Comments 1,558

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


@Shalooda I would never consider gaming and golf anywhere near each other in terms of their affordability and accessibility to the every day consumer to be honest. I mean I get that some regular joes buy golf clubs but at the end of the day it's an extremely elitist sport. Never saw gaming to be that way. I grew up in a trailer house and still had a Nintendo. There definitely wasn't any golfing going on however.

But really my point was just trying to get others to see why people who didn't plan on getting this console might still care how it sells. Wasn't really my intention to get into a debate as to whether this is luxury or not. It's kinda all relative anyway.

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


@Kalime78 I really don't know what Sony will do. But you do have people even in this very comments thread resigning themselves to playstations being luxury items. That attitude is relevant. The price point for the "premium" model in 2024 is relevant to the price for the more powerful and newer gen model in 20XX.

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


@roe But there's an elasticity to it at the moment. Some of y'all (not necessarily you but just in general) are absolutely ensuring Sony prices this thing out of reach of people who kinda just like to have a console kicking around. I mean that's Sony's prerogative of course, if they wanna be Apple okay I guess but as consumers we do have a say in that.

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


@Pranwell why be concerned about a future purchase? it's possible I may not have quite the Buddhist, que sera sera attitude that others have but imo, that's part of being an adult honestly - planning for future purchases. Seriously no disrespect intended but I think some people are being way too unconcerned about how much things cost.

Re: PS5 Firmware Update Annoys with Unwanted Deluge of Ads, News Feed


I don't understand who defends any number of ads on a luxury gaming console. This isn't supposed to be ad supported. I bought the thing. It's mine. Good grief this is stupid but it's whatever I've come to accept I hate this gen and probably will all subsequent abominable manifestations of late stage capitalism. This is the world now I guess.

Re: All Eyes on Aloy (Again), as Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered Comparison Does the Rounds


Meh. It looks better in a way. But then the cheek bones aren't as pronounced and the smile lines have completely gone away which do y'know help people look more like people. Plus something about the new image is too smooth, especially the clothes. But lighting-wise I like the remastered image. The glossy lips are silly but it is what it is. Regardless I doubt I could replay this despite absolutely loving it the first time around. I think the slog that was HFW kinda killed this series for me.

@Pushsquarian @Northern_munkey @MikeOrator @themightyant @Weebleman @AhmadSumadi @Kidfunkadelic83 I'm definitely curious who all has me blocked though. That would actually really bother me because I try really hard not to be too annoying.

Re: Stare Wistfully at The Last of Us Online PS5 Multiplayer Menu Screen


"Factions, The Last of Us 2013's multiplayer offering was a long time ago, folks; expectations are vastly different these days."

Look, don't get me wrong, Fortnite is a behemoth and one can't ignore its existence but there's an audience for alternatives. I'm certain there are gamers out there who just can't get behind lollipop pickaxes and Ariana Grande skins. Like, surely that's not a controversial take.

Re: The Last of Us' Cancelled PS5 Multiplayer Was 'More Fun' Than Any Other Online Game


@EfYI fan of ND but there's no question this is a leadership blunder. Whether that's at ND or SIE is up for debate but clearly someone f'd this up. And when you think about how you can get fired from a normal job for so much less it'll be frustrating but not surprising to see absolutely nothing change.

Well, I guess Jim Ryan's already on the way out and that's probably the closest anyone will get to accountability.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


@AK4tywill Yeah I'm really not seeing how it was one or the other. everyone is just accepting their PR speak framing. not sure why.

Obviously they aren't going to say "yeah we could have scaled back our mp ambitions but then that wouldn't bring in gaas money so Sony had us cancel." But that's ultimately what happened.

Re: The Last of Us' Cancelled PS5 Multiplayer Was 'More Fun' Than Any Other Online Game


Not a fan of online games and had mostly just a curious interest in this but this is complete BS.

And I don't buy that this is a result of ND taking on too much, especially not when you consider Bungie's involvement. It's probably more like, game wasn't live service enough and it was gonna take too much to make it so (to make the changes Bungie wanted).

In any case, it's an absolute embarrassment that a flagship studio leads fans on for years just to cancel. This isn't some Kickstarter project. No excuse for this imo.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for December 2023?


@B_Lindz I think @MatthewJP is being sarcastic with you. The point being you can't play Epic games on your PlayStation and you'll need a fairly new device to run these games so it's not a great comparison.

I'm not picking a side either, I don't have a PC capable of paying anything worthwhile and I've recently quit Plus because I don't see the value in it.

Re: Does Busting Make You Feel Good? Playful PSVR2 Post Goes Mega Viral


@riceNpea that's what I'm trying to say. I'd argue the busting line isn't as recognizable. I didn't recognize it when I read the headline in fact. Never seen it referenced in any promotional material outside of this tweet either.

We can agree to disagree on that though. My familiarity with something isn't the end all be all for how common it is for everyone else.

Re: Does Busting Make You Feel Good? Playful PSVR2 Post Goes Mega Viral


@riceNpea the song's line, is itself, an innuendo. I'd also argue this is a fairly obscure line. It's not in a verse and not part of chorus. But that's certainly up for debate.

But by "in my mind" I mean that's how you get by with an innuendo. It's not explicit but makes a connection to things we all know to mean other things... thus we all get the meaning (in our minds) without being overtly vulgar.

Re: Huge PS Store Black Friday Sale Live Now, 1,000+ PS5, PS4 Games on Offer


@NinjaSixx but you can buy store credit at a discount quite frequently. Then there's PlayStation stars points along with PlayStation Visa points (if you have those). I'd say it all shakes out about the same if you play things right, with the exception of resale... physical does have that advantage.

Also, for some of us, the PlayStation store doesn't collect sales tax so that's basically a 10 percent discount where I live.

Re: PS5 Slim 'Not That Much Smaller', According to This Teardown Video


@PsBoxSwitchOwner it looks quite a bit smaller to me, don't really understand where that headline came from. I'll probably continue to call it a slim like everyone else because it's smaller and gets the point across without saying version two, or redesign, or late 2023 model or however we're supposed to identify it.

Re: The Last of Us Season 2 Filming Will Start Early Next Year


@Fiendish-Beaver funny thing is she's actually closer to the age of part II Ellie already so I don't think she's going to get to a point where she looks much older any time soon. Still seems like bad casting imo but it's whatevs.

I'm sure the series will still be pretty solid regardless.

Re: This Is Probably the Most Spectacular Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Marketing Yet


@nessisonett yeah the thing is just so Vegas. A monument to excess in one the most excess friendly places in the US. does look like a cool concert venue though, I'll give it that.

more to the topic though, I'll be glad when all this Spider-Man fervor dies down. No hate no shade as the kids say but the game doesn't seem all that and I look forward to first party stuff that's a little less lowest common denominator.

Lol now I'm out here being elitist

Re: Ubisoft Exec Says Physical Sales Slowing, But They're Not Going Away


@EVIL-C this is hardly worth going back to at this point but I'm rarely on here and don't want things misconstrued. Saying that someone is kneecapping oneself, by taking the digital over the physical, sounds elitist yes. Not just the word on it's own. Because if one wanted the console with a smaller profile, a larger capacity SSD, and has no use for physical media (and can possibly sell the physical for the price of a digital)... I don't know, that just didn't seem like the bad deal you were making it out to be unless you meant that the digital, because it has one less feature, is by default inferior. If that's not the way you meant it then all good. Bygones.