Comments 1,560

Re: Returnal's Steam Page Getting Regular Updates, Reveal Seems Imminent


@dellyrascal In many respects, I feel similarly. I gamed on PC for years through my early teens and late 20s. And now I'm old(er) and just do not want to deal with the headache. So it's not something I stress over but yeah, if I were calling the shots console exclusives would remain on console - to further entice people into a proprietary ecosystem.

Yet despite me having it all figured out no one asks me to be in charge. 🤷 So it is what it is, yes.

Re: Returnal's Steam Page Getting Regular Updates, Reveal Seems Imminent


@dellyrascal yeah it's just that no one is stopping people who can't play Returnal (and other exclusives) from ponying up the cash for a console like the rest of us. Like when I love an exclusive title sure I'd like everyone to play it meaning I think they should get a PlayStation, not get the game on PC with better specs and cheaper.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


Sigh Like this comment from yet another article about TLoU Part I:

"The problem is that they are thinking of two different things.. the Naughty Dog Developers are looking at how much work they put onto it and how technologically superior it is... But that's mot relevant to most consumers.. consumers don't care about real time vs pre rendered or any of that... Only how betters it looks, and to the untrained eye it doesn't look $70.00 better"

Like, it's so back and forth depending on who you ask as to whether the issue is mechanics or it just doesn't look good enough. The mechanics criticism is somewhat more fair, even if certain mechanics would have broken the game, but it doesn't look that much better?! No one being honest can sit down right now, boot up TLoU Remastered, and say it looks even close to as good as 2. Which is what this remake is doing. Feel like everyone agrees 2 looks amazing. Probably the best looking game on PS4 but then you tell people well hey let's make the first one look like that and then suddenly the difference isn't that drastic in their eyes. It's like, what?

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


No worries on the lengthy reply. It's crazy how long a reply can get when you feel you haven't even said that much. Not sure I catch the deleted content part but in any case I'm not too interested in getting mired in an overly complex economic discussion. I frankly hate talking economics. Could be that I'm a child of the 80s and all I've every known is the unfettered capitalism that you say is a broken free market. I see it as just where capitalism is and always will end up but we can agree to disagree on that.

Not sure endless inflation on discretionary items was where I was going with my comments but yeah they are always going to go up when other costs (and wages) go up. But with considerations like market size also dictating how much prices can rise, as you've mentioned. Interestingly I've bought textbooks that were a couple hundred. Another racket for another discussion though.

Also like, the bloated budgets... I'm bewildered because budgets for every artistic medium have that. And it's either your thing or it's not. But I don't know that the companies churning out any high budget content are forcing the costs onto consumers because that assumes consumers have to buy but they don't. Big budget stuff isn't for everyone and that's okay. That's why there usually exists room for indie stuff. Movies, music, literature... I'm happy there's a spectrum. Should there not be?

But anyway, to swing this back around, I still think the leak was essentially a low blow. Even more statements coming out now about how much of a misrepresentation it is of the final product.

I could be wrong and this could be a near identical replay of 2077 but I'm willing to give these guys the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong. And I stand by the notion that this is probably the best approach to this. If they've yet to screw over consumers thus far, is it not possible people are just jumping to conclusions? And that's rhetorical, I'm willing to agree to disagree on this as well lol.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


@NEStalgia one thing that sticks out for me here is the broader convo on price points. I can honestly say my perception of a reasonable price is detached from valued added at point of production. Because frankly I have no idea about the economics on their side and really never have -and don't care that much if I'm being honest. Like when I'd send off for my $30-$40 copy of Rise of the Triad or Sim Ant in PC Gamer or whatever (back in the 90s)... did those prices reflect production costs? I have no idea but I can't imagine these games cost anything more than the man hours it took the nerds from that era to program/render graphics and gameplay. We're probably talking really small teams with really low budgets. And the money they charged then has little of that buying power now in any market. Yet the budgets and employees on AAA titles have grown astronomically, further blurring the lines in my view of what a fair price is. So fair price for me usually just comes out to whatever I can reasonably afford. Feel like it's that way with most things. Believe that's called price elasticity.

And so then we get into a larger conversation about capitalism, which I'm absolutely not here to defend but rather acknowledge the reality of its existence and its impact on how companies decide on price. Which is to say, it's always been about "what's the most we can ask for this without having adverse impact on demand." That's the universal calculation. Maybe you're right that there was a symbiosis before but idk, I'm more cynical on that.

Anyway, definitely have no problem agreeing $39.99 or possibly $49.99 at worst would have been the sweet spot for a game like this.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


@NEStalgia fwiw I don't like the price either. I've never defended the price other than to say everything is expensive at the moment so why not games. More resignation than a defense. But, even then this is the launch price which no one is required to pay if they don't want. That's why, in spite of really looking forward to this game, I still haven't pre-ordered. One, because pre-ordering is kinda dumb (unless it's a physical edition that could sell out) and two, I'm not sure if I want to pay $70 when I could probably just wait a few months and pay less. Much less I'm guessing.

But on the whole, the value added is greater imo than some people are giving it credit for. This is subjective though. I really love this game and maybe it's because I spent several months recently in a playthrough where my sole focus was capturing photos but this game really does look dated. There's this really large contingent of folks who won't even acknowledge that. Which I find odd. But for me, just the graphical upgrade means a lot. And in turn, is worth paying for.

And yes most of the disgruntled conversation is around mechanics, i.e. lack of prone and dodge. I almost took a screenshot of someone on Twitter saying they are going to sell their collectors edition when they get it because there's no prone. Lol. So yeah I get that's most of the criticism I'm just pointing out it's not the entirety of it.

Kinda like I'm not saying real time cutscenes is THE feature, anymore than cupholders are when you're picking a car, but it is something that's built in and maybe worth one's consideration. Just seems if some bit of work they've done, however small, benefits the seamlessness of your playthrough then credit where it's due.

I'm not entirely convinced this will sell all that well anyway. Or better yet, it will sell well but with all the negative press and people now having a more complete picture of what's on offer, it probably won't live up to whatever projections they may have had. Because I'll admit they botched this, much like Sony does, because this should have been a comfortable, right out of the park home run.

Still in a world where we have Nintendo, (or heck even Apple) it's hard for me to really grasp the fervent outrage toward ND/Sony here. They are certainly all guilty of shenanigans and if that's a bridge too far don't buy, or wait for a sale (at least in Sony's case because those other two companies wouldn't dare sully their reps pandering to broke plebs).

Wow that was longer than I intended.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


@NEStalgia idk, feel like there are several things you can't truly discern from the leak. Expanded accessibility options? Nope. Haptic feedback? Nope. Improved enemy and buddy AI? Also no. Real time cutscenes? Didn't seem to show that either.

The leak shortchanged the amount of work that went into this and almost purposely downplayed the vast improvements made by virtue of it releasing with no explanation of anything else the game might have going for it that wouldn't be evidenced in some selective snippets of gameplay.

Now I was solidly one who thought "upgraded gameplay mechanics" meant Joel going prone and dodging and such. I was wrong and despite their somewhat leading phrasing I feel like that's more on me; I assumed. So I'm disappointed but was that the only selling point for me? Absolutely not. It was just one more cool thing in what I see as a really cool remaster/remake.

And I'm gonna disagree that some aren't displeased because of what's being perceived as a lack of visual improvement. I can cite both comments from this site and Twitter saying there's no difference in visual quality (or so little a difference that it's negligible) and that's including the first video ND released of mostly cutscenes. And the leak just went on to confirm what some already wanted to believe.

And that's some of the issue I'm having here, if you could even call it that. I just think this leak served as confirmation bias to those who already wanted to hate this.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


@NEStalgia it's an incomplete picture of the final product. to dismiss that as nothing seems a bit bizarre. the leaked vids reflect very little of the actual final game. they are a couple minute vids of shoddily captured gameplay footage with absolutely no context. I don't understand how that isn't relevant. Simply put: no one is doing themselves any favors, in regards to making an informed decision, by judging a game off a few minutes of quality-compromised, compressed YouTube footage on a 5"-6" screen with no info.

And yet you literally had people in the comments of the leaks saying it doesn't even look that good or it was barely any different. Like bro, I watched Captain Marvel off a cam rip and it looked atrocious but I'm guessing in all actuality it looks pretty much the same as every Marvel movie.

Not saying to put blind trust in all promotional material either but to write a game off on the leaked footage alone is straight silly.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


@NEStalgia this isn't the same as the leaked footage though. Even the person who leaked admitted that it wasn't at the quality of final product due to their capture method. Yes, gameplay elements that many assumed would be added are absent from both, as they simply aren't in the game unfortunately, but it seems like people are just as critical of that as they were prior. We're just seeing a more complete picture of the other improvements with this promotional release.

But yeah the leaked footage did not represent the game in terms of visual fidelity, nor did it give a complete picture of all the additions. Surely you can concede that it's fairer to judge a game on official footage, rather than a few short, fuzzy videos.

Also don't see the harm in the redirect, but that's just me. I feel like you and I have been having an extension of the same conversation over like 5 articles. Discourse doesn't end because an article becomes inaccessible. And the leaked footage wasn't really genuine. This is. It really should take priority. Still plenty to criticize even watching official videos.

Re: Soapbox: No Free PS5 Upgrade for Persona 5 Royal Is an Insult to Fans and the Game Itself


@NEStalgia definitely won't argue with you that they could cost less. although albums are the price they are because bands/artists/record companies have the benefit of also touring. And my God are they proud of the couple hours entertainment they provide these days. Then with movies you have theatrical releases. That is much of the revenue stream right there.

Games simply don't have those luxuries. So I don't think they'll ever be able to compete price wise.

Some kind of meeting in the middle would be nice though.

Re: Soapbox: No Free PS5 Upgrade for Persona 5 Royal Is an Insult to Fans and the Game Itself


While I appreciate companies giving upgrade paths, I am struck by the way this is handled in other forms of media. When Counting Crows releases a remastered anniversary edition of August and Everything After I don't get a discount just because I previously owned the cassette and CD. Same with movies.

And I suspect more work goes into remastering games. Or it seems a more labor intensive creation to begin with. So Idk, how reasonable are we being here when we expect free upgrades?

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


Just reading the description of improvements because I personally would like to re-experience this going in as blind as one can but, yeah, I'm pretty excited for this.

A little bummed it's not Tlou2 mechanics but as others have pointed out, that makes sense given the work it would have taken to redesign levels.

Still don't love the $70 price tag but what isn't overpriced right now?

Re: Reaction: WTF Is Going on with The Last of Us PS5?


@get2sammyb From another website (I swear it was just this once and it meant nothing! ) and I thought it might be worth relaying:

"If you’re looking at the footage and you think it looks washed out, well that’s because it does – but that’s not an issue with the game. Baker* credits the issue with his source’s capture setup, so it isn’t how the game will actually look."

*Nick Baker of XboxEra

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Stray?


@Tsushima played for about half an hour and it seems perfectly enjoyable but I think I'd have waited for a sale if it hadn't come with PS Extra. Then again it's only 25 bucks so how much of a discount will it ever get really?

Still, seems more of an "occasionally play when I don't feel like getting invested in a major title" type game. Imo.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Has Its First GOTY Award Already


Well deserved win for True Colors on best narrative. I was skeptical of the emotions schtick in this one but, idk, the story really hit for me. Kinda wanted to spend more time with those characters in a way that I didn't with the first.

As for HFW, really enjoyed the game but it was also so marred by technical issues that I definitely wouldn't make it my GoTY. Wanted to, but just way too many glitches. And the story was honestly only so so if I'm being honest.