Comments 1,560

Re: Mortal Kombat 1's PS5 Kombat Pack Kontents May Have Been Accidentally Outed


@WallyWest The Boys, Invincible, and Peacemaker are popular, sure but they are still kinda niche. Just Amazon Prime in general is kinda small potatoes next to some of its peers in the streaming service market and that's where two of these shows are from.

And the Suicide Squad is already side characters, so any spin-off of a side character from a movie about side characters is only going to have so much reach, even if the great James Gunn is involved.

Re: Sony Says It's Too Early to Judge PSVR2's Popularity


@Heavy_Artilery I don't much care which is better, but I'm not sure any pc around $400-500 is gonna give you much of an experience, VR wise.

I couldn't run Minecraft dungeons from my PC and it was 600+. Which is fine, I didn't buy it for games but this is what people are going to run into when they go the PC gaming route.

Re: Sony Says It's Too Early to Judge PSVR2's Popularity


@Grumblevolcano I can kinda understand when people make this argument regarding other games releasing in a similar window, though honestly fans of Zelda should be reminded not everyone cares about Zelda, but in any case I'm not sure a $60 Nintendo game is anyone's main obstacle to buying a $500+ accessory for a $500 PlayStation.

Re: Sony Says It's Too Early to Judge PSVR2's Popularity


@EvenStephen7 yeah honestly his answer makes me fairly nervous. Lol, too early to tell sounds like corporate speak for we're losing money but hope it turns around without us investing even more. like, I'm thinking, should I sell mine now and get out from under this time bomb. Because if game development starts to trail off considering how little is already offered, I'm not sure it's worth it.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 Announced for PS5, Out 19th September


@JohntheRaptor as someone who is not at all an expert I'm pretty sure that was Shang Tsung as the big bad. With Lui Kang having rebuilt the world peacefully and Shang coming in to defy that peace. Don't even know if Raiden was in trailer but again, I'm no expert.

Re: Xbox Boss Admits Microsoft Can't 'Outconsole' PS5


@Tharsman @LiamCroft idk, I bought an xbox when I couldn't get hold of a ps5 but eventually sold it because there's very little on offer outside of game pass. Was I going to abandon PlayStation entirely? Absolutely not but could it replace the Switch as my secondary or maybe just become my third console? The potential was there.

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


@Agramonte it's up to the consumer sure but it's still a non-stop upgrade path where previously, with consoles, that was not the nature of the business. There was no path for upgrades until the next cycle.

What you describe with PCs is yes a non-stop upgrade path whether every consumer buys the new part or not.

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


@Intr1n5ic I mean we're two years in and it already can't do 4k 60 for what amount to ps4 games. Like, do we need a more powerful console or just time to optimize games for the console that exists is kinda all I'm wondering. Yes, obviously down the road the specs will be grossly insufficient but should they already be? And if so, were consumers not somewhat mislead? So if anyone were asking my opinion, which they aren't, I'd say maybe let's not throw a 5 Pro into an already muddled generation.

But Sony will do what they do. Given the lack of enthusiasm for the PS4 pro, though, I'd be surprised if a PS5 Pro were in the cards. I've been wrong before.

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


@Intr1n5ic yes games will continue to get better whilst leaving the base PS5 behind. Just seems like a bizarre strategy. And absolutely anyone can buy whatever they want day 1 or day 2000... I guess what leaves me a little bewildered is selling a revamp 4 years into a console cycle that was hobbled for 2 years.

And idk, kinda feel like you're saying some consumers expected 4k/60fps on everything when they shouldn't have but also the console achieves what it claims it can do which is 4k/60fps. You don't see any room for misrepresentation there, depending on the consumer's knowledge?

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


@Intr1n5ic I'm thinking some of the distaste comes from having bought a system that was never fully utilized before a new system was available. That's, yeah, a bit of a blow. You waited out stock issues and scalpers and finally got your hands on the current gen and a year to year and a half later your console isn't really next gen at all. Meanwhile you got what, Demon Souls and Gotham Knights to show for it? If you don't see how that's kind of a kick in the teeth, idk man. Hell, I can easily afford a new console but geez I barely just got this one.

Also, Sony is banking on people's ignorance with their claims in regards to what the console can and can't do. I'm not sure I'd be too proud of taking their side on that strategy. Kind of with @NEStalgia on this one.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores?


@Art_Vandelay yeah to be honest one of the reasons I haven't been too interested in the SW Jedi games is partly because I find the main character kind of bland. I guess that makes me a hypocrite but, idk, it doesn't have really much to do with his gender but maybe I'm just splitting hairs.

Deacon on the other hand seemed fine I just couldn't get into the game which seemed more a result of two fatigues coming together at once - zombies and open worlds.

Re: Soapbox: I No Longer Think Subscriptions Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Are the Future of Gaming


@get2sammyb 👍

Good article. I'd agree it's not a replacement. I actually think they've found a way to get us to pay for the opportunity to play games we wouldn't have bought otherwise, whilst still paying individually for the games we want. Which is definitely good for them but, as you mention, it's hard to get around to actually playing these subscription games so I'm not sure it's great for us but I guess if you have the money it's a nice supplement anyway.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores?


@kyleforrester87 even with a predominantly male demographic I find this obsession bizarre. And I'm not some kind of flaming feminist either. I just don't sit around giving a lot of thought to the minute details in a game character's appearance outside of "does the art look cool?" Like I give a **** what the mocap actor looks like. Idk, maybe I'm just a simpleton.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores?


Maybe it was the novelty of it but the first game didn't seem nearly as heavy handed in its messaging, whereas FW and Burning Shores seem to be really piling it on. Then there was the lack of chemistry in yet another potential 'ship (I swear there's been like 3 now and they all seemed more organic) along with some fairly cringe dialogue tbh. So that's the bad imo.

The good is that it was more robo dinosaur slaying in a beautiful future landscape. So there's that also. Still think the weapon/outfit upgrades are way too grindy but overall the gameplay itself is always a blast.

6.5 / 10 for me.

Re: PlayStation Is No Longer Officially Verified on Twitter


@kyleforrester87 can we agree he seems maybe only a tad above average in terms of intelligence? Like he's no Bill Gates or, and it pains me to say this, Mark Zuckerberg.

I take Nessi's "stupid" comment to be slightly hyperbolic. A comment to counter just how much praise Musk gets for seemingly very little in the way of results.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores (PS5) - Aloy's New Chapter Is Essential for Fans


@dark_knightmare2 yeah I've run it on 2 different ps5s. and it may be bad luck as I know people in real life playing it that don't have these issues but it's no less frustrating. I still even have this quest that won't complete for the salvage contracts because it's glitched and just moments ago I was fighting the bilegut or whatever and it just straight vanished and seyka started talking like we beat it. Like bruh why is my game trash?

Love the game for the record just hate dealing with this buggy bs.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores (PS5) - Aloy's New Chapter Is Essential for Fans


Have been diving back in the past couple days to reacquaint myself and try out the new DLC and both the base game and DLC are still a buggy mess for me so that's frustrating. Pop in all over the place (even in cut scenes along with stuff just moving/jumping around really weird). Robot dinos disappearing into nowhere in the middle of fights. Aloy still repeating things about an area even after you've already completed that story line.

It's pretty ridiculous. I thought after this much of a break and with all the updates the base game would at least be better. But nah.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Adds Thalassophobia Mode, Making Its Deep Waters Less Foreboding


@Loamy I think we're definitely in some agree to disagree territory on how one approaches management of a mental illness but I do definitely appreciate the additional context. Reading all of the comments together, with all of the various levels of dismissal, I probably mistakenly lumped yours into that category.

Aaaand, having read up on phobias a little just now (and thus clearly being an expert 😋) apparently simple phobias are treated by way of the desensitization you are describing. So maybe there's less agreeing to disagree after all but I guess I am somewhat uncomfortable advising someone to kind of go half-cocked facing their fears without maybe some additional professional guidance.

I'm also realizing after reading up on this that maybe what I describe as something that causes extreme anxiety is, in fact, a phobia. So how about that.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Adds Thalassophobia Mode, Making Its Deep Waters Less Foreboding


Wow, not sure how anyone can be against an accessibility option but here we are.

@Loamy with respect, phobias are a form of mental illness and depending on their severity they may not be something you can just will yourself out of anymore than anorexia or schizophrenia. We're talking about debilitating fears for some people. Not sure why so many users are rushing to minimize that.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Adds Thalassophobia Mode, Making Its Deep Waters Less Foreboding


@nessisonett yeah I don't have any phobias really... Public speaking maybe. Though fwiw lightning is a little scary. But all my hangups are really anxiety and stress related. Like your fireworks scenario, I can totally relate but it's not out of fear but more an extreme discomfort. Same goes with crowds in general. Like I won't go shopping any time but the early morning for this reason.

Buttons though, that's a new one. My daughter has cynophobia which I imagine must really suck because dogs are the most revered creature in America so that basically means no one will ever be the least bit sympathetic about it.