Comments 1,560

Re: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Studio Clarifies 'Paywalled' Voice Acting DLC


@ShadowofSparta I'd respond by saying there's a real difference between NPCs not speaking Elvish (when they could be) and asking people to pay up for gun sounds in COD. Like, again, Elvish - not exactly necessary. In the same way that it isn't necessary for everyone to be speaking French in The Last Duel, or Comanche in Prey.

But to answer your question if I find the bundles of any game to be gallingly nickel and dime I either buy the cheapest bundle or I just don't buy it at all. It's fairly easy not to play their game, both literally and figuratively.

I'm not so much defending this as I am registering my surprise at how up in arms everyone has gotten over this. It's VO work for NPCs in a game no one in this thread was gonna buy anyway.

Re: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Studio Clarifies 'Paywalled' Voice Acting DLC


@Jaz007 @Korgon yeah I was fairly certain even when posting those examples weren't great comparisons (but then neither is the Capcom example) and i'd also agree this decision is a bit nickel-and-dime-like. So I'll acknowledge some level of eye-rolling is a little warranted.

However, this is voiceover work that's just not that integral or necessary. It's only something a LOTR nerd would really appreciate. And it's bundled with other things that nerd was probably going to want anyway. And so it works more as value added to that bundle or DLC than taking away from main game. So I just cannot see getting worked up over this is all. It's such a minimal loss to the overall experience.

Honestly @burning_as_souls put it better in comment 33.

Re: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Studio Clarifies 'Paywalled' Voice Acting DLC


@Jaz007 @NoFaceBigFoot @Korgon Hard to come up with any concrete examples on the spot but I'll make up an imaginary scenario of a sports game selling a champions edition that includes previous era championship players but it costs more. Is that wrong?

I mean, I figure you care that much about the extra content or you don't. And then you can purchase whatever product you want accordingly. There's 3 price tiers for the new Diablo. I'm definitely in the standard version tier because I look at the extra content provided in the others and kind of chuckle, as I'm just not that into Diablo. But other people are and those options are there for them, but yeah they are more because you get more.

And with this game specifically. I'd be fine without the elvish-speaking NPCs so I wouldn't care about not having it. Which would save me money. Seems like a good thing.

Re: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Studio Clarifies 'Paywalled' Voice Acting DLC


Maybe I'm just as unmoored to popular sentiment as these devs but this doesn't seem at all that egregious. Resources went into hiring and recording elvish for NPCs that didn't really have to because the casual fan probably isn't going to care. For those who do care, however, there's an edition for that. And yeah it costs more, because, uh, there's more included.

What am I missing?

Re: Suicide Squad PS5 Game Delay Now Official, Out in February 2024


@Tharsman given the original rumor, I'd be on board the hate train with everyone else if it were delayed a few months but like, stands to reason that if the rumor was only half true about how much of a delay we'd see maybe it's also not completely true about how much is changing.

Just seems bizarre to already write the game off when we really have no idea what'll happen by Feb '24. And that's assuming this is the last delay.

Re: Aliens: Dark Descent Nails That Oppressive Alien Atmosphere in Latest Preview Gameplay


@ItsBritneyB_tch @havoc33 Newt and Hicks was a gut punch for sure but I was okay with it because yeah, that fits the franchise. Even Cameron's Aliens is fairly brutal so I wouldn't go as far as to say it hasn't aged well but that's just me. Overall though 3 felt like an overall good conclusion except the fx really haven't aged well in some parts. Then you have the Assembly Cut improving things and getting it mostly right but for the dog/cow switcheroo and sloppy looking effects. So I absolutely wish it could get some kind of anniversary post-release revamp.

But with Fincher essentially disowning it and Fox or Disney or whoever owns it now being entirely apathetic, I doubt we'll ever get anyone to care enough about it to put in the effort, or money.

Re: 32 Games Will Be Taken Off PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Month


@UltimateOtaku91 I've certainly kicked myself a few times after a game purchase turned into yet another Plus giveaway but at the same time it is nice to not have any anxiety about how long you'll have to play games when you actually buy them.

And wow, apparently even first part titles aren't safe.

Re: PSVR2 Horror Afterlife VR May Lead to a Loss of Sleep


@Hoodie718 Resident Evil has a vibe or tone that I just can't take seriously so I don't find it the least bit scary. Horror is kinda like that though. If it can't hit just the right notes it can come off unintentionally comical.

I'm still holding out for Alien Isolation in VR. That's true fear for me. Or maybe a Silent Hill.

Re: Site News: Love What We Do? Become a Push Square Supporter


@NEStalgia what you're describing though, it just seems a tad self-fulfilling. Like it's definitely a way to look at it but I'm not sure you have to have that perspective.

I'm probably gonna see the tag and look at it one of two ways... someone has money to burn for a status symbol or they care about the well being of a website they use. And I'll think it'll be obvious who's in what camp most of the time so, idk, I guess that doesn't worry me terribly. Not just yet anyway.

Re: Site News: Love What We Do? Become a Push Square Supporter


@NEStalgia i totally get what you're saying but on the other hand it probably already felt that way to a lot of folks. I can't be the only one who thought there's this subtle separation between the usual suspects and the rest of us. But I suspect that changes if you're here long enough. And really if you're here long enough, will the badge really carry the weight you're suggesting?

Re: PS Plus' Day One Addition in April Mixes Mario Maker with DOOM


Meh, idk. I have a life (sort of) and a job so games like this that require a huge time commitment, or savant like architectural skills, just aren't realistic options. They sound cool in theory, but when how you spend your time is kinda zero sum, I'm not seeing doing anything more with this game than booting it up once just to turn it off 15 minutes later and never touch it again.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 8 - Streamlining Hollows Out Iconic Moments


@Th3solution yeah I've certainly warmed to Pascal the more I see of him. Had only really seen him in the baby Yoda show and as a terribly corny villain in WW84 so not much to go on there. Still not 100% sold on him playing Joel but they definitely could have done worse.

I guess I didn't realize you are American. I assume everyone on this site is from the UK by default. Whoops.

It's understandable she'd be inexperienced. But she is an actor so I assume they were leaning into that inexperience for the show instead of training her to be capable with a firearm. I actually can't even form an opinion here because I haven't watched this far but I have no doubt, with British actors being some of the best in the business, she could have seemed more proficient if that's what they'd wanted.

But to revisit my original point, normal or not, kids can definitely be deadly. There are examples of this since the advent of guns or you can even look at the child soldiers in Africa for a more contemporary example. A kid with a gun ain't nothing to mess with anymore than an adult with a gun. Turns out it's kind of an equalizer across the board. "Oh you're bigger, stronger, and older... awesome, well I have a firearm so..."

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 8 - Streamlining Hollows Out Iconic Moments


@Th3solution Well context is always good. But don't let me disabuse you of the notion that America is full of crazies lol. And it's kinda funny you mention not knowing she was British. I got in a bit of hot water with a fair few PushSquare members for saying she looks too British. Which I should reiterate wasn't a slight at all, just simply that Ellie isn't and therein lies the rub (for me). And another disclaimer: i'm not at all saying all Brits look the same either. okay. well anyway hopefully i'm done being offensive for the day as it is quite early.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 8 - Streamlining Hollows Out Iconic Moments


@BadPlayerOne definitely no biggie. I wasn't so much offended as worried you might think of me as a typical gun toting American. I actually lived in England for roughly 3 years. Cornwall. I loved it and dearly miss going about the day without a fear of randomly being shot. And that's about all I'll say there.

@Th3solution it really kinda depends on who you ask honestly. For some it's a tyrannical government, for others it's a right to protect themselves generally. But yeah it's original intention was a check on government power. So basically we have Britain to blame lol. I mean, I've a pretty unpopular opinion on guns, even amongst fellow (US) leftist, so really I just try not to talk about it.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 8 - Streamlining Hollows Out Iconic Moments


@BadPlayerOne maybe it's my southern upbringing but I don't find the idea of a 14 year-old holding, and efficiently firing, a rifle to be at all unrealistic. Now could a 14 yr old take down dozens of men or zombies... Eh, maybe not a dozen but a few sure. Zombies would need to exist though and they don't so we're kinda back to that suspension of disbelief thing.

In any case, I certainly wouldn't go running at any teenager holding a rifle that's for sure. But again maybe this is a southern United States thing where you got kids in middle school and younger skeet shooting and hunting and all kinds of other things. Fairly normal.

Re: Funko Pop Tossing Over $30 Million Worth of Stock into a Landfill


@Flaming_Kaiser indeed. They make the joke about unsold MGK's and it's funny because it's true. Like multiple versions of a halfway popular artist whose demographic imo doesn't immediately jump out as the Funko demo. But yeah then you throw in all the marvel and star wars variations and all the different sized figures they have now and dioramas of bands on a stage and you can see why they're tanking financially, the way they just flooded the market.

Re: Funko Pop Tossing Over $30 Million Worth of Stock into a Landfill


Idk guys, this seems like the kinda thing that happens every day on a smaller scale at just about any place that manufactures anything. I work in printing, for example, and the amount of chemicals and paper and just all kinds of materials that get thrown out is staggering. On a daily basis.

Not saying either is good... but maybe we could dial back the "funkos are ruining the planet" rhetoric. Like, we're on a PlayStation fansite after all. None of our hands are particularly clean.

Re: Poll: Was The Last of Us - Episode 6's Reunion Worth the Wait?


@arsmolinarc yes we now have Joel with a black woman and Ellie and Tommy. It's like c'mon guys. Don't get me wrong, my wife is one of the lightest women I've been with and she's Mexican lol, so I get the appeal but like it's just getting weird now.

I mostly just laughed at Maria's race-swap though. Definitely not even close to the worst aspect of that episode.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 6 - Brothers Bond as Pace Quickens


@InsaneWade @kcarnes9051 @LimitedPower there's blubbering and crying when a loved one is dying in your arms and there's blubbering and crying during a therapy session. I think those are pretty different.

But it's true the pacing is different. As a result we've seen none of Joel's brutally. We've been told about it ad nauseam but thus far it's been Joel killing people under fairly understandable circumstances and even then somewhat hesitantly.

In any case far more apologists have popped on since I last got on here and started this reply and rather than turn this into a serious wall of text I'll just say adding complexity can fundamentally change a character that wasn't too complex to begin with. Joel was a regular dad and then stuff happened and then he became cold, disillusioned, bitter, and mostly uncaring. That's not really complex. And at some point the more you add, the more the character changes.

So agree to disagree here I guess. Like if in the upcoming GoW series Kratos starts crying and spilling his guts to Freya I'm not gonna call that adding complexity, no matter what Christopher Judge says.

And to be clear the changes aren't necessarily out of order, so no one need justify the why... I'm just saying he's different than the game, by a mile. And I didn't expect that, and don't particularly welcome it. But again that's just me.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 6 - Brothers Bond as Pace Quickens


@kcarnes9051 Joel has been noticeably hesitant, he's having panic attacks and blubbering and crying. You don't see that as a fundamental change in his character?

I think you can definitely make the argument his being more meek and frail (upon Ellie's arrival) is a very human response... but it's unquestionably different.

Last edit: also he immediately thanks Ellie for saving his life. Just flat out. Like no stubbornness about it whatsoever. Hell he never actually even says thank you in the game. Cause he's that stubborn. For better or worse that's who he is. This is, in no uncertain terms, a different Joel.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 6 - Brothers Bond as Pace Quickens


I think it can safely be said that this is something of a reimagining (especially in regards to certain characters) and while there's nothing wrong with that, it would have been nice to know that going in imo. I mean, when one of your main characters is just so fundamentally different it's, at the very least, a little jarring.

And don't get me wrong, obviously not everything can carry over from one medium to the other. Changes are expected. But like, imagine "Harry did you put your name in the goblet of fire!!!" but it's like that for every scene. That's just a different Dumbledore entirely.

Just one man's opinion.