Comments 1,560

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part 1 Really a 'Cash Grab'?


@NEStalgia I give you credit for the insightful write up. I actually wouldn't disagree with the way you describe this overarching "market" but I'd probably still disagree gaming (or gamers) serve as the lynchpin to that market. "Nerd culture" market seems a more accurate label, whereby gamers are definitely in there but just one piece of a very lucrative pie.

My sense is that other things are like this, though - susceptible to fomo style marketing (guns, cars and their accessories, household tools, other manly stuff) but as those aren't typically products I'm interested in I can't provide examples. But I could be off the mark there. Just seems like I'm sometimes around other people who appear to be constantly buying some particular good (in these other markets) just to have it and not because it's particularly useful.

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part 1 Really a 'Cash Grab'?


@NEStalgia right but star wars was just an example. another would be the Harry Potter books. There's some new edition every year it seems like. Same books, new covers/art/binding. And sure overlap there as well but how much really? Or take funkos. There's a Funko for everything. Machine Gun Kelly has a Funko. And often there are several different for the same character. Or artificially scarce limited ones... for really no real reason. Or the way people will buy all 5 different variant covers for the same exact comic.

I mean, I take your point, I do, but a desire for trinkets seems pretty universal. At least for first world folks with nothing better to do with their money (myself included).

Re: Sony's Goal Is to Become the Nike of Gaming Gear


Kinda curious how much market research went into this because INZONE is a terrible brand name. Like is it (American) football related? Cause that's how it sounds. But visually it evokes generic store brand. And don't even get me started on the all-caps.

Am I the only one?

Re: Stray's Day One Pawtch Notes Correct Naughty Cat Collisions on PS5, PS4


@nathanSF they're no doubt intelligent. But so are cats, as scientific studies suggest as well. I just mean, do dogs care about you anymore than a cat cares about you? Who knows? Can we quantify that? Will both still eat your corpse if they're starving? Probably, but hell, so will people lol.

Again, just to reiterate my neutrality... I don't have a preference. I see us as stewards and as such have a responsibility to treat all animals with compassion (part of why I'm vegetarian) but tbh I don't like having pets. Cats, dogs, hamsters, birds, turtles... whatever it is, I don't want it. I have kids lol.

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Is Meticulously Built and Crafted, Not a Cash Grab


@Dudditz09 agreed, a poll is the only way to settle this. @get2sammyb

@Richnj yeah, I mean, it wasn't so much that I didn't believe you. Just surprised. It looks so obviously different to me but then I've played it soo many times I suppose I can't count myself among the average gamer sample.

In the end I'm okay with "painstakingly crafted cash grab" lol.

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Is Meticulously Built and Crafted, Not a Cash Grab


@Richnj "I've seen average people struggle to tell which shot is the new version and which is the old. So it's not about graphics."

Really? I mean they seem night and day to me and I don't even have a great eye for this stuff. To the point that Ray Tracing is completely lost on me. Even Ellie's character model looks less "young Elliot Page" and more "young TLoU 2 Ellie".

Fair point on the TLOU 2 PS5 upgrade though. That could easily serve as a way to familiarize the team with the architecture as well. Far more requests for that in any case.

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Is Meticulously Built and Crafted, Not a Cash Grab


@Resi32 no worries. Actually considered the possibility that was just a typo. In any case, not out to invalidate your opinion. It's not entirely unfair. But I do think people are dismissing the technological progress made in the time between 2013 to 2014 vs 2014 to 2022.

@pyrrhic_victory yeah I really think $49.99 would have been the sweet spot. Low enough that even some doubters might be swayed to give it another go but not dirt cheap like the recent GTA upgrade.

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Is Meticulously Built and Crafted, Not a Cash Grab


I personally don't think the first looks or plays as good as some seem to think (even the remaster) so I'm looking forward to playing this back to back with part 2. Still don't love the $70 price tag but eh, it is what it is.

Edit: Also feel the need to point out this is the first time we'll be able to play as Joel with TLoU2-style gameplay mechanics. And I'm fairly stoked about that.

Re: Soapbox: PS Plus Premium Has Turned My Email Inbox into a Nightmare


"Here's the thing: the subject line of these emails has been striking fear into my heart once a month for the past ten years or so."

Yeah as someone who rarely makes ps store purchases, these emails momentarily startle me. I see "thanks for your purchase" in my inbox and immediately think "oh crap."

And suggestions to just filter your inbox really defeats the purpose of purchase notifications.

Re: Reaction: PS Plus' PS5, PS4 Restart Is Welcome and Smart


I complained about Plus often and thought Now was trash but honestly the revamp is fairly solid so far. I'm locked into Premium for a year+ but will probably just stick with Extra after remainder of sub runs out because I don't find classics that appealing.

Like others have said though, kinda depends on how often the catalogue gets a refresh.

Re: Sucker Punch Staffing Up for What Sounds Like Ghost of Tsushima 2


@themightyant I also fell off this game. Bought the directors cut on sale. Really enjoyed it over a couple weeks, playing here and there when I had time, and basically just dropped it after unlocking 2nd island.

Extremely polished and all but it was just so repetitive. Am I crazy? Feel like everyone not only finished it but wants more and I couldn't even be bothered to get half way through.

Re: New PS Plus Ad Is Absolutely Packed with Game References


@NEStalgia yeah I got the sense it's one of these "selling a feeling" type ads but idk, even in that regard it came across rather lackluster. Maybe I didn't get enough of the references (which then makes me question if this is for hardcores or casuals).

But again, it's gonna be hard for me in just about any context to give praise to an industry dedicated to trying to manipulate our lizard brains for profits. Not to be that guy but advertising (on this level at least) is just kinda gross.

Re: Hot Wheels Unleashed Is Going Jurassic in Its Next Racing Season


@TheCollector316 yeah the grind on Hot Wheels is real. Tbf it's a manageable amount if you begin when the season starts but with only a few weeks left it'd be a ridiculous amount of repetitious single player racing to get the last car.

And I say single player because, as you mentioned, trying to get points from online racing is incredibly inefficient because everyone picks the stupid long custom tracks and it takes forever to load into so even if you get first place every race, which isn't going to happen, you're still better off picking a short single player track and busting 5 of those out in the time it takes to finally finish just one online race.

And honestly, if not for the daily challenges I'd never get anywhere on the season pass because I don't really love sitting there and grinding out the same track for hours.

Also really unhappy that one can buy the Ultimate Stunt Edition but that still somehow doesn't give access to all post-launch content. Like I'm okay paying for season passes but the expansion packs? Like they should all really come with the Ultimate Edition.

Re: The Last of Us: Part I Has a $100 Version, and It's Already Sold Out


@NEStalgia idk just seems like the (first) world is full-time selling crap no one actually needs. Like yeah, do I absolutely need this? Of course not but I'd love to play it again with improved mechanics and graphics. Because I thought that's what this whole thing was all about. Or why else is half the world clamoring for a PS5? I don't think it's so they can play a decent enough PS3 remaster off their Plus Collection?

But I'm not gonna lie I am a little disappointed they've decided to charge the price of a brand new AAA game. I think 49.99 seems more fair.

Re: The Last of Us: Part I Has a $100 Version, and It's Already Sold Out


@NEStalgia think you're being a tad harsh. This edition specifically does have a set of four comics which some people are in to. And as comics run about 3.99-4.99 a pop these days (that's not even talking limited variants) the added price doesn't seem unreasonable. Plus, the remaster came out in 2014. In 8+ years time you don't think there's not some new players who could benefit from a refresh? I know I look back at some games today I never got into and for some it's just too late; they look and feel too dated. And contrary to what everyone is remembering, TLoU is looking a little rough in comparison to what's on offer now. It's playable but of course it could look and play better.

In any case, I know I don't have too much of a problem buying the standard edition. The only copy of TLOU I ever owned came with my PS4 so actually buying the game outright (especially a greatly improved version) for the first time seems fine to me. I doubt I'm the only one in a similar situation.