

Gaming since the Atari 2600.

Comments 1,032

Re: Soapbox: Draw Four and Don’t Sleep On UNO


My whole life I thought UNO was a dumb game that is almost purely luck of the draw. However, my kids recently taught me a customized version called Spicy UNO and it's a blast. WAY more engaging!

I'm excited to add some of your custom rules into the mix!

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn: Full Story Recap


This is such a phenomenal story. One of the very few video game stories I've ever been invested in.

That said, this recap was super helpful considering the story is so complicated that it's hard to hold on to all the details, even after 2 playthroughs.

Re: The New Uncharted Film Poster Isn't Particularly Exciting


If you showed me this poster without the word "Uncharted," I would never ever guess it's supposed to be based on that game universe.

I keep wondering who this movie is made for. Certainly not the millions of Uncharted fans. At least pick actors who KIND OF LOOK like the characters.

To me this is worse than how Sonic looked in the original movie trailer.

Re: Guerrilla Games Will Dive Deep into Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West with New Podcast


Cool idea to delve into the story via a podcast!
Some people didn't like the story in Horizon but I thought it was brilliant and one of my favorite game stories ever. There wasn't a heavy focus on developing characters, so I think that's why some people didn't connect with it. But the plot and lore was really fascinating to me. And the more you explore the more was revealed.

Re: Colourful Co-Op Adventure It Takes Two Has Reached 3 Million Copies Sold


My kids and I have been playing through this since launch day and we're still not finished. We all love it A LOT but most of the kids are inexperienced gamers so everything takes 5 times as long as it would if I were playing on my own 😄

This is one of those rare games that's actually really fun to watch, even if you're not playing. So even though there are 9 of us, it's still fine that only 2 can play at a time.