Comments 1,560

Re: Rumour: Tons of PSVR2 Devs Porting PSVR Games to New Headset


@ReadySlayerOne just a heads up that the age recommendations for most VR headsets is around 12 or 13+ with HTC even saying children shouldn't use it at all. Definitely not out here to tell anyone how to parent but I did wanna just put that out there.

This stuff is fairly new and there's been very little to no research on the long term effects of VR on things like vision and brain development in children. Seems like most people in child development recommend exercising extreme caution in this area, in the absence of data.

Re: Stroke the Dog 2,000 Times for 71 PS5, PS4 Trophies


@Fight_Teza_Fight no they don't have any "real" value, although Sony Rewards did have the trophy pass program up until 2019 which allowed users to earn points on trophies and I think they'd be a little more willing to crack down on this nonsense were that still around.

But anyway back to value, accolades rarely do have value except to the recipient. And that value, unquantifiable as it may be, is surely being diminished by a pay per plat scheme. It'd be like if I could just buy an Olympic gold medal just all normal like, at the store.

Re: Stroke the Dog 2,000 Times for 71 PS5, PS4 Trophies


@Fight_Teza_Fight idk, I'm not big into trophies so this doesn't impact me much but this really does dilute their value. There are people putting on impressive displays of platinum-snagging and then you have the option to just basically buy them. And if you're just looking at totals, they all weigh the same. That's a busted system if you ask me.

Re: Orlando Bloom, Archie Madekwe Join the Cast of Gran Turismo Movie


Orlando Bloom is pretty much always Paris to me. Hard for me to get that image of him out of my head for whatever reason. I think it's one of those things where the character is just way too close to what I figure he's actually like. Idk.

Anyway, there are worse actors and this also isn't the dumbest premise so y'know, we'll see.

Re: PSVR2 Isn't Backwards Compatible with PSVR Games, Sony Confirms


@BritneyfR_ee recently moved a ps5 into my kids' room where their ps4 had been. Never had any trouble with the ps4 WiFi at that location but the ps5 in the exact same spot acts like I'm a block away from my router. The connection is abysmal. I can hardly connect just to get a game to start downloading, much less play anything that requires a connection.

Really seems like it's an issue with the ps5.

Re: Horizon Call of the Mountain Looks Gorgeous in Brief Glimpse at PSVR2 Gameplay


@theheadofabroom yeah even the floating hands do some funny things sometimes, which is admittedly distracting, so I could see how this could be amplified with poorly tracked/rendered arms but idk, I think when most people imagine the VR of our future, it's a world where we have arms.

It's not a deal breaker mind you. Just a quibble. And an understandable omission given where we're at now.

Re: Stranger Things' David Harbour Joins the Cast for Gran Turismo Movie


@BeerIsAwesome yeah true. Especially in China who Hollywood pretty heavily caters to, for better or worse, so it makes sense in that regard. Guess I'm just wondering if it's a movie for gearheads or eSports fandom or a weird combination of both. And does that work?

Hey I thought Uncharted would be an absolute bomb but I was wrong there so what do I know. I'm not in the 18-30 demo anymore so it's entirely possible I'm completely out of touch.

Re: Round Up: Forspoken Previews Prove It's More Than a Meme


@Amusei I have the same query? Not even out to argue either but, idk, maybe I haven't seen enough of this game because nothing really screams woke to me. Though I guess, like everyone else, it's getting harder and harder to identify what that word even means from one person to the next.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Horizon Forbidden West and The Last of Us 1 Grounded in the Top 5


@Beerheadgamer82 just think when someone is happy to see some game "destroying" other games (whatever that means really), which is one of the first comments you're greeted with, it's hard not to be like, huh?

But fair point that overall the comments seem generally tame, even amusing. Guess I just assumed things went south from the jump, as they often do. I admit to not reading every comment. Though in my defense likening the rhetoric to a political discussion was meant to be hyperbolic.

And if you feel I've gone too off topic, or if anyone does, my apologies.

Re: Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Belatedly Swings to PC on 19th October


@RedRiot193 I think you're taking this way too serious. They're video games. Everything's gonna be okay if you don't play the first 3. Uncharted 4 plays fine on its own. As does Lost Legacy.

@SinfulDestroyer yes this specific collection of game + dlc that already existed for years became available in January, so it could be ported to PC. But in no way is this a new release.

Re: PS5 Overtakes Switch as UK's Best-Selling Console of 2022


@sanderson72 one can surely make an educated guess without official numbers and we do know from the investor report that the price was below manufacturing costs. No concrete reason to believe the recent price hike charged that.

And yeah there's selling at a loss and recouping on software sales but there's still only so much loss they can tolerate I'm sure. It can't just be any amount of loss.

Re: UK Sales Charts: The Last of Us 1, Horizon Forbidden West Champion PS5


I'm enjoying it. The improvements they've made really do breath new life into the game. I mean pretty much every area is the same and yet somehow new and different. Some more than others. Like you're just there like, was this always a post office because I don't remember this being a post office. Things like that. Like really fantastic work. Lighting is just loads better as well.

The facial animations too just really add a whole other layer of emotion to the cutscenes. Like the prologue, the Capitol building, etc... the scenes just hit different. It's like Part 2 but it's the original. More is conveyed now. It's that simple.

The AI seems a little smarter but playing on hard I still find it's still fairly easy to lure them around like idiots. Not to say I'm not ever caught up with and killed but I'm not seeing a huge difficulty spike or anything. I have tried to dodge numerous times though because it just frankly looks so much like 2 and plays so much smoother so that's been actually kinda frustrating lol.

It's just such a vast improvement I can't imagine ever going back to Remastered now. Well I actually did start it up for comparisons sake and oh my, does it look terrible now. Even before the remake came out I argued it looked dated but with the PS5 game now in existence it's really no longer a debate.

All that said I still think it was crazy I had to pay $70 for this game. Just wish it wasn't one I loved so much so I could have put it off for a sale.

Re: The Last of Us PS5's Pricey Firefly Edition Shipping in Shocking Condition


@huyi they are getting refunds and keeping the busted product. that's, that's not sucker cash grab territory really. that's called losing money.

How much it cost does not matter. Every dealership in the country is over charging way above MSRP for cars but this doesn't mean on delivery they can wreck it on the way to your house and say it's okay because you're a sucker for over-paying.

I don't understand why some of you are like this. Yes, the game is over priced. Can we like, move on from that now that it's out?

Re: The Last of Us PS5's Pricey Firefly Edition Shipping in Shocking Condition


@riceNpea @Smiffy01 oh yeah like I absolutely get it meant drunk first, I just don't get why. As you'd think it might be somewhat related to the word piss. Just think it's funny is all, the use of pissed in both contexts is just odd.

"Pissed probably sound more effective as a conveyance of annoyance because it's primarily thought of as a swear word"

Yeah it's pretty much exactly this. Swear words are also fascinating to me. Like the idea of a taboo word.... man we're a strange lot. Makes sense when it's a pejorative of course but just an offensive word for no reason? Bizarre.

But yeah, pissed off works here too. It just usually gets shortened.

Re: The Last of Us PS5's Pricey Firefly Edition Shipping in Shocking Condition


@riceNpea Miffed is a funny one because I remember watching a TV edited movie some time ago and they used this in place of some other word that might scar children or whatever. Joked about that for a while. It's just not really a word that anyone uses with any level of seriousness.

Irked and peeved also don't quite reflect an adequate level of anger either. They're more annoyed.

Don't know what it is but pissed really just perfectly captures the near apoplectic rage one was feeling when they recount an anger-inducing experience. It makes absolutely no sense mind you but how it came to mean sloshed is also a mystery to me.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy The Last of Us: Part I?


So much salt over a video game release. I wish my concerns were so few that I could get bothered over this but man, it really does not make the list. Even if this sets some precedent where all subsequent video game releases are just over-priced remakes I still can't say it really sours the quality of my life. Idk, maybe it's an age thing?