Comments 190

Re: Review: PS Access Controller - An Innovative But Expensive Game Changer


Great review and a great product from Sony at a great price too!

On the topic of price, I think it's unfair to suggest this is expensive. It's surely more comparable to the elite controllers Xbox and Sony have released in the £200 range than it is the standard controller. In that respect, circa £80 is beyond reasonable.

Having worked with a few charities that specialise in this area in the past, I know for a fact that some of the bespoke controller setups they create run into the many hundreds of pounds. This controller won't be an alternative solution for all, but it is certainly going to help a lot and the price is really respectable. Good job Sony.

Re: Soapbox: The Wait for GTA 6 on PS5 Will Be Excruciating


Didn't you guys post an article just the other week about how stacked early 2024 is with quality games? The wait for GTA6 is going to be easy. We're in prime top quality games period for this console generation. Not to mention Nintendo may have some surprises in 2024 too. The wait will be easy.

Re: Reaction: You Really Shouldn't Be Surprised Kids Want PS5, PS4 Game Currencies for Xmas


I think there's a generational aspect to this debate too. A lot of young parents, born in the 80s, will know more about games and gaming than the previous generation did.

There will always be a place in gaming for live action, don't get me wrong, but the growth and frankly outrageous profiteering that the likes of EA and Epic have enjoyed over the past 10 years will certainly not be sustained in the next 10 years. We Are better equipped to steer the pocket money away from these, largely but not entirely, fruitless endeavours.

Re: Reaction: You Really Shouldn't Be Surprised Kids Want PS5, PS4 Game Currencies for Xmas


This will be a controversial view... but the thing about kids and gaming is that it is all down to the parents. I grew up with games and have kept them in my adult life too. Therefore my kids play a wide range of stuff from Crash Bandicoot, LEGO, Mario, Kirby, Super Monkey Ball, Sonic. They play a wide range of consoles, old and new, too. They've been enjoying that Watermelon game recently.

They won't be playing any live action games. I don't care if their friends do. I have enough high quality games from present day through 20 years to ensure they never get bored or feel short changed.

The kids playing Roblox all weekend, and sinking all their pocket money into it are the unfortunate ones as far as I am concerned. I feel sorry for them.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PS Portal?


Why is everyone so up in arms with the price? It costs me more to run my frigging tumble dryer in the winter months than the PlayStation Portal. Besides, this is obviously aimed at the demographic that are TV time poor but cash rich aka anyone born in the 80s that decided to have kids and held down any desk based job.

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS5) - Bloated, Undercooked, and Outdated All at Once


Sounds like it should have been DLC at half the price at best, and just simply not worked on at all at worst.

Not sure why there is hate for the annual releases. A developer with the knowledge and resources of Activision should be more than capable of releasing a remaster/reworked game intertwined with a brand new release every 2 years. These are the same games in the same series... it's perfectly achievable as evidenced by the fact they've releases a COD every year for nearly two decades.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Advanced PS5 AI Could Change Racing Games Forever


Human 1 does a race. Human 1 saves and uploads the replay of their race to the GT servers. GT servers download that result into Human 2's race as an AI driver. Human 2 now races a really good AI. Repeat process 1000s and 1000s of times.

Perhaps I'm naive to think that's a simple and effective solution? It took hours to download the game before I could play it... a few more hours to have some decent AI loaded ahead of each race is fine with me.

In fact, I'm fine with downloading Human races ahead of all the races. It's a far better experience to wait and enjoy ONE high quality race versus ploughing my way through dozens of rubbish races in a row.

Re: Sony's New PS5 Earbuds and Headset Get Release Dates, Pre-Order Details


I'm in the market for some new ear buds, so the timing is spot on here. However, I obviously want bluetooth, so these are not getting purchased.

I'll play the portal with wired headphones and I'll use it less as a result. Which means I'll ultimately buy less software for my PS5 too. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Sony seem to think we live in a world where people wear different ear buds for different devices... maybe some are OK with that, but I am certainly not.

Re: Where to Pre-Order PlayStation Portal


@silverspeed I have an interest because it's a tool that helps fit gaming into a busy life. And to be clear, no offense is meant to people by me saying "busy life" - it's essentially having kids. I love my PS5 but it gathers dust whilst the Switch gets picked up and played frequently. That's not just because of a TV or Tablet being occupied... my kids aren't at the age of hogging screens yet, but it is still an absolute pain in the backside to get the PS5 onto the TV for any useful amount of time without one of a dozen disturbances.

So yea, short of buying a bigger house with more rooms and space to essentially hide away and get to play... this device is a good solution.


I've bought mine through Amazon because if this device is still just as bad at maintaining a connection as using my phone/tablet etc then it will go straight back. I'm hopeful that it will have a better connection.

Oh and in terms of why this device versus using a phone... size, battery, just needing phone for god knows what and simple ease. You pick it up and off you go. No messing about.

Re: Epic's V-Buck Price Hike Scheme Set to Expand Globally


First and foremost, it's never nice to hear people losing their jobs. I hope they all find something else in the industry.

That said, this is just the beginning of staff losses and price hikes. The generation of kids coming in now all have parents that are familiar with videogames and the F2P MXT models are going to fall off a cliff.

The 80s babies ain't letting their kids play this crap.

Re: Square Enix Reveals Where Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will End


@Hamurai Correct, and exactly what I was just pondering. Why is the trailer showing Junon firing the cannon, if the game ends in Forgotten Capitol?

Thinking back to the first game, and the unbelievable attention to detail SE gave to the game, I don't believe for 1 second that they're messing about with timelines and events. That's nonsense if you ask me.

So what is going on with the trailer then... and how can it be explained? No idea right now... haha

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Incredible PS5 Gameplay Trailer Gives 29th February Release Date


Great trailer! Great release date!

This is how you do a remake. The bar has been set and many, many others have fallen short.

For everyone that played the original when it released all those years ago... what an amazing gift this is. Well done SE - I often criticise them for all the rubbish they do, but this one deserves the applause and the accolades.

They packed in the content to this trailer too... things I am looking forward to and expected to see in part 2.

Gold saucer and games to play there
Chocobo racing
Chocobo riding on World map with abilities (practically confirms KOTR!)
Cosmo canyon
Military parade minigame!
The midgar zolom!
Cait Sith!

Don't think we saw Costa del Sol yet? I suspect that may be in the next trailer, hopefully with Hojo on the beach, a football to kick and that pool table better be there with a minigame to play!

Re: Roblox Finally Comes to PS5, PS4 This October


Nope. Roblox is well and truly on the banned game list in my house. The kids can play it when they've moved out!

I stand true to my word though. Come to me with a proper game they want to play and I'll buy it there and then. Complete it and I'll buy you another. Ready when you are.

Roblox though? That does not qualify. And neither does Fortnite for the record.

Re: PlayStation Portal Is Sony's PS5 Remote Play Handheld, Priced at $200 / £200


@Luigia The lack of bluetooth is something the original Nintendo Switch got grief about. Interesting Sony have done the same thing... does it really add significant cost to the build? Hard to believe it does.

Of course... the headphones Sony sell you for the PS5 also do not connect to other devices via Bluetooth... (which is just irritating and in my humble opinion shouldn't even be allowed) so perhaps this is all a deliberate ploy to get you to use their headphones (which are distinctly average by the way) using the aux.

Re: PlayStation Portal Is Sony's PS5 Remote Play Handheld, Priced at $200 / £200


OK well the price point is decent at least.

Does PS Remote play work any better on this device versus others? I suspect that it's absolute nonsense that it would work any differently at all versus a phone or tablet, but hope springs eternal!

If this device offers the exact same levels of latency and reliability when using PS remote play, then I'm sorry, but what is the point in this device? It's for all the people that don't have a tablet or laptop? Yes... all those technology and gadget obsessed playstation owners who don't have a tablet or laptop... all three of them.

£200 is decent - but the fact is, I'm not parting with my cash as easily at the moment and I would much rather use my existing tablet and have £200 in my pocket towards the next Switch console.

Re: Poll: Who's the Best Final Fantasy Protagonist?


That laughing scene prevented me from voting Tidus.

I ended up going for Cloud Strife, but, I think you should do another article on the baddies(!) because Cloud as a character really has nothing on Sephiroth.

Unrelated... why isn't there a "Cloud's Theme" track on the FF7 soundtrack Original or Remake? All the other characters have one.

Re: Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Be Real, But Recent Leaks Aren't


Why would SE have anything to say about a FF9 remake when they've just launched FF16 and are between 6 and 9 months from the next FF7 Remake game?

I don't understand why fans want everything all at once. I'm sorry, but it's stupid. None of us have the time to play these games in such quick succession anyway.

Honestly, worse than all the Zelda fans wanting Wind Waker and Twiloght Princess last year when TotK was imminent. Even now, we've literally just had TotK and SS not so long ago. And we've literally just had FF16 and there's FF7 remake imminent!

My vote is for absolutely nothing about FF9 or WW/TP for at least a year please. They'll be perfect to slot into the CHASM of time that will exist before we see Final Fantasy 17 and the next major 3D Zelda game!

FF17 is a good 6 years away you'd think. FF7 remake part 3... a good 4 or 5 years I reckon. Who wants FF9 now, instead of somewhere in that long wait? Crazy!

Re: Very Questionable Face Renders Are on the EA Sports FC Ultimate Edition Cover


Not sure how anyone gets an "everyone is here" vibe from that box art. It's the opposite. No-one is there. Haaland is literally the only exception.

Anyway, I am holding back my judgement until I have seen the FIFA licensed football game that FIFA mentioned at the time of EA disputing the costs!

Is there anything more vomit inducing than reading about FIFA and EA falling out over money?

The one silver lining in all of this, for me, is that EA will all but certainly see a dip in sales, and FIFA will lose put on a considerable income source for the foreseeable.

Which developer is going to pay anywhere near the license fee EA paid to go up against EA? I suspect even Konami gave that a resounding NOPE!

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Is the Seventh Best Final Fantasy Game According to Fans


Genuine question... if Final Fantasy 6 really is the best in the series, then why are SE remaking 7, and now there's rumours that 9 will follow? Why not 6?

As for 16's ranking... meh. I'm not far in at all, but the Game Of Thrones vibes this is giving off is already annoying. Will give it a chance, and hope it'll improve - but some of SE's story writing leaves a lot to be desired. It's like they develop great characters, locations and ideas... but then completely lose the plot. I hope it moves off the GOT vibe because I don't believe for one minute SE have written something even close to that quality - and I'm not even a huge GOT fan.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Final Fantasy 16?


Yep, it's arriving today and looking forward to playing it inbetween watching Glastonbury coverage. One of my favourite weekends of the year just got even better!

I took the hard decision to put TotK on hold. Well I say hold. It's pretty much abandoned since FF16 is going to be at least a month and then there's a lot of PS5 games I've been saving, starting with Street Fighter and Jedi Survivor.

The original plan was to be playing TotK and wait for the first price drop on FF16, but what can I say? I've played 50 hours of TotK and it's already feeling repetitive and boring to me. All the sense of adventure and exploration is missing because I used it all up in BotW on a very similar map. It's a great game. It just doesn't have the hook because I already unhooked myself...!

Re: F1 23 (PS5) - A FIFA Level Experience for F1 Fans


I don't want F1 2023, can you remake F1 2003 instead?

Better drivers.
Better tracks.
Better racing.
Better pit stops.

Oh, and I can actually see where I am going without this stupid halo thing blocking half the screen. There's realism and then there's blocking half the viewing screen. The halo is there to protect the driver in an accident... is it needed in a game? Interesting debate that one. In the meantime... sod that for a laugh.

Re: In a Shock Twist, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will Have Music on PS5


I don't understand the mockery in the article... it says "new music" not just "music". That's fine to confirm?!

Author of the article seems pretty quick to forget just how amazing it is/was that FF7 is being remade. It was requested for years and years. Rumours and speculation. Now that it's here, can we just enjoy it?

Also, the soundtrack of Final Fantasy 7 is one of the main reasons the game is held in such high esteem. So can we get someone writing articles on here that actually appreciates this fact? Where is the topic starter about which amazing FF7 songs will likely feature in Part 2, based on the locations we know are going to feature?

Not to go on, but just write about another game if this one isn't for you? It's fine to not want to write about FF7.