Comments 674

Re: Soapbox: 7/10 Is a Bad Review Score? The World's Gone Mad


There's two things really; One, most people have started expecting Sony exclusives to be amazing, must-play titles. That Days Gone isn't could be seen as a failure.
Two, games are expensive and take up a lot of time, Days Gone has come out in a fairly quiet period but if you wait say a month you're likely to get it cheaper. If it doesn't sound like you 'need' to play this new amazing game straight away and it's 'just' a good game then you may as well wait.

Re: Insiders Claim That Next Xbox Is More Advanced Than PS5


If Microsoft have a noticeably more powerful console then you'd assume it would also be much more expensive. Basically the problem the PS3 had at launch.
The idea of there being a budget and pro Xbox 2 at launch is... pretty unexpected. I guess they could undercut the PS5 with a 'digital-only' version and overshoot it with a more powerful model and capture both casual and pro markets in theory. Sounds risky from a business standpoint though, getting enough stock of both.

Re: Reaction: Sony's Surprise PS5 Reveal Was a Stroke of Genius


It's better than reading rumours for months on end as has been the case before but I feel like a single article with no images or video really did lack impact...
The average person reading all this will acknowledge: visuals will be nicer, there's better audio and an SSD will let things load faster.
Seeing it in action should impress but just hearing the specs? : /
A new console generation should be a grand affair, show us the controller and footage of what will be possible with it.

Re: Sony's Censorship Guidelines Tackle Sexually Explicit Depictions of Underage Characters


Just Googling quickly for a definition:
Sexually explicit; for example pictures of sexual activity or of a naked person displaying their genitals, buttocks or breasts. An image leaving little to the imagination can generally be defined as sexually explicit.

I just want to make sure my understanding is correct on the term because I thought explicit would mean full nudity or sex, which apart from The Witcher and GTA I'm struggling to think of any games that do contain such. Senran Kagura for instance is suggestive but not explicit as far as I'm aware.

Re: PS Plus April 2019 PS4 Games Announced


I already had both of last month's games so it's better in that regard.
Still think we should be getting an additional indie game or two on top of these, only two games when we were getting like 5 before stings...

Re: Poll: Do You Think Google Stadia and Streaming Are the Future of Video Games?


I think it will eventually be the norm but not for a long while yet.
I don't really get how you can stream something in 4K HDR with surround sound at 60fps and play online with other people without any lag. Some places will have fast enough fibre optic but not most of us : /
Also not looking forward to a future where all games are online and you don't own any and if the servers are down there's nothing you can play.

Re: Sony Censorship Row Re-erupts with Inexplicable Devil May Cry 5 Edit


It's one thing if it's censored in the West. Another when the Xbox and PC versions aren't but the PS4 ver is.
What is Sony thinking? It doesn't change the age rating and therefore let the game reach more people... If someone is 'offended' by that they weren't going to buy the game anyway.
It just gives the impression that the PS4 is slowly not going to be for Adults anymore, unlike their competition. Certainly not something they want getting closer to the next Gen.

Re: Poll: Do You Feel Ripped Off by PS Plus' Recent Changes?


They removed half the games we were getting for free, didn't lower the price or add anything in it's place.
I've always said there should be a cheaper option for those that just want to play online and don't care about the discounts, games etc. You really are just forced to pay whatever they say if you want to play online with friends.

Re: Dead or Alive 6 - A Soft Sequel That Somehow Feels Rushed


Actually the 'softness' option just turns jiggle off. So it's either natural (dependent on costume material) or like stone.

I finished the story today and honestly really enjoyed it. It did feel rushed and I wish it was longer and more fleshed out (Not all the tournament matches were even in there!) but what was there I thought it was good fun.

The new mechanics and meter system I much prefer to what Soulcalibur VI added with RE and CEs forcing you to watch cutscenes multiple times each match and killing the flow of battle.

The visuals are nice but don't make as good use of the PS4Pro as I'd expected, unlike on xbox we don't even get HDR!

Re: PlayStation Plus March 2019 PS4 Games Announced


They're good games but I don't know why people are happy paying the same amount for PS+ and getting less. The total value of the games we were getting was higher when it included PS3 and Vita games.
There should at least be a third game if not a fourth. I think there should be a mix of indie and higher profile games, I rarely buy any indie games and own all the higher profile games I have any interest in so at least I'd get something I don't already have.

Re: Poll: Do You Think Sony Is Telling the Truth About Cross-Play?


How about; they've let Fortnite and Rocket League do it so what's the issue with anyone else?
I could understand if Sony just didn't want cross play but they've allowed it for some and not others...
I think it would help fighting games tremendously, anyone fighting people waaay above their rank in Soulcalibur since the population is pretty small would agree.

Re: ANTHEM's Trophy List Looks Like an Easy Platinum


At one point I was quite into getting trophies, they added extra challenges and play-time to good games if done well. Nowadays I'm happy to just find the time to finish a game and get to the credits.
It feels weird not having trophies in Nintendo games, in some ways trophies feel like you're being rewarded for accomplishing something, even if it doesn't actually amount to anything.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of Apex Legends?


What made Fortnite so big? It was free so no-one had any excuses not to give it a try and with friends these sorts of games are good fun.
Fortnite wasn't really my thing though, aesthetically and with the building and being 3rd person. Blackout is good but Apex blows it out of the water imo, and it didn't cost me anything! The map is way more interesting, the movement and guns feel great. The ping system is genius, you can play with randoms, not talk and still communicate effectively and win.
The different characters add variety and complement certain play-styles without any being OP (yet). There are so many small improvements over other BR titles that add up to something that's just more fun and refreshing to play.

Re: Free Dragon Quest XI Avatars Out Now on PS4


^ When you start the game put on draconian setting: Stronger Monsters. The game for the most part is too easy otherwise. Unless you don't want a challenge.
The soundtrack can be altered on PC to the fully orchestrated version that was later released if the MIDI quality is a problem and you're on that platform. Personally I was humming along after a while and enjoy the music.

Re: Dead or Alive 6 Can't Shed Hyper-Sexualisation Or Fans Will Leave


News: DOA is still DOA. If you liked earlier entries you'll like this one.
It is funny how Soulcalibur is just as full of fan-service, in fact probably more so with custom characters, yet DOA gets more flack. On that note, the new mechanics in DOA felt less intrusive than Soul Calibur's repeated RE and CE cut-scenes when I tried the beta.