I know thats a bit of a cheat, but my point is made.
This was 1994. The value you get today trumps back then i'd say,. Even with some games at 70. I've yet topay 70 myself. Closest i got was FF7 Rebirth, £56 at Currys
@somnambulance I'm willing to bet this will still have Toriyama character designs, I mean I am speculating of course, but big chance he had worked a lot on this already. I also wonder if they'll use one of his proteges that can ape his work or change the designs altogether in the future. Monster designs can be re-used as well.
EDIT: i Also meant to say that this news doesn't necessarily mean the game is in trouble. Slightly worrying we haven't heard anything in nearly 3 years though. Overall I'm optimistic.
@Shepherd_Tallon Yeah man, i've been on this here internet defending Gongaga, I really enjoyed it. They tried to give each region some interesting level design, most of the mushrooms you need to use are actually facing the points of interest, nowhere near as convoliuted as people are making out.
Kotaku even posted an article hating on it, including slating the region music, I erased any trace of Kotaku on my computer and vowed never to set foot there ever again.
@Jayslow My cupboards are so full, I'm not sure i'll be able to finish everything Push Square weren't overly enthusiastic about FF7 and Rise Of the Ronin, but damn if i'm not satisfied. Stellar Blade looks to extend this run!
I've still got multiplat stuff like Baldurs Gate 2 Resi 4, Persona 3, Like a Dragon 8, Alan Wake 2 to play......
Eiyuden, Elden RIng DLC and SMTV coming up. How will i finish?
The DLC thing is a nasty practice but people asking for the game to be docked points is over the top ridiculous. highlight the DLC as separate issue andscor ethe game onit's actual merits.
Docking points for that is what crazed review bombers do, get a hold of yourselves. also likely that te devs didnt make this decision.
Anyway i loves me some yakuza, will get this on payday!
@Itachi2099 And it's not a proper Push Square comments section without a bunch of negative comments such as this. People can like the service if they like the games.
Already beat it twice on PC, i highly recommend it. Charming, good story and some of the battles are great spectacles.I actually enjoyed it more than Undertale, but it it's own beast. @Amnesiac Honestly the standard difficulty through the story mode isn't too challenging at all, if you want the tough fights they are either hidden or in separate modes. The stuff in the trailer is the new stuff, and it's not clear whether they are integrating it into story mode or if it's separate
Pretty sure Neil Druckmann will be doing The Last Of us 3, and unlike a lot of people, I'm happy if it's a great game. According to the rumours Naughty Dog do have a new IP in the works as well, They are certainly big enough now, so I think people should stop their moaning
I'm certainly not complaining about 'franchise fatigue', I mean they've released two great games in ten years.(Ok i know i and tv show......still not feeling it)
@LifeGirl Agreed, though i think it's tougher for movies, especially when you consider that Harrison Ford is literally so far past retirement age that i'm surprised that the last Indy film didn't kill him. It's easier to manufacture nostalgia with games. The successful remasters and remakes we are getting prove this
@KaijuKaiser They definitely didn't play the game, and bashing it because it isn't turn-based is sad. The fact they ignored my comment proves they've got nothing to throw back in terms of a decent argument.
@Sekijo Agreed, i've been noticing their comments, nothing of value to say, just baseless negativity.definitely hasn't played the game. Someone I should really just ignore!!
@theSpectre I've already said i'll eat my shoes if i'm wrong, but Microsoft will never own any of the major Japanese publishers, it just won't happen. The day it does is the universe folds in on itself and returns to the tiny pinprick it came from
Comments 135
Re: 17 Games Land on PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week
LIke A Dragon Ishin, Killer Frequency and Dying Light 2 for me. Not a bad month
Re: Opinion: The Price of Playing PS5 Games Day One Is Getting Higher and Higher
@Golem25 patient gaming is the only way to go! I'm usually a few years behind.
Re: Unwind with Almost 10 Minutes of PS5's Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
Anyone know if the story is being expanded/updated? This game looks great, but i'm assuming the story is a bit basic with it being so old. In saying that i've played and enjoyed older rpgs with simpler stories when i was younger. Only Dragon Quest games i've played all the way through are VIII and XI. I tried VII when it orginally came it via import and i dropped it.
Re: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 Seemingly Afflicted By World of Darkness Curse
I'm usually optimistic about these situations because I think judgment should be reserved for the final product.....but i really do think it's gonna be a small miracle if this turns out to be a good game. My fingers are crossed.
Re: Silent Hill 2 (PS5) - The Horror Great Remains So in This Excellent Remake
@Fishmasterflex96 mid to good i would say same goes to you of course, totally understand if you don't like 'em but I personally think they've been slightly unfairly maligned.
@trev666 weird thing about the medium is when I first seen a trailer I this a new silent hill game?! I think konami mut've picked upon it. Honestly, i even like The Blair Witch game. I think they make good games.
@DennisReynolds Glad to hear it, wasn't having a go before, but i am looking forward to you telling us all how much you love the game
Re: Silent Hill 2 (PS5) - The Horror Great Remains So in This Excellent Remake
@Fishmasterflex96 Bloober have never been a bad team,they've been treated super unfairly by a lot of people,, and konami handing them the Silent Hill IP didn't help -
Layers Of Fear, The Medium, Observer are all good games that I enjoyed, not for everyone, not mind blowing, but good games.
Re: Silent Hill 2 (PS5) - The Horror Great Remains So in This Excellent Remake
@DennisReynolds So you gonna give Bloober some cred now? When you buying it?
Anyway, gentle ribbing aside, Well done to the team, the scores are even better than i thought they'd be.
Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Breaks Street Date, PS5 Discs Loose in the Wild
@jrt87 Yeah I know exactly what you're talking about. Keep it consistent at least! I'm always willing to give something a chance no matter what.
Konami are trying to claw things back at the moment, I'm a huge fan of the company from the legendary days. I'm happy for them to remaster and remake their classics, considering they seem to be doing a good job of it right now.
Will they ever be back in the business of blockbuster brand new titles? That remains to be seen, but i hope so. Licensing their IPs could be the way to go.
As for Bloober, They're unfairly hated for some bizarre reason, they have their own thing - they make atmospheric horror leaning games, which I think they're good at. A bit light on gameplay, but thats by design. Konami chose them to do this for a reason, and i don't think that's down to short-sightedness.
Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Breaks Street Date, PS5 Discs Loose in the Wild
@Loamy same, two friends for me, and one is an og fan. both say its great so far.minor criticisms only. i'm very excited now. haters should just stay out of the conversation, but hey ho, it's the internet and opinions are like bumholes.
Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Breaks Street Date, PS5 Discs Loose in the Wild
@DennisReynolds not to ruin your day but early impressions i've read say it's good, the only problem being minor visual glitches and bugs. i'm guessing it'll be around the 80s metacritic-wise though it's a bit early to tell.
It's not fair to write something off before release because of your far from universal personal feelings.
Re: State of Play Confirmed for Tomorrow, 20+ PS5, PSVR2 Games Included
@Jackpaza0508 Big rumours that Resi 9 is getting announced. Grain of salt. as always.
Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations
Yep gaming is better than ever, and remasters aren't inherently bad. I've been gaming since 1990 and the level things are at now far outstrips anything I've seen. Sure, (as I wrote and you ignored) Triple AAA development is in the hole because of costs, but the industry will work that out eventually. I love gaming but you're coming off as super entitled. There's enough quality to keep us going for a lifetime as it is, the whole industry is oversaturated and Sonys 1st part output is utterly irrelevant with regards to my point. No offense but you come off as someone who seems to get off on perceived failure. You're not criticising at this point, it's disingenous flaming.
Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations
@get2sammyb bang on sammy, this guy is talking nonsense. it might be lackluster from a triple A point of view, but gaming is as big as it's ever been, and the indie scene is more creative and varied in the history of gaming. sur ethe industry has problems, but that's a symptom of spiralling AAA costs. I personally feel if someone thinks the gen has been lackluster, then they prbably have narrow taste in gaming. Gaming is better than it's ever been, not everything needs to push graphics forward.
Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Dev Asks Fans to Give It 'a Chance'
@riceNpea Don't disagree with you at all, they definitely should've kept their mouth shut, my only point is that doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't think it's shaping up to be a good product. Could just be frustrated with purist backlash. Which Bloober has been sadly subjected to from the very beginning, sometimes unfairly.
Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Dev Asks Fans to Give It 'a Chance'
@djape @riceNpea In this case I wouldn't necessarily see this as a bad sign, the difference being that this is a Remake and they've been harassed and written off from the beginning, which Is totally unfair in my opinion. The SH2 fanbase can be pretty rabid and hardcore, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was pure frustration on his part.
Even if it's amazing and scores high with critics, there'll be a section of the fanbase who despise it still. People will moan about QoL changes and combat changes because it's not like the OG......which i find stupid tbh. People should indeed, shut up and give it a chance. If it's rubbish, then fair enough, you're right.
Re: Well-Liked Action Series Darksiders Will Ride Again in New PS5 Game
Big fan of the games, with Darksiders 3 being super-underrated. It's the most written-off franchise game since Dark Souls 2, with the internet at large judging it without having played it themselves. If your friends told you not to play it, you need new friends
Re: Sunsoft's Retro Platformer Aero the Acro-Bat Is Swinging onto PS5, PS4 in August
This also has a sequel and a spinoff, Zero The Kamikaze Squirrel
Liked them when I was a kid, have they held up?
Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?
@LowDefAl Yep exactly, i wouldn't praise Nintendo for that. That's a company that re-releases and charges full price for old games. That's why you've never seen newer games on the service or even ROMS of SMRPG or The Thousand Year Door......Their Selection of old games is decent but it's stagnated at this point, with plenty of classics still unreleased.
I suppose you could argue that it's smart, but I would like to play Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freezer again for a reasonable price!
Re: FromSoftware Boss Puts Elden Ring Difficulty Discourse to Bed, Once and For All
@LifeGirl couldn't agree more, to me, it is as simple as that. Plus Elden Ring has spirit summons, a fact that's often missing from the discourse. Some people refuse to use them, THEN complain about bosses. Some sort of weird gamer ego that's developed over the course of Souls history.
Re: Still Wakes the Deep (PS5) - Scottish Oil Rig Conjures Up the Horror Magic
@DrVenture69 It got me into so-called 'walking simulators' I played a bunch of similar games afterward and enjoyed them all, they usually have a great atmosphere and interesting stories.
Re: Still Wakes the Deep (PS5) - Scottish Oil Rig Conjures Up the Horror Magic
Always enjoy good Scottish representation, plus I loved Everybodys Gone To The Rapture, so I'm in. Bit of a horror fan on top of that. Seems like a win to me.
I'm gonna replay EGTTR now
Re: Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Arrives on 10th September, Trailer Has New Gameplay
@ShogunRok 100% Agreed. I'm not one of these guys who says it's total trash, it has its plus points for sure.
The main thing for me is what you say about it being unnecessary, Persona 3 has probably the best ending in the franchise, I was extremely happy where they left the story, I don't need everything hastily explained and spelled out afterward. I liked the end of P3 so much, i nearly didn't even play it.
And by god, it certainly isn't worth £30.
Re: Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Arrives on 10th September, Trailer Has New Gameplay
The Answer is honestly one of the most superfluous pieces of additional content of all time (In my opinion of course). It's not like the additional content in Persona 5 Royal, which is probably Atlus' best go at this practice in their history.
These practices suck, but in my eyes, unless this content has received wholesale gameplay and story improvements, I find it to be completely inessential.
Re: Latest State of Play Is One of the Worst-Received PS5 Shows Yet
@ArashiKageTaro yeah, this baffles me completely. Bloober get short shrift by purists and the game is judged before it even releases. Looks great IMO. purists annoy me. Someone said on here recently that they wouldn't accept a Castlevania SOTN remake unless it was made by wayforward....baffling mindset in my eyes. Wait and see if the game is good for god sakes, who gives a fudge who makes it. It's like people want Bloober to fail, and that's sad in my eyes.
I thought the state of play was ok, some interesting stuff there. Wasn't mind-blowing, but enjoyable enough. I would love to see more first-party stuff, of course. The lack of anything is just the problem with AAA development today. People blowing it out of proportion as usual.
Everyone has their tastes, but people who say that there was nothing good looking are either being disengenuous, or they have such a narrow taste in games i wonder if they should just take up another hobby.
Re: Dragon Quest 3's HD-2D Remake Re-Emerges for PS5
i keep up with leaks and some reliable sources are reporting that it is a remake of the original trilogy and not just 3. Heres hoping!
Re: System Shock (PS5) - A Faithful Remake That's Showing Its Age
Pushsquare have been pretty harsh with their scores recently! I'm adding two on from now on!
Re: 13 New Games Joining PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week
@atthegates I'm wondering the same thing, i've already dropped money on the OG and the remastered, they won't get me at full price again! I might finally bite the bullet and just buy God of War Ragnarok, I kept putting off getting it because I was convinced it'd show up on the service as soon as I paid.
I've really enjoyed Extra, and this is genuinely the first month since i've subscribed that I've not been interested in anything since it began. I already own RDR2 but apart from that.....
Re: Stellar Blade (PS5) - A Stellar PS5 Debut Destined to Become a Fan Favourite
Good review.I'm looking forward to playing this! Well, unless someone on the staff has an unsavory past, in that case, i'll probably discount the hard work that the rest of the staff has done and put it on my 'DO NOT PLAY' pile.
Re: Stellar Blade (PS5) - A Stellar PS5 Debut Destined to Become a Fan Favourite
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Expected to Release Around 2027, Says Square Enix
@NEStalgia I'm not sure if you've played Rebirth yet, but they've still got two new characters(how they play/movesets) and a big chunk of the world to build.(with Highwind traversal added) There's a lot to do yet.
Not to mention the fact they'll need to populate the areas already built with worthwhile content. A lot of leg work has been done in Rebirth, but considering what they've still got to get through story-wise, I; 'm worried they've left themselves with too much to get through for a 3 year dev cycle. I'll be happy if it's out in 2027, don't care about waiting. Plenty more to play in the meantime. If I thought the games were a cheap cash grab, i would've peaced out by now.
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Expected to Release Around 2027, Says Square Enix
@Bentleyma I don't think they will use UE5, otherwise it'll never be out by 2027
Re: 16 More Games Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium in April
Great selection of games and a few day ones. People using the term 'Bargain Bin'......Well that's a highly reductive term, Implying the games are shovelware, which just isn't true, whther you like the games or not.
I can only assume people who log in to write this crap are miserable inside. The state of the comments section on this site gets worse by the day.
The price of a game does not equate to quality.
Re: $70 Games Are Just a Phase, Believes Saber Interactive CEO
@redd214 Thats what i was thinking too, i think people forget how expensive 16 bit games were in the 90s.
I was a huge Sonic fan and had a mega drive as a kid, I remember my big birthday present in 1994 was Sonic 3 and that was £50.....Sonic and Knuckles released later in the year for an RRP of......£50. This was in 1994 for less than 8 hours of content more or less. I know thats a bit of a cheat, but my point is made.
This was 1994. The value you get today trumps back then i'd say,. Even with some games at 70. I've yet topay 70 myself. Closest i got was FF7 Rebirth, £56 at Currys
Re: Dragon Quest 12 Still MIA as Series Producer Is Reassigned at Square Enix
@somnambulance I'm willing to bet this will still have Toriyama character designs, I mean I am speculating of course, but big chance he had worked a lot on this already. I also wonder if they'll use one of his proteges that can ape his work or change the designs altogether in the future. Monster designs can be re-used as well.
EDIT: i Also meant to say that this news doesn't necessarily mean the game is in trouble. Slightly worrying we haven't heard anything in nearly 3 years though. Overall I'm optimistic.
Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Claims ESRB Age Rating Ahead of Supposed 2024 Launch
Bloober gets a bad rap in my opinion. Confident this will be good.
Re: Documentary Details the Creation of PS5's Critically Acclaimed Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
@Shepherd_Tallon Yeah man, i've been on this here internet defending Gongaga, I really enjoyed it. They tried to give each region some interesting level design, most of the mushrooms you need to use are actually facing the points of interest, nowhere near as convoliuted as people are making out.
Kotaku even posted an article hating on it, including slating the region music, I erased any trace of Kotaku on my computer and vowed never to set foot there ever again.
Re: Preview: Stellar Blade Is the PS5 Exclusive Enthusiasts Have Been Praying For
@Jayslow My cupboards are so full, I'm not sure i'll be able to finish everything
Push Square weren't overly enthusiastic about FF7 and Rise Of the Ronin, but damn if i'm not satisfied.
Stellar Blade looks to extend this run!
I've still got multiplat stuff like Baldurs Gate 2 Resi 4, Persona 3, Like a Dragon 8, Alan Wake 2 to play......
Eiyuden, Elden RIng DLC and SMTV coming up. How will i finish?
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time
pushsquare actually gave it one of the most critical reviews on the internet. I'm shocked AND appalled, bringing that score down!! haha.
Re: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (PS5) - The Best Yakuza Game Ever Made
The DLC thing is a nasty practice but people asking for the game to be docked points is over the top ridiculous. highlight the DLC as separate issue andscor ethe game onit's actual merits.
Docking points for that is what crazed review bombers do, get a hold of yourselves. also likely that te devs didnt make this decision.
Anyway i loves me some yakuza, will get this on payday!
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gets Over 30 Minutes of Open Area PS5 Gameplay
This games looks insane. What is my nerdy arse supposed to do with my life between the release of Like A Dragon 8, Persona 3 and this?
Single life and umemployment awaits!
Re: 20 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Coming Next Week
@Itachi2099 And it's not a proper Push Square comments section without a bunch of negative comments such as this. People can like the service if they like the games.
Re: 20 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Coming Next Week
Had Cloudpunk, Call of the sea and nier replicant on my wishlist so thats a half decent month for me. Only subbed to extra atm.
Re: Eternights (PS5) - A Surprisingly Charming Apocalyptic Dating Sim
@nessisonett Could be the best one I've ever read
Re: Everhood: Eternity Edition Brings Highly Acclaimed Musical Adventure to PS5, PS4
Already beat it twice on PC, i highly recommend it. Charming, good story and some of the battles are great spectacles.I actually enjoyed it more than Undertale, but it it's own beast. @Amnesiac Honestly the standard difficulty through the story mode isn't too challenging at all, if you want the tough fights they are either hidden or in separate modes. The stuff in the trailer is the new stuff, and it's not clear whether they are integrating it into story mode or if it's separate
Re: The Last of Us' Neil Druckmann Confirms He's Writing, Directing New PS5 Game
Pretty sure Neil Druckmann will be doing The Last Of us 3, and unlike a lot of people, I'm happy if it's a great game. According to the rumours Naughty Dog do have a new IP in the works as well, They are certainly big enough now, so I think people should stop their moaning
I'm certainly not complaining about 'franchise fatigue', I mean they've released two great games in ten years.(Ok i know i and tv show......still not feeling it)
Marevl Cinemtaic THERES franchise fatigue
Re: Square Enix Plotting More Retro Revivals After Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Success
@LifeGirl Agreed, though i think it's tougher for movies, especially when you consider that Harrison Ford is literally so far past retirement age that i'm surprised that the last Indy film didn't kill him. It's easier to manufacture nostalgia with games. The successful remasters and remakes we are getting prove this
Re: Square Enix Plotting More Retro Revivals After Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Success
@KaijuKaiser They definitely didn't play the game, and bashing it because it isn't turn-based is sad. The fact they ignored my comment proves they've got nothing to throw back in terms of a decent argument.
Re: Square Enix Plotting More Retro Revivals After Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Success
@Sekijo Agreed, i've been noticing their comments, nothing of value to say, just baseless negativity.definitely hasn't played the game. Someone I should really just ignore!!
Re: Square Enix Plotting More Retro Revivals After Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Success
@naruball Thanks mate, honestly, it's a great game, got hours and hours of fun out of it.
Re: Microsoft Beats US Regulator FTC in Activision Blizzard Buyout Battle
@theSpectre I've already said i'll eat my shoes if i'm wrong, but Microsoft will never own any of the major Japanese publishers, it just won't happen. The day it does is the universe folds in on itself and returns to the tiny pinprick it came from