Comments 1,560

Re: Random: Can Sony Topple SEGA and Nintendo? Classic BBC Report Investigates


@BartoxTharglod yeah not a total diss of the 64. It just ended up not really hitting for me. But then I never owned a PS1 so I can't say it would have been better. Could have just been how things were at that time in my life. I was in high school and probably had other things on my mind than video games.

@Ralizah Mario 64 was a rare game for me in that I went all in on it, completing every possible thing one can do in that game. It was fairly near and dear to me at that time but I haven't revisited it since so I imagine yeah, it's probably almost unplayable now. MK64 was a blast with siblings so I look on it fondly for that reason more than anything else. And I always preferred Descent over Star Fox. I have no idea if that holds up though.

@JJ2 yeah it's never been charity. which is okay. just not sure I buy the somewhat common refrain that things have changed for the worse in this regard.

Re: Random: Can Sony Topple SEGA and Nintendo? Classic BBC Report Investigates


"and will increase our product portfolio."

I find this amusing in that I think there's a tendency to wax nostalgic about a time in video game history when it wasn't all about money, a time before all the greedy corporations took control and ruined everything.

But this guy is literally telling us in the interview that this move is mostly about selling more stuff to more people.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Horizon Forbidden West Back on Top, GT7 Sales Improve


@Ralizah @Atreus97 Yeah another bundle would be nice. GT7 specifically would make the most sense. An adventure-ish title bundle and a sports title bundle. As it is I've recently contributed to yet another physical sale for Horizon, despite already owning it, because I bought a digital PS5.

It's been surprisingly difficult to sell the digital code for the game also, especially with the game being on sale, so that's a bit of bad timing.

Re: Immediate Backlash as Sony Asks Players About Purchasing NFTs


@kyleforrester87 the 92% NFT sales crash might also be an indicator. There was an initial craze because it was new and celebs were pushing it. It's only a handful of enthusiasts left. And by enthusiasts I mean people who are left holding the bag and really want NFTs to take off again so they can offload.

Re: Immediate Backlash as Sony Asks Players About Purchasing NFTs


@get2sammyb I guess I'm not getting why companies need to take a serious look at NFTs when it's fairly clear everyone hates them. Feel like things usually work best when a business can find that intersection between what makes money and what people like. NFTs are just so clearly not it.

I'm more confounded than mad about it though honestly.

Re: MultiVersus Won't Be Affected by Batgirl and Warner Bros Drama


@Juanalf lol yeah I can see that. And if their track record weren't littered with abysmal decisions regarding their DC properties, I might also want to see it and judge for myself. This is kinda how I felt about the Snyder Cut but turns out, still mostly garbage. And as a DC fan it's just starting to get old so I'm willing to entertain the possibility maybe this is for the best. Just trying to silver lining this I guess.

@PapaGlitch Harley Quinn and the rest of their animated films are actually pretty good. Not sure why this never translates to live action.

Re: MultiVersus Won't Be Affected by Batgirl and Warner Bros Drama


To be fair it seems it was only mostly completed. And given statements about needing to "protect" the characters it's extremely likely, given DC film history, the movie was just trash so maybe shelving it and developing a ten year plan will look quite sensible in a few years time. Feel bad for the people involved though.

Anyway also good to hear this won't impact Multiversus. Not my cup of tea but it seems quite popular.

Re: The Last of Us HBO's Bella Ramsey: Fans Are Going to Love the Show


@PegasusActual93 eh, I just think looks matter when you already have characters who we've seen. A character from a book wouldn't carry the same expectations imo. But this idea that people aren't going to be picky about characters they've frankly fallen in love with seems a tad unrealistic.

But I'd agree, we cast actors to act. And English actors have proven incredibly adept at their craft. That's undeniable. But to give an example, I love Hugh Grant (who doesn't?) and we could cast him as the President of the US but he's probably better suited for PM. And we can leave POTUS to say, Billy Bob Thornton.

All that to say, actors can act but in some cases the visuals just don't align as well as they could.

Edit: and yes things to do get a little fuzzy regarding America because melting pot but I'm sure I could go to certain "rallies" here in the states and come back, sadly, with some unquestionably American faces.

Re: The Last of Us HBO's Bella Ramsey: Fans Are Going to Love the Show


@PegasusActual93 @SystemAddict I elaborated in subsequent comments and kinda tire of defending a statement that was meant far more playfully than everyone is taking it but I do feel the need to clarify again, this was not a "all British people look the same" type deal.

I simply meant some people have immutable physical characteristics that really are common wherever they are from. That's just, like, observation, not insult. Some Eastern Europeans look the part, some Scandinavians, some Irish etc. Why people are taking this as a negative I'm not sure but again I'll reiterate... I also think there are some Americans who look so undeniably American-ish, they'd probably have a hard time passing as anything else.

Show business is, among other things, a superficial medium. And none of how one looks really matters all that much except in this case. Even then, it was never meant as an insult. People look a certain way. I look a certain way. Didn't know that would be quite so incendiary.

Re: Random: This Crappy God of War Knock Off for Xbox Does Not Look Legal


@IonMagi Absolutely agree. There are always some indie gems but it's hard to discern if any game outside of the most recognizable titles is worth your time when there's really way too much to sift through and there's not even a base level of quality control.

I actively try not to visit the store. That, to me, seems like a problem.

Re: The Last of Us HBO's Bella Ramsey: Fans Are Going to Love the Show


Like does Russell Brand even need to open his mouth for people to guess that he's British? Sometimes people are just so obviously British. I didn't mean to be controversial or even hurtful saying that. On the flip side there are people who look obviously American - like painfully so.

And then other times I look someone up that was amazing in an American role and lo and behold they're British and I had no idea. This happens all the time. So not saying all British people look the same. Just that some very much look the part.

But to be clear, none of this was meant as a slight. So my apologies there.

Re: The Last of Us HBO's Bella Ramsey: Fans Are Going to Love the Show


@danzoEX @Richnj @AdamNovice @Weebleman I've already complained about Joel too, yes. And yeah they could have found someone more befitting of what I think of as Joel but the more images I see with Pascal in the role, I've gotten over it.

Just to be clear though, no problem with British actors taking on American roles. They usually do fine if not better. And yeah, usually better. I'm just saying some actors look quite British and I don't think of Ellie as looking that British. In the same way I don't think of Robin Hood as having an American accent while looking like Kevin Costner.

It's really a minor thing. Just think the casting on this is peculiar. But I already knew this would prove an unpopular and admittedly ignorant sounding opinion so that's on me really.

Re: The Last of Us HBO's Bella Ramsey: Fans Are Going to Love the Show


This is gonna go over well on this site but I'm sorry, she looks visibly British... which hey great for say 28 Days Later or whatever but not buying her as Ellie. We'll see though. Lord knows I'm gonna watch it regardless. Just kinda surprised we couldn't find an all American looking tomboy in the entire country apparently.

Re: Video: Did You Know All 20 of These PS5 Tips and Tricks?


@Deljo @riceNpea @WeirdAlUHF334 @PhhhCough
1) vibration, brightness can be adjusted
2) something to do with mic and haptics (idk)
3) mic can be set to off by default in settings
4) long pressing mic button mutes all audio
5) sleep timer for controller in settings or hold home button for 10 seconds to turn off

Quick Access
6) holding home button takes you home, tapping home button opens control bar
7) 'easy screenshots' setting allows for tapping share/capture button for instant screenshots
8) turn off screenshot save confirmation on settings
9) turning on auto upload allows captures to be accessed from mobile app
10) from home screen or store, pressing triangle then x brings up search
11) activity cards (Zzzz)
12) double tap home when playing to bring up trophy tracking and parties and such

Quality of life
13) before logging in, press options to hide online
14) home music can be turned off in settings
15) hover over icons in control center and press options to edit/rearrange icons
16) hover over a game on home screen and press options for menu that allows pinning to home screen
17) Spotify can keep playing even while in game
18) games can be added to wishlist, sale will prompt a notification (very handy)
19) console sharing (in user settings)
20) the PlayStation mobile app

So am I hired?

Re: The PS5 Stock Situation Finally Seems to Be Improving


Yeah the trick is getting the digital console these days. Disc edition (HFW bundle) is basically getting stocked every week at several different retailers, staying in stock for hours or more. In the US anyway.

Even then I still got a Digital Edition just yesterday from PS Direct but it is bothersome, imo, to be forced to shop via Twitter alerts. Especially when your job isn't conducive to you dropping everything to tap away on your phone.

Still it does seem a bit like a turning point. Feel like I can actually tell people in my day to day life I own a PS5 without worrying about being burgled later.

Re: Bungie Dials Back Communication Due to Threats on Employees


@NEStalgia never played that. funny.

true that education in general could be more well rounded and not be so geared toward "getting yours" in life.

yeah there were a couple times where AOL was just about the only way to access the internet. definitely got exposed to some weird stuff way too young lol.

Re: Bungie Dials Back Communication Due to Threats on Employees


@MasterVGuides yeah anonymity is equals parts bug and essential feature. and it takes a great deal of self awareness, self restraint, and frankly empathy to take full advantage of that anonymity and still treat others like you would in real life. It's something I certainly wasn't taught, but then the internet was just beginning to blossom back in my day.

But now... it's so integrated into our lives, I don't understand why there's not a greater push toward educating our youth on internet etiquette.

Re: Bungie Dials Back Communication Due to Threats on Employees


@get2sammyb Well don't take me too terribly serious. Perhaps I needed an emoji of some kind to help relay my intended playful tone.

Still, I can't be the only one that questions the cost to benefit ratio at times, especially in regards to social media. Like, threats of violence?! Over a video game? Just... why?

Re: As the Women's Euros 2022 Breaks Records, FIFA 23 Has Full Female Athlete Mocap


@EverydayRobot Everyone sees through your act is all. There are a ton of across the board improvements but you're choosing to not only dislike this new iteration, but also tell everyone about it, on account of one particular improvement. The dog whistle here is audible enough.

Funny thing is you'll almost certainly still buy it but continue to tell everyone you won't be taken in by woke features like these.

Re: School's Out for Summer in Riders Republic on PS5, PS4


Yeah I just don't get it. Like I guess it raises awareness. Maybe. Who knows. I have a hard time imagining someone not knowing about climate change but learning of it here first.

With that in mind, inserting piddly reforestation tasks in a video game seems a fairly hollow gesture in the face of oh, y'know, extinction.

But maybe I'm just being too negative about this idk. Maybe it's better than nothing. Or maybe it is nothing. Really hard to tell.

Re: GTA 6 Has a Female Protagonist, New Report Claims


@The_Moose 50% is probably a slightly overzealous estimate, I admit, but we may have to agree to disagree that people ought to hold their tongues in the face of backwards views simply for sharing the same country. There's some ignorance in every country to be sure but there's nothing wrong with pointing it out either imo.

Edit: or to put it a better way, I can understand being a little exhausted by this minority's intolerance.

Re: GTA 6 Has a Female Protagonist, New Report Claims


@The_Moose I think an example would be clinging to the idea that women are inferior, or representing them in media is an affront to one's sensibilities... I think that's the willful ignorance referenced here specifically, because any person living in the modern world should and does know better.

And yet, here we are in a thread where someone was banned because "female protag bad."