Comments 674

Re: PS4 Game Upgrades on PS5 Will Be Up to Publishers, But Sony Will Offer Flexible Support


In particular I want to know what will happen for Cyberpunk.
If the PS5 comes out and the only edition to buy is the PS4 version, it will work because it's backwards compatible.
CDPR can make a PS5 Patch to upgrade the game, if they want to but by default it'll just run like the PS4 version, but from an SSD so faster loading? Or will the PS5 have a boost mode like the PS4 Pro allowing for better resolutions/frame rates with no input from the developer?
That I guess is what I want Sony to confirm.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Think the PS5 Will Cost?


£350 was the RRP for the PS4 and Pro at launch so I think the Digital edition will match that. Even sold at a loss the gains from digital game sales will be substantial.
The version with a disc drive on the other hand... my guess is about £450.

Re: Sony's Change in Approach to E3 Showcases Is 'What the Fans Want'


I think a middle ground is best. Too much talking on stage can be boring but a complete absence with a sizzle reel reduces the hype imo.
I guess what nintendo has done with swapping back and forth between the devs talking and gameplay is what I like best. It being pre-recorded & edited should reduce the awkwardness and any waffling.

Re: Poll: How Much Do 'True' Gameplay Trailers Matter to You?


Showing off the idea/concept with a cinematic trailer is all well and good to build up a bit of hype and interest but what everyone wants is to see the actual game, how does it play and how it really looks.
Especially since we're currently looking forward to seeing just what the leap forward PS5/next gen will bring

Re: Don't Worry, the PS5 DualSense Controller Still Has a Headphone Jack


The main thing I want to know is, I assume it doesn't have back-buttons or they'd have mentioned them, so does my recently-purchased attachment fit with this controller? or if not hopefully they'll release a new model quickly as I've gotten so used to them.
I'm honestly surprised as the one 'next-gen' controller feature I wanted was built-in back buttons...

Re: Talking Point: In a Week Full of PS4 Game Delays, Are You Disappointed?


I wasn't happy FFVII was moved so close to Cyberpunk but then that moved back so at least they aren't crowding each other...
Cyberpunk being so close to the PS5's release means I might just wait and play it on the stronger console. Looking forward to seeing how PS4 games work and if they just run better or will look better too with patches or whatever.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Right to Skip E3 2020?


I've always enjoyed E3. It the biggest gaming event and something
to look forward to each year. Sony's absence sucks. If they put on their own conference/State of Play during that week then that's fine (albeit possibly less exciting given their SoP record) but if they're just not participating at all... I can only think that it'll make them less relevant during a period where everyone will be talking about the other big games and platforms.

Re: Soapbox: Sony Is Not Anti-Consumer for Making PS5 Exclusives


If the only difference with most exclusive games are the visuals then they kind of have a point. Does the PS5 really stand that far above? Feels much like the skip from PS4 to the Pro. Or how some companies are too lazy to port to Switch even though it could be done.
I'll be getting a PS5 straight away anyway so it doesn't matter much to me.

Re: Poll: One Week Later, What Review Score Would You Give Death Stranding?


The gameplay was so boring, I really wasn't enjoying it even though I wanted to and had been looking forward to the game for some time.
It has a lot of positives; music, visuals, I like the actors and the weird setting. The gameplay though? A complete dealbreaker. Not fond of the social aspect either, which is a fairly integral point of the game...

Re: Next Xbox Will Match PS5 Price and Power, Says Microsoft


So let's say they come out at about the same power and price points.
It'll come down to the games right? And everyone knows Sony has the best exclusives. Except... At the PS4 launch what did we have? Killzone, Knack and Resogun?
Long term we'll have them beat but if they say they're launching with a brand new Halo, what'll we have? That's the interesting question.