Comments 190

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's PS5 Trailer Compared to PS1 Original


@NEStalgia Genuine question here as I've seen a few people say similar to your comment now. How does having 2 discs in the box translate to there being less to download?

The game is too big to fit on 1 disc. That's why there is a second disc. We don't know how much of that second disc has been used... if it's also full, then there would likely still be a download on top of it?

Also, day one patch is still very likely and that patch is surely likely to be even bigger for a 2 disc game depending on what needs patching / likely more to patch! So that could still end up being a massive download anyway!

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Street Fighter 6?


I'm looking forward to picking this one up in a few months. Too many games and not enough time at the moment which is actually getting a bit frustrating. I'm not paying full whack for a game that is going to sit unplayed though so I'm staying disciplined on this!

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will Ship on Two PS5 Discs, Square Enix Proudly Points Out


Is there a reason why we are thinking multiple discs means less to download to the HDD?

There's still going to be a day 1 patch... the 2 discs means absolutely diddly squat as to how ridiculously big that day 1 patch may or may not be.

This just screams of marketing. "Look how big our game is" message without the negativity of "how many GB did they just say I needed?! That's crazy!"

It's clever, I guess.

But at some point, near launch, we will still have the "how many GB did they just say I needed?! That's crazy" for the patch. So it's all irrelevant in the end.

Re: Sony: Cloud Gaming Is an Amazing Business Model, But There Are Big Challenges


Cloud Gaming is inevitable, but we're still a long way away from it replacing hardware.

The PS5 is the ugliest and bulkiest piece of hardware I've ever seen. Do I even want whatever a PS6 is going to look like in my living room?

Moreover, do I even want a huge TV screen attached to my living room wall in the near future?

AR/VR technology is moving slowly, but it's coming. It's inevitable. Cloud gaming is a key part of that future. We're just at a frustrating point where you have companies like Sony who still need to sell physical TV screens... and Samsung who still need to sell physical mobile phones.

Wearable tech has been talked about for so long, but we're still not quite at tipping point. We will get there one day though. 10 years. 20 years. Just look at how far phones have come in 30 years.

Re: Gollum Studio Daedelic has Another Lord of the Rings Game in Development


Not for long they don't!

Absolutely no chance they continue to work on anything LOTR related after this Gollum horror show.

There will be a lot of people that actually care about the LOTR brand and will ensure this studio goes nowhere near it in the future. Second chance? Sod off. This is LOTR. It's one of the most successful and recognisable entertainment brands in the world. You get one chance. You failed. Miserably.

Re: Spider-Man 2 PS5 Release Date, Pre-Order Details Coming Soon


Suggests they still have a fair bit of work to do on the game before they are confident on the release date...

...although don't forget this is also expected to be a peak game release. They will be keeping their cards close to their chests to avoid a competitor release date too.

Re: Sony's Portable PS5 Streaming Handheld Launches Later This Year


If your plan is to release a portable device for remote play... Why allow remote play to already work on every pre-existing portable device?

I'm sorry but it's just plain stupid. They have already eroded the market this device would serve. The price point is irrelevant too - even if this comes in around the 200 mark I'd still argue you are better putting the 200 towards a Tablet or new phone.

Besides... they haven't told us the price. If this was coming out at 200 and perceived to be "cheap / good value" I think they'd have told us already.

Sony should spend less time talking about other hardware makers and more time watching and learning. This device is so off the mark it's embarrassing!

And not to bash too much here... (I do like Sony really) but claiming those earbuds offer "outstanding sound quality" without telling g us any of the associated spec is like I've gone back in time to the 90s when marketing was essentially just telling lies!

It's just poor. Very poor.

Re: Sony's Portable PS5 Streaming Handheld Launches Later This Year


I use an iPad and a dualsense. This device is utterly pointless.

If you really want to go this route then just sell me the dualsense that comes in two halves and can connect to a wide range of devices. That has a purpose.

This LCD with no mobile data is just utterly rubbish. It's doa. Absolute fail from Sony - are they even serious about this? It's never going to sell!

Re: Publisher Take-Two Claims It's 'Not Seeing Pushback' From Players on $70 Price Tag


They clearly mean their sales haven't taken a nose dive. They really won't care about comments from people who don't buy full price anyway.

I have no idea why everyone is so up in arms over pricing going up anyway. Everything is going up in price so why wouldn't games? They are bigger, better and cost significantly more to make.

Also, everyone moaning. When was the last time you even bought a game full price? You don't do it. You shop around and find a good deal.

And finally. Like it or not... whe you don't buy brand new full price, you are still accepting the price rise by buying it cheaper elsewhere or waiting for a sale. That's because the sale price is higher than previously. The discount is the same % NOT the same value.

Re: Hwoarang Is Ready to Kick You to Bits In Tekken 8


Tekken 8, SF6, MK 1(2).

Even without a cost of living crisis, I'm only picking one fighting game to play in a calendar year. Let's hope Tekken 8 is 2024, but revealing characters at this frequency in May 2023 suggests it could be this year.

Poor planning to go up against SF6. MK was always likely around now too - given you are releasing a fighting game, you will obviously look closely at competitors and plan accordingly.

Tekken 8 so soon after SF6 and MK 1(2) is plain stupid.

Re: Poll: What's the Best PlayStation Startup Sequence?


5th PS4
4th PS5
3rd PS3
2nd PS2
1st PS1

This is the correct order. PS5 is a step in the right direction, but way too short. The PS5 sound would be great if it played after you select the account. It is therefore missing a startup sound that would play before loading the accounts. And would ideally be longer.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for May and June 2023


@Phornix I watched a gameplay trailer for the Gollum game on Saturday and I'm still scratching my head Tuesday night. It looks utterly dreadful so far... I mean, I hope it proves to be much better than what they've shown, but yea, that's up there with some of the worst gameplay I've seen for a long time. The game wasn't particularly pleasing on the eyes either... no joking here, but didn't LOTRO look better than this?!

Re: Official Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Console Bundle Revealed


Disc based console... with a download code. Nothing related to Final Fantasy on either the console or the controller.

Is there a reason Sony don't want to build more hype for this game? Too much hype already, or what?

I thought this was the most significant release in the console's history (taking into account the pandemic impact and GT7 getting off to a rough start). Sony Europe should have signed up for that controller they have in Japan... missed opportunity.

Re: There's One Upcoming Call of Duty Game Xbox's Activision Buyout Can't Take Away from PS5, PS4 Owners


When you consider how dominent COD and FIFA have been for literally decades, can we all just take a moment to soak in the magnitude of what's coming on the horizon? PlayStation without FIFA and without COD. Whatever your opinion and feeling, this is a significant moment.

Bring it on I say... change is overdue. Of course, easy for me to say. I don't have money riding on it!

But I'll say one thing... if Sony bring out a new FPS, I'll buy it and support it for 50-60 quid far sooner than I will lay down 500 on another console (whatever the console).

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Accessibility Options, Slow Mode Detailed


All games should have this feature on a shortcut button as a default. I applaud the developer for highlighting this feature, but at the same time, I'm scratching my head as to why in 2023 we are applauding such a basic feature that just should be available for everyone on every game.

In fact, isn't it something the hardware could implement itself? Making games more accessible (and this doesn't mean just addressing disabilities) is a good way to grow the industry.

Re: Can You Put a Price on a Quality RPG? Yes, and It's Rising All the Time


I'd happily take a shorter RPG that has a decent, well written and constructed story with film quality voice acting.

Finally got around to finishing FF7 Remake this weekend, and for all its spectacular achievements... (and there are many), the voice acting and the frankly absolute nonsense that we sit through with the "story" is just utterly crap.

100s of millions being spent they say, well can you throw a salary at someone that can write a story without simply throwing in nonsense to drag it out? Sephiroth is one of the best characters ever created, but my god, what nonsense I have played here?!

Re: Mortal Kombat 12 Could Be Primed for PS5, PS4's Big Showcase


A new MK game is always a great moment. I am a bit surprised we're not seeing another Injustice first though.

Sony claim they want to be the home of fighting games genre... surely they'd want a super hero fighting game for the masses, because as much as I adore MK... there's only so many copies of that game you will ever sell. Injustice has the potential to attract more players I think.

Re: Can You Put a Price on a Quality RPG? Yes, and It's Rising All the Time


These developers are drawing false conclusions from their own asumptions and warped experiences (warped as a developer versus a core gamer consumer I mean).

All that money that was spent on Cyberpunk. How much of it do you think they spent on consumer research? Research BEFORE the game was made I mean... not gauging response to your advertising. It'll be a few thousand at most.

Do some actual factual research on RPGs and then make the game. You'll find we're not such a demanding bunch at all.

A decent story - not disjointed nonsense written by someone that's been locked in a basement their entire life would be a solid starting point.

Re: Final Fantasy 16's Mind-Blowing PS5 Visuals Have Improved Drastically Since the Game Was Announced


Excited about a FF game for the first time since 12. Got the PS5 specifically for this title, and there will be many others that finally bite the bullet.

FF16 is the mass system seller title. GT7 should have been too (but will definitely help now it's in better shape). I'm playing GT7 while I wait, and there will be many, many others doing the same.

Glad PS5 has finally kicked off.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Care About a PS5 Remote Play Handheld?


@Darude84 Yep I know what you mean. I do think there's a market for it though. I see there being core gamers who literally never use remote play - and these are the bread and butter for Sony.

There is definitely a growing market of less core gamer though, who don't have as much time (for various legitimate reasons) and therefore would be interested in finding ways to squeeze gaming into gaps within their schedule. Remote Play is genuinely a good solution for this.

Switch does this already, and Sony would be smart to target the Switch gamers that want a similar setup but with more AAA games the PS5 can provide.

Nintendo have masterfully reactivated an older gaming audience with Switch, and Sony should take the opportunity to swoop in and get them onto PS5 now as well.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Care About a PS5 Remote Play Handheld?


@Darude84 You have to put the PS5 to sleep (not off) and then you turn it on from the device via Remote Play app.

As for the purpose... I guess the main point to make is that it works over the internet, so you can be anywhere in the world and play your PS5 - although if you're playing the disc, you only get one game to choose of course.

Depending on circumstances there are plenty of other reasons too. I don't put Mortal Kombat on the TV when the kids are about, as one example.

Re: Rumour: PS Vita 2 Dreams Killed But Sony Might Have a 'Cloud-Streaming Handheld' in the Works


This sounds like something Sony would be exploring, but I suspect they ultimately rejected the idea.

You can use any mobile phone, tablet or even a portable monitor with an existing controller and achieve this at a cost of zero.

We all have phones. Most have tablets. A lot have the option of a portable monitor if working from home. I doubt Sony would bother with this product.

It's also about managing expectations. I pair am existing screen with an existing controller to play on Remote Play and I am a lot more forgiving when it doesn't work perfectly/ disconnects again. If I buy a dedicated device at a premium cost and it still doesn't work then "oh its your ISP" doesn't cut it as an excuse to rely on.