

Gaming since the Atari 2600.

Comments 1,032

Re: Earth Defense Force 5 - Buggy in More Ways Than One


I would have preferred if this review were written BY a fan of the series TO fans of the series. We already know the shortcomings the series is famous for. We just want to know how this game changes things up compared to 4.1.
If I loved 4.1, does this feel like a worthless repeat? Or does it feel like a proper sequel with new weapons, locations, and enemies?

Re: Review: The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA Tour (PS4)


I just picked this up for $30 in the Black Friday PSN sale. I've never been into golf at all, but really liked the description of how the controls work. I am not disappointed! This game is truly skill based and seems like a game where I'll get better simply from personal improvement rather than due to increasing stats and skill trees.

Re: Sony Reveals PS Plus' Most Downloaded Games on PS4


I agree that it's better when they give away new indie games that could be easily overlooked otherwise. With bigger releases like MGSV, Just Cause 3, Destiny 2, etc...if I didn't buy it, it's not a game I truly care to play. Nobody is going to overlook those big games. Not buying them is a conscious choice for reasons of taste.
Sure, lots of people have downloaded the AAA PS+ titles, but I wonder what percentage have actually played them any significant amount.

Re: Poll: Do You Buy and Play Single Player Story DLC?


If I really love a game, I'm happy to pre-order the DLC (even when it's arguably not great value for the money). Here's how I look at it--I enjoy supporting developers that have created content that I value. I almost view DLC as an opportunity to "tip" developers who made an incredible base game, and I get a bit of extra content as thanks for my patronage.

BTW, I've bought the DLC for Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, Trials Fusion, and Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle. No regrets.

Re: Poll: Do We Still Need Review Scores?


@GKO900 I am aware that the numbers on PushSquare have an assigned meaning, which is great. Unfortunately, many people seem to disregard those descriptions and instead focus on their subjective response to the number.

Re: Poll: Do We Still Need Review Scores?


I think we all like having a quick score as a summary for those times we're not sure we even want to take time to read the detailed review.

The problem with a 1-10 system though is that for most people, 8, 9, and 10 are the only numbers that matter. So you essentially have 3 tiers of quality games, and a bunch of tiers for the "not great" games. This is silly. There should be more levels between good and future all-time classic.

Using a "word score" system (as I described in my above post) eliminates this.

Re: Poll: Do We Still Need Review Scores?


I think it would be better to only assign a "score " that is words instead of a number. For example:

Very good

If you do this, you don't run the risk of people subjectively tying an opinion to a number.

I also think a great idea is rating on multiple core factors (graphics, controls, fun factor, etc) instead of (or at least in addition to) assigning only an overall rating.

Re: Guide: Best Metal Gear Solid Games Ranked


3 is my favorite. I also quite enjoyed VR Missions, honestly.
Personally, I think the first MGS is highly overrated. Sure the story telling and presentation were amazing, but as a game it was seriously flawed toward the second half of the game.